This screen will make it possible to select the returns based on several criteria, but also to choose the time-related criteria and the display frequency.
NB: The validated returns that are not pending credit memos are considered as being invoiced.
The following fields are present on this tab :
  | |
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed.
Selection criteria: - Company/Site: the company is compulsory. - BP (Business Partners). - Other optional criteria
Display criteria: - Return display order in the grid by number or by date. - A screen code (optional) that refers to the set up inquiry screens. These screens namely define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry table.
All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX by clicking on the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.
| |
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed.
Selection criteria: - Company/Site: the company is compulsory. - BP (Business Partners). - Other optional criteria
Display criteria: - Return display order in the grid by number or by date. - A screen code (optional) that refers to the set up inquiry screens. These screens namely define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry table.
All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX by clicking on the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.
| |
  | - From return (field PNHNUMDEB)
  | - To return (field PNHNUMFIN)
- Validated (field CFMFLGO)
  | - Not validated (field CFMFLGN)
  | |
  | - Not invoiced (field INVFLGN)
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed.
Selection criteria: - Company/Site: the company is compulsory. - BP (Business Partners). - Other optional criteria
Display criteria: - Return display order in the grid by number or by date. - A screen code (optional) that refers to the set up inquiry screens. These screens namely define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry table.
All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX by clicking on the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.
| |
  | - Not posted (field PSTFLGN)
  | |
  | - Not printed (field PRNFLGN)
  | - Start date (field RTNDATDEB)
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed.
Selection criteria: - Company/Site: the company is compulsory. - BP (Business Partners). - Other optional criteria
Display criteria: - Return display order in the grid by number or by date. - A screen code (optional) that refers to the set up inquiry screens. These screens namely define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry table.
All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX by clicking on the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.
| - No. of periods (field PERNBR)
  | - End date (field RTNDATFIN)
This screen defines the selection and display criteria for the returns to be viewed.
Selection criteria: - Company/Site: the company is compulsory. - BP (Business Partners). - Other optional criteria
Display criteria: - Return display order in the grid by number or by date. - A screen code (optional) that refers to the set up inquiry screens. These screens namely define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry table.
All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX by clicking on the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY. The criteria saved under memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.