Costing > Miscellaneous processes > Cost transfer 

This function is used to copy a provisional cost for a year for a product, a selection of products, all the products at a site to another provisional cost for the same site or another site.

It is therefore possible to create a new budget from the revised cost for example, or to transfer the costs for all the products of one type to another or from one site to another etc...

The copied cost can be corrected by a multiplying coefficient for the transfer.

When a cost is transferred from one cost to another of the revised standard, budget, or simulated type and the standard cost for the products in the selection does not exist it is immediately created.


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Screen management


Entry screen


Selection criteria


It is necessary to indicate if the transfer concerns a single product

It is necessary to tick the "All" box if the transfer is to involve all the costs for all the product base at the site.

When a transfer of a selection of products(filter) is required, it is necessary to position the cursor of the product fields and access the contextual filter function that is used to determine the criteria for the advanced selection.


It is possible to apply a multiplying coefficient to the transferred costs.

By default this coefficient is set to 1.


Source and target selection

It is necessary to indicate the source site, the provisional cost type and the calculation year for the copied cost.

Site :

Enter or select a site.

The source site and the target site must use the same currency.

The target site cannot be entered if the source site is not entered.

In this way, the system reviews all the sites for which the product or products in the selection are defined and copies site to site the source cost type/source year to the target cost type/year.


Cost type :





When the target cost is a cost of the type Revised standard, verify that the accounting interface is parameterized for the target site.

Year :

For the costs of the type revised or simulated, it is the most recent record for the year that is copied.

Standard cost and Accounting interface

The creation of the revised cost creates an accounting journal entry according the automatic journal parameterization.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • field SELTYP

Use this radio button to select records to be updated.

  • Unique. To update one specific record.
  • All. To update all records.
  • Selection. To select records using a calculation formula or filters.

Product/Parent product(s) for which the processing must be carried out.
It is possible:

  • to enter a specific product reference
  • to select all the products.
  • to introduce selection criteria from sections of the product file (via the context "Filter" menu).
  • Coefficient (field COE)

Multiplying coefficient that will be applied to the original cost values.
(for instance, increase a budget cost for the following year).

  • Cost aggregation (field AGGCST)

If yes, sum all the cost components (fixed, variable, machine...) in the material cost.



Use this field to define the storage and/or production site.

The site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

 A storage site has the Stock check box in the Details section selected.

  • Cost type (field CSTTYP1)

Cost type to choose from "Standard", "Revised", "Budget", "Simulated".

  • Fiscal year (field FIYNUM1)

Enter or select the number of the fiscal year for the company and the ledger type.

  • Start date (field STRDAT1)

This field displays the start date defined for the selected fiscal year. You cannot change this date.

  • End date (field ENDDAT1)

This field displays the end date defined for the selected fiscal year. You cannot change this date.



Use this field to define the storage and/or production site.

The site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

 A storage site has the Stock check box in the Details section selected.

  • Cost type (field CSTTYP2)

Cost type to choose from "Standard", "Revised", "Budget", "Simulated".

  • Fiscal year (field FIYNUM2)


  • Start date (field STRDAT2)


  • End date (field ENDDAT2)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task COPYCOUT is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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