Training > Budgets > Distribution of costs 

Use this function to view the distribution of the provisional costs for the training plan. As a consequence, you can perform a simulation of the distribution of expenses (by display criteria) before choosing the final provisional plan for the period to come.

The inquiry covers the following elements:

  • A training plan
  • A version of the training plan
  • All companies or a single company
  • All sites or a single site
  • A specific month
  • A specific criteria

In the header, enter the criteria to start the analysis of the provisional training expenses for the training plan (training plan code, possibly a company and a site, the implementation mode, a criteria).

For example, you want to analyze the provisional training expenses for the month of June for a training plan set up from January to December. Select June in the 'Analysis month' field. In the Current monthtab, you can analyze the provisional costs of the expenses for the month of June. In the End of month totaltab, you can analyze the totaled provisional costs since January up to June included.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Plan code (field YEAPLF)



  • Version (field VERPLF)


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)



  • All sites (field ALLFCY)



  • Definitive plan (field FLGCLO)


  • Start date (field STRDAT)

The start date and end date of the training plan are automatically loaded when you enter the plan code in the Plan code field.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)


  • Month carried out (field MONREA)

Select the month for which you want to perform the analysis. By choosing the analysis month, you can perform the expense analysis over a sliding month period.

The first month of the drop-down list is the month corresponding to the start date of the training plan.

The number of months displayed in the drop-down list corresponds to the number of months covered by the period between the start date and end date.


The start date is 01/04/2015.
The end date is 30/06/2015.

The first month of the drop-down list is April.
The drop-down list contains the following months: April, May, June.

The start date is 01/09/2015.
The end date is 31/12/2016.

The drop-down list contains the following months: from September to December for the 2015 period, and from January to December for the 2016 period.

Select the month on which you want to perform a search.

  • Year (field YEAREA)


  • Display criterion (field CRIDSY)

Select a criteria: the planned expenses will be displayed according to this criteria.



Tab Current month


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Amounts

  • field CRIDSYA


  • Budget (field AMTBUDREF)


  • Number of participants forecast (field NBRPAR)


  • Number of hours forecast (field NBRHR)


Block number 2



Tab End of month total


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Amounts

  • field CRIDSYA


  • Budget (field AMTBUDREF)


  • Number of participants forecast (field NBRPAR)


  • Number of hours forecast (field NBRHR)


Block number 2


Specific Buttons

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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