Fixed assets > Inquiries > Depreciation simulation 

After running a depreciation simulation calculation, you can use this function to query calculation results.

You can include actual and/or provisional disposed assets. In this case, the Period P charge column in the Simulation results table displays the calculation up to the disposal effective date.

Depending on the legislation, the complementary tax deduction is calculated when the tax or fiscal depreciation is greater that the accounting depreciation. The differences in these amounts is stored in the Accounts depreciation plan. The tax reinstatement is calculated when the tax or fiscal depreciation is less than the accounting depreciation. The differences in these amounts is stored in the Financial depreciation plan.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter or select the company code.

Enter or select a site for the selected company.

  • Context (field CNX)

Enter the depreciation context.

  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLN)

The code for the depreciation plan.

  • Asset (field AASREF)

Enter or select the asset reference.

For a disposed asset, in Fixed assets, an Issue date is entered and the Planned checkbox is not selected for an actual disposal. For a provisional disposal, the Planned checkbox is selected.


  • Fiscal year start date (field FIYSTRDAT)

You can enter fiscaly year start and end dates to search within that date range.

  • Period start date (field PERSTRDAT)

You can enter period start and end dates to search within that date range.



Tab Detail


The query results depend the calculation settings such as fiscal year or period horizon and calculation details.

When the calculation details are required, all the records for the fiscal years and periods for the specific calculation horizon are stored in the DEPSIMU table and displayed.

When calculation details are not required, only the records for the last fiscal year and periods for the specific calculation horizon are stored in the DEPSIMU table and displayed.

For disposed assets, the Period P charge column displays the calculation up to the disposal effective date.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Simulation results

This field displays information for the selected financial site and assets.

  • Fiscal year end date (field FIYENDDAT)


  • Period end date (field PERENDDAT)


  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLN)


  • Asset (field AASREF)


  • Period P charge (field PERENDDPE)

This field displays the depreciation total up to the disposal effective date.

  • FY provision total (field LEGCUM)

For Account depreciation plans:

This field displays the results for tracking the complementary tax depreciation when the tax or fiscal depreciation is greater that the accounting depreciation.

For Financial depreciation plans:

This field displays the tax reinstatement when the tax or fiscal depreciation is less than the accounting depreciation.

  • Period provision total (field PERLEGCUM)


  • Period provision (field LEG)


  • FY reversal total (field LEGRVECUM)


  • Period reversal total (field PERLEGRVE)


  • Period reversal (field LEGRVE)




Specific Buttons

Use this action to select additional selection criteria such as:

  • Group
  • Accounting code
  • CoA account
  • IFRS posting
  • CGU

You can save one or several sets of criteria by recording a Memo code that you can recall or delete at any time. Memo codes are linked to your profile only.

Use this action to export the extraction to Excel as a CSV file.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Full grid"

This message is not strictly an error message. Actually, for technical reasons, a limit of 500 is set for the number of lines loaded in the inquiry screen. If there are more than 500 lines matching the criteria, this message is displayed and only the first 500 lines can be viewed.
It is then necessary to enter more restrictive criteria in order to obtain fewer lines in the grid.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation