Declarations > Tax management > Spain > SII tools > SII inquiry 

Use this inquiry for the electronic submission of accounting data in the Immediate Supply of Information on VAT (SII). You can display the documents that have already been transmitted to the Spanish tax authorities as messages.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Enter the search criteria such as the company, the message type, the fiscal year, and the period. If your search is on an Annual operations message type, you need to select the relevant Annual operation type.

  • Click the Criteria action from the Actions panel to access additional selection criteria depending on the type of message sent. You can select the company identification type, the invoice number, or the shipment date, for example.
  • Click Search to view the messages.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter the company for which the process needs to be completed. This information is mandatory.

  • Territory of declaration (field WTERRITORI)

This field displays the declaration territory for the company. The declaration territory is entered at the TERDECSP - Declaration territorycompany parameter (LOC chapter, SPA group) level.


  • Certificate (field WCERT)


  • Message type (field TYPENV)

Select the message type the inquiry will be based on.

  • Annual operation type (field TYPANU)

This field is only available if the inquiry is of the Yearly operations type messages Select the relevant operation type.

  • Fiscal year (field EJERCICIO)

This field defaults to the company’s current fiscal year. You can change it, if needed.

  • Period (field PERIODO)

This field defaults to the current fiscal year period. You can change it, if needed.


  • Documents (field FNUMDOCTOT)

This field displays the total number of documents found by the search.

  • Positive amounts (field FSUMIMPPOS)

This field displays the sum of the positive amounts from the documents coming from the search.

  • Negative amounts (field FSUMIMPNEG)

This field displays the sum of the negative amounts from the documents coming from the search.



Tab number 1


This section displays the list of messages that match the search criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Cash VAT (field XCCAJA)


  • Document (field VCRNUM)


  • Shipping date (field FECHAEXP)


  • Issuer TIN (field NIFEMISOR)


  • Asset ID (field IDENBIEN)


  • Recipient TIN (field NIFDESTIN)


  • Country code (field PAIS)


  • Identification type (field TYPDOC)


  • Identification (field IDENTIFCAD)


  • Recipient/issuer TIN (field NIFDESEMI)


  • Recipient/issuer country (field PAISDESEMI)


  • Recipient/issuer ID (field IDENDESEMI)


  • Declared key (field CLAVEOPE)


  • Amount (field IMPORTE)


  • Status (field ESTADO)


  • Presentation date (field FECHAPRE)


  • Last update date (field FECHMOD)


  • Updated invoice (field FACMOD)


  • Verification status (field ESTADOCON)


  • CSV (field CSV)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task DCLCSIIB is provided for that purpose.

Specific actions

Click this action to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered on the inquiry header.

You can save one or many sets of criteria by recording Memo codes that can be called later on by clicking Call memo or deleted by clicking Delete memo.

The "STD" (standard) memo code is specified by default when opening the function.

Select this action to recover the information from the tax authority and update the information to display.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation