Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Select this checkbox to include all companies. To run this process for a single company, do not select this checkbox. |
| Enter the company code for which the processing has been started. The company code:
| This field specifies on which legislation the process is carried out. It can only be accessed if the box "All companies" is selected. Note: If the company code is entered (All companies unselected), the Legislation field can not be accessed and displays the legislation parameters for the selected company. |
| Select this check box to include all sites. To run this process for a single site, leave clear. |
| Enter the site code. The site must be a financial site. This determines the site and the company for the entry posting. |
| Select this check box to include all users. To run this process for a single user group, leave clear. The current user will be used if the user/group code is blank. |
| Enter the user responsible for the creation of journal entries. |
| Enter the starting and ending intercompany entries to further define the selection. These entries will be taken into account when generating the journals. |
|   |
| These two fields are used to define the date ranges. These ranges are used to filter the intercompany entries with a date included within this time interval. |
|   |
| These options indicate the category of the documents to generate. The generated journals can be real or simulated.
The journal entry can be generated in simulation mode and after the verification to restart the processing in real mode. The simulation journal entry is automatically cancelled and replaced by the real journal entry which will take into account the new operations if they exist. |
| Select the journal status.
| Select this check box to view a log file of all intercompany journal entries based on the selection made in the Entry status section. |
Click this action to save the current settings to a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen. The STD memo code is associated with the screen and is loaded immediately when you open the function. For more information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software. |
Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code. |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |