Translations > Software > Functions > Local menu translation 

This function is used to translate the local menus and messages of the APLSTD table. Thanks to this function, the messages contained in each chapter are displayed in a list by chapter. The translation can be carried out in the selected Translation language in Entry mode, and with respect to the chosen Reference language.

Two types of items can be translated in this function:

  • The description of the chapter of the message
  • All the various messages contained in this chapter.

In Entry mode, 3 mandatory fields are requested to the user:

  • The Reference language
  • The Translation language
  • The chapter to be translated from the Reference language to the Translation language

Afterwards, the description of the Chapter is displayed in the Header, as well as the list of messages in the result table.
For each message of the table, 2 lines are provided:

  • The first line corresponds to the text of the message in the Reference language.
  • The second line corresponds to the text of the message in the Translation language.

=> At this stage, the Translation can be updated, either for the description of the chapter, or for the message line(s) in the Translation language.


In order to facilitate the translation process, 3 Selection actions are available in the "Chapter" field:

  • The first action is used to perform a simple selection on the various Chapters of the database.
  • The second action is used to list the various dedicated code ranges (for information purposes).
  • The third action is used to select exclusively the Chapters of messages containing descriptions or messages to be translated.

In the result table, a checkbox "To translate" is used to know which message must be translated, but also the modification date of the recording.

For further information on Local menus and Messages or inquire the various existing ranges, "Standard" or "Specific", see the following help documentation: Local Menus.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Defines the reference language from which the validity of the translation is verified.

Defines the Translation language


  • Chapter (field LANCHP)

Defines the chapter number of the Local menu or Message to be translated.

  • Description (field LANCHPREF)


  • Translation (field LANCHPTRAD)

This field is used to enter the translated description of a Local menu or Message chapter.

  • field ICO

Icon used to launch the search on a the where-used of a chapter in the database.

  • field WINFMES


  • Module (field CHPMOD)

This field corresponds to the module of the local menu.

This field corresponds to the modification operator of the description of the local menu chapter.

This operator is defined by the user code of the person who last modified this description (UPDUSR). However, if no change has yet been performed, the creation user code will be taken into account (CREUSR).

Grid Messages

  • field DUMMY


  • Number (field LANNUM)


  • Code (field CODE)

No help linked to this field.

  • With message (field LANMES)

This field is used to enter the translated text of a Message of a Local menu chapter.

This field corresponds to the modification operator of a message in a chapter.

It is defined by the user code of the person who last modified the message (UPDUSR). However, if no change has yet been performed, the creation user code will be taken into account (CREUSR).

  • To translate (field TRA)

Checkbox used to know if a message of a Local menu chapter must be translated or not.

The detection process of a untranslated "message text" is as follows:

  • The text in the Translation language (target) is the same as the Reference language
  • The Source language of the message is entered for the text of the Translation language
  • The flag "NO translation" in the Local menu of the message is not positioned in the AMENLOC table  


  • The text of the Translation language is blank but the one of the Reference language is not.
  • The flag "NO translation" in the Local menu of the message is not positioned in the AMENLOC table
  • Date (field USRDAT)

This fields provides the modification date of the description of a message in a chapter.

It is defined by the last modification date of the message (UPDDAT). However, if no change has yet been performed on this message, the creation date will be taken into account (CREDAT).



Specific Buttons

This button is used to search a text according to one or several selection criteria.

This button displays statistical information on the Translation level of messages.

This is used to know the number of translated Messages with respect to the whole database.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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