Stock > Inquiries > Movements > Average cost evol./movement 

Use this inquiry to easily identify the differences in value between movements and find the related documents. To filter records by lot and sublot, use the Average lot cost movement query (CONSSML).

You can customize the results grid to highlight any field in a different color. Click Criteria from the Action panel and enter a formula to color code results. For example, if a field is currently highlighted, you can remove the formula or enter a new formula to change the existing color code on the field.

For example, to display a red background for negative values in the Stock after field (AFTSTO), the formula would be:



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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


Enter or select a stock site for the inquiry.

This field displays the currency based on the site and cannot be modified.

Enter or select a product with lot management selected in the product record. There must a product-site record for that product and site combination.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Enter Start and End dates to filter your search to stock issues within those dates.

By default, the Start and End dates define a one-month range from one month prior to the current date.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)


  • Sort order (field SRTCOD)

Select the sort order for the inquiry results. You can sort ascending or descending by allocation date or by date created:

  • Allocation date (-)
  • Allocation date (+)
  • Date created (-)
  • Date created (+)



Tab Movements / products


The results grid displays one stock movement per line based on your search criteria. The information is based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

Use the Action icon menu on a line for options to drill down to related information for that product movement.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Allocation (field IPTDAT)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

If this date is different from the creation date, it is highlighted in yellow.

  • Quantity (field QTYPCU)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

Negative values are in red.

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • STK quantity (field QTYSTU)



  • Active quantity (field ACTQTY)


  • Order amount (field AMTORD)


  • Movement value (field AMTVAL)


  • Order variance (field VARORD)


  • Status (field STA)


  • Movement variance (field VARVAL)


  • Stock before (field BEFSTO)

This field calculates the quantity based on values before the current record.

  • Stock after (field AFTSTO)

This field calculates the quantity based on values after the current record.

  • Amount base before (field BEFAMT)

This field calculates the amount based on values before the current record.

  • Amount base after (field AFTAMT)

This field calculates the amount based on values after the current record.

  • Average cost before (field BEFPRI)

This field calculates the average cost based on values before the current record.

  • Average cost after (field AFTPRI)

This field calculates the average cost based on values after the current record.

  • Order price (field PRIORD)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Valued price (field PRIVAL)


  • Cost source (field PRINAT)


  • Variance not absorbed (field AMTDEV)


  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

If relevant, this field displays the major version and cannot be modified.

Note: If the version is not part of the product record or not required based on an activity code, this field is hidden.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)

If relevant, this field displays the minor version and cannot be modified.

Note: If the version is not part of the product record or not required based on an activity code, this field is hidden.

  • Starting serial number (field SERNUM)

If relevant, this field displays the serial number and cannot be modified.

Note: If this is not part of the product record or not required based on an activity code, this field is hidden.

  • Ending serial number (field SERFIN)


This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

If not relevant, this field is hidden.

  • Location (field LOC)



  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

If not relevant, this field is hidden.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Movement type (field TRSTYP)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)


This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

If not relevant, this field is hidden.

  • Entry type (field VCRTYP)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Entry (field VCRNUM)


  • Line no. (field VCRLIN)


  • Source document type (field VCRTYPORI)


  • Original document (field VCRNUMORI)


  • Source document line (field VCRLINORI)


  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)


  • Potency (field POT)



  • Accounting date (field ACCDAT)


  • Accounting document (field NUMVCR)

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

You can access the accounting document from the Action icon menu at the beginning of the line.

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Owner (field OWNER)


  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)

This field displays whether or not this is an intercompany movement.

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Creation user (field CREUSR)

This field displays the user who created the stock movement.

  • Date created (field CREDAT)

This field displays the date the stock movement was created.

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.

  • Time (field CRETIM)

This field displays the time the movement was created.

This field displays information based on data in the Stock journal (STOJOU) table and cannot be modified.



Action icon

Cost adjustment

Select this option to view various price adjustment details for the movement transaction on the line.This option is only available if at least one price adjustment exists for the movement transaction.

Accounting Document

Select this option to view the accounting document for the movement transaction on the line if it is linked to a journal entry.

Stock by Lot

Select this option to access the Stock by lots inquiry function.


Select this option to access the stock Traceability inquiry function.

Order price detail

Select this option to view the order price detail for the movement transaction on the line.

Valuation price detail

Select this option to view the valuation price detail for the movement transaction on the line.

Miscellaneous receipts

Select this option to view the Miscellaneous receipts for the movement transaction on the line.

Original document

Select this option to access the original document, which could be a purchase order, sales order, etc.




Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Active memo (field MEMO)

This field displays the Memo code if one is being used for the current criteria.

Enter a stock selection formula to narrow your query results.


  • Internal (field MISFLG)

Select this check box to include internal stock movements in the query results.

Grid Styles

  • Formula (field FORASY)

Enter a formula to customize the styles for the Movements/Products grid that displays the query results. You can access the Formula wizard from the Actions icon menu in this field.

For example:

To display a red background for negative values in the Stock after field (AFTSTO), the formula would be:


To display an orange background when the Allocation date (IPTDAT) is different from the Creation date, the formula would be:


To display a yellow background for the Average cost after field (AFTPRI) when the variation between two movements exceeds 10 %, the formula would be:

nolign<[M:SML2]NBLIG & [M:SML2]AFTPRI(nolign)<>0 & abs(1-[M:SML2]AFTPRI(nolign-1)/[M:SML2]AFTPRI(nolign))>0.1

This field displays the name for the style. You can enter a name when you create a custom formula.

  • Field code (field CODZON)

This field displays the field code affected by the formula on the line.

Movement status

  • Update status (field UPDFLG)

Select Updated to include movements that have been updated. This is the default selection.

Select Suspended to include movements waiting to be updated such as those that arise from a material issue in a shortage.

Movements adj.

  • Movements adj. (field REGFLG)

Select this check box to include movement adjustments in the query. That is, the query displays as many lines as there are moved serial numbers.


  • Sort order (field SRTCOD)

Select the sort order for the inquiry results. You can sort ascending or descending by allocation date or by date created:

  • Allocation date (-)
  • Allocation date (+)
  • Date created (-)
  • Date created (+)

If you want to use a custom inquiry screen, enter that code here.


Select this action to enter additional criteria for the query and customize how results display in the Product/Movements grid.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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