Stock > Inquiries > Stock > Stock by site 

Use this function to display the situation of the stock of a product for a given site or a group of sites.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Enter the main selection criteria in the header. Only the product code is mandatory.

You can also:

  • Filter stock according to the main statuses ((A, Q, R)
  • Display the stock detail by status and by site
  • Display the stock total for all sites and all statuses. This total can also by split by status if the status detail should be requested.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter a site to display the stock of the product for this site.
If you do not enter any site, the inquiry displays the stock status of the product for all the sites where the product is defined.
To perform a site selection, click the Criteria action.

Enter the reference of the product for which the stock needs to be inquired.

This information is compulsory.

  • Description (field ITMDES1)

This is the description from the product record.

  • Quantity type (field QTYTYP)

Select the quantity type for which you want to display the stock.

  • By default, it corresponds to the physical quantity.
  • For products managed in stock with a ‘potency’ expressed in percentage, you can also request the active quantity to be displayed.
For products managed in stock with a ‘potency’, the Available stock is always displayed as an active quantity, irrespective of the selected quantity type.

Block number 2

  • 'A' statuses (field AAAFLG)

Select this box to take the stock with 'A' status into account.

  • 'Q' statuses (field QQQFLG)

Select this box to take the stock with 'Q' status into account.

  • 'R' statuses (field RRRFLG)

Select this box to take the stock with the 'R' status into account.

  • Detail by status (field DETFLG)

Select this box to display a detailed situation of the stock by status. The following information is displayed for each site in the table:

  • A line for each of the statuses that you have selected
  • A line in blue characters that displays the total quantity of the available stock for the site, all statuses considered

To display the total quantity by status, all sites considered, as well as the total for all statuses and all sites considered, select the 'Yes' value in the Total field.

If you do not select the Detail by status box, the total line by site, all statuses considered, is the only information to be displayed.
To display the total for all statuses and all sites, select the 'Yes' value in the Total field.

Block number 3

  • Stock management (field STOMGTCOD)

This field specifies whether the product is managed in stock, is potency managed in stock or is not managed in stock.

  • Product status (field ITMSTA)

This field displays the product status.

Product storage unit.

  • Total (field CUMFLG)

Select the 'Yes' value to display the available total stock, all sites and all statuses considered, at the bottom of the page.
Before this line, another line is displayed, with the total by status, all sites considered, if you have selected the Detail by status box.



Tab Stock by site


The columns in this table depend on the setup of the chosen screen code.

By default the table shows the selected product, a line summarizing the stock status by site, with namely the internal stock, stock waiting putaway, loaned stock, stock entrusted to sub-contractors, allocated stock at internal level, allocated stock at sub-contractors’ premises, total allocated stock, globally allocated stock, detailed missing stock, global missing stock, stock in transit, transferred stock, stock on customer order, stock on production order, suspended issues.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Description (field FCYSHO)


  • Statistic (field STA)



  • Stock internal (field INTSTO)


  • Stock pending put-away (field PLFSTO)


  • Loan stock (field BPRSTO)


  • Subcon. stock (field SCOSTO)


  • BP stock (field SCCLNDSTO)


  • Allocated internal (field INTALL)


  • Allocated subcontract (field SCOALL)


  • Total allocated (field ALLSTO)


  • BP stock allocated (field SCCALL)


  • Detail shortage (field DETSHT)


  • Global allocated (field GLOALL)


  • Global shortage (field GLOSHT)


  • Available stock (field AVASTO)


  • In-transit stock (field TRFSTO)


  • Transferred stock (field TRASTO)


  • On sales orders (field SALSTO)


  • Pending issues (field WAISTO)


  • On order/manufacturing (field ORDSTO)


  • Text (field LIB)




Action icon

Stock by Lot
Detailed Stock
Stock transactions
Detailed Allocated
Global Allocated
In-transit Stock
Transferred Stock
BP Stock
Available to Promise
Stock by Unit
Stock by Status
Orders in Process





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific actions

Click this action to access the previously defined selection criteria and additional criteria:

  • You can define the list of sites for which you want to display the status of a given product.
  • Screen code: as a rule, inquiries can be set up. This customization is used, for instance, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the table. You can call upon customized inquiry screens using the screen code.
    Please refer to the Inquiry screens documentation.

You can save the selection criteria under a memo code in order to recall them later on.
The STD memo code is a special code, which systematically applies when entering the inquiry.

Click this action to display the stock situation in stock units and packing units for a specific stock status or for all statuses.

Click this action to display the stock situation for a specific stock status or for all statuses.

Click this action to display a summary of the main management information for a product, along with the main stock totals for this product.

Specific actions

Requirements / Requirements not allocated

Click this action to display the unallocated requirements for the product for the site(s) impacted by the inquiry.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation