Usage > Batch server > Query management 

Use this function to list and track the tasks (requests) sent to the batch server, either from a request submission or request files placed in a dedicated directory. 

You can use it to relaunch and stop tasks, and for starting recurring batch tasks.

You can check the status of the batch server. Each task executed by the batch server is assigned an individual process ID.


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Screen management

The Query management function displays the list of tasks submitted to the server (released or not released) and their statuses.

Entry screen


Each line in the Query results grid (table) is a task submitted to the batch server (released or not released). Each task has a status and is displayed using a color. The color reflects the status of the task. The standard colors are as follows:

  • Green. Task currently being executed.
  • Black. Task finished without error.
  • Red. Task interrupted or terminated with errors.
  • Blue. Task pending execution.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Queries

  • Number (field NUMREQ)

This number identifies this task (request). It is a sequential number assigned automatically from an initial number defined in the batch server parameters.

This field defines the folder in which execution of this task was requested.

This code identifies the launched task.

Defines the language in which this task is expressed.

This field defines the code of the user who launched this task.

  • Date (field DAT)

This field defines the planned start date for this task.

  • Time (field HEURE)

This field defines the planned start time (on the defined date) for this task.

  • Single (field MONO)

This field is set to 'Yes' or 'No'. If set to 'Yes', this task can only be executed in single user mode for the folder.

  • Status (field FLAG)

This field displays the current status of the task in process. The values are defined in Local menu 21 - Query progress status, as follows:

  • Standby. This task has not yet started.
  • In progress. This task is currently being executed.
  • Finished. This task has finished without errors.
  • Held. This task is part of a group in the process of execution, or it has been blocked manually by an interruption.
  • Kill. A user has requested the termination of this task.
  • Canceled. This task has been interrupted.
  • Error. This task has terminated with an error.
  • Overdue. This task is overdue. It will be submitted for processing immediately (using a file as an intermediary).
  • Warning. This task finished on a non-blocking error code (GERRBATCH variable<100).

  • End time (field HFIN)

This field defines the time of execution of this task (on the defined date). This field is only displayed if this task has been launched and execution is complete.

  • End date (field DFIN)

This field defines the date of execution of this task. This field is only displayed if this task has been launched and execution is complete.

  • Task type (field TYPTAC)

This field is defined by Local menu 20 - Batch Task Type. It defines whether this task has been launched as a process or a script (shellscript or command file) executed on the batch server.

  • Script (field ETAT)

This field displays the code of a process or a script if this (launched) task does not correspond to a basic function.

  • Server (field SERVER)

This field displays the number of the server assigned to this task.

  • Port (field PORT)

This field displays the (port) number of this task on the defined server.

  • Session ID (field SESSIONID)

This field displays the unique number assigned by the defined server to this task.

  • Process no. (field PROCESS)

Each task (request) is executed by a process on the application server. This field identifies the process number (this is usually called the process ID or PID) for this task.

  • Time-out (field TIMOUT)

This field, if populated, defines a timeout duration, that is, a time limit above which this task will be stopped automatically if it is still running.

This field is populated if this task belongs to a (launched) group of tasks. The code, if displayed, is common to all tasks in the group.

  • Order no. (field NUMGRP)

This field is populated if this task belongs to a (launched) group of tasks. The number, if displayed, is common to all tasks in the group.

  • Sequence (field SEQGRP)

This field is populated if this task belongs to a (launched) group of tasks. The number, if displayed, represents the sequence number of this task in the group.

  • Frequency (min) (field FRQ)

When the batch task is launched at a specified frequency every N minutes, this column defines the value of N.

  • Reminder (field IMPETX)

This field is populated if this task has been subscribed to be executed with a frequency. Each time this task is relaunched this column is incremented by 1. The number displayed represents the number of times this task has been executed.

  • Batch file (field JOB)

This field is populated if this task has been launched using a job file (see the corresponding technical appendix). It displays the name of the submitted file (without the extension).

Block number 2

  • field PAGCUR

This field displays the number of the current page, along with the total number of pages.



Action icon

Parameter entry

Click Parameter entry from the Actions icon to change the request parameters (whether pending launch or already finished) for this task.


Click Interruption from the Actions icon to interrupt the execution of this task. You will be prompted to confirm your reason for interrupting this task.


Click Modification from the Actions icon to modify prior to launch, the date and time of launch, and the execution priority of this task.


Click Log from the Actions icon to display the trace file for this executed task. The trace file is prefixed 'RQT' followed by the request number. It can be found in the TRA directory of the SERVX3 directory (which is located in the Runtime directory).

Relaunch query

Click Relaunch query from the Actions icon to create a new task with the same launch parameters as this (original) task.

By default, execution of the new task is requested for the same day, a few minutes after selecting this action. Use the Modification action to modify the date/time of launch of the new task.

 The original task must have been launched in the current folder. It could have been launched by a different user but its relaunch will be performed on the current user's account, after verifying the user's access rights.

Restart recur. task

Click Restart recur. task from the Actions icon to restart this task as a recurring task.




Specific Buttons

Click the Delete action to delete the current task.

 This action is only available for tasks pending execution. Use the Stop action if the task is in progress; use the Purge action if the task has finished.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

Use this field to define the code of the folder in which this submission query must be launched.

Use this field to define the code of the user launching this submission query. This field is mandatory.

  • Password (field PASSE)

Use this field to enter the password of the user launching this submission query.

Block number 2

It defines a group of tasks to be launched.

It defines the code of the task that will be launched automatically by the batch server.

Use this field to define the code for the language to be launched automatically by the batch server.

  • Date (field DAT)

This field defines the planned start date for this query.

  • Time (field HEURE)

This field defines the planned start time (on the defined date) for this query.

  • Template (field JOBMOD)

If this field is selected (ticked), a file containing the defined parameters for this query will be generated in the template file directory (batch server parameters) and the query will not be submitted to the server. The file name is the task code suffixed with '.mod'. The file becomes a template that can be used to create the .job files that permit creation of the batch requests.


Click the Query action to submit a new task request.

Click the Update action to refresh the task list and corresponding statuses. Alternatively, use the Refresh (F5) key.

Click the Log action to display the general trace file for the server (start time, request launch, end of request). The trace file is called server.tra. It can be found in the TRA directory of the SERVX3 directory (which is located in the Runtime directory).

Click the Purge action to purge the table lines. All requests completed on a given date (as defined in a separate window) are deleted from the task list.

Click the Information action to display the current Batch server details.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The request is no longer waiting to be executed
Cancellation impossible.

This message is displayed when an attempt is made to delete a task that has been executed.

No request in progress

The request to execute, or the executed request table, is empty. This might occur after a purge or if the batch server has not been started.

Full grid

There are more lines than the Query manager can display in the table. Only the first n lines are visible.

This task should be activated from the XXXX folder.

An attempt has been made to launch a task in a folder other than the current folder.

The server status is displayed (Abled/Disabled), as well as the number of the corresponding process, if it is abled. The submission of tasks is not stopped if the server is not abled (however, they are not executed immediately even if the trigger time has arrived).

Tables used

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