Purchasing > RFQs > Reminders 

This option is used simply to record the number of reminders sent to a supplier to obtain their answer to a call for tenders, and the date of the last reminder sent.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


Entry is completed on a single screen. In this screen, a call for tender number must be entered or selected from a list. The reminder date is initialized automatically to the current date and it is modifiable.

All the suppliers asked to answer this call for tenders and who have not sent the totality of theis answers are listed in a grid. For each of these suppliers, the number of reminders already sent along with the date of the last reminders are specified.

By default, all the listed suppliers are considered to have been reminded at the entered date. Nevertheless it is possible to exclude one or several of these suppliers by entering the value No in the Processing code field regarding the supplier(s) concerned.

Validating the grid generates the updating of the number of reminders as well as of the date of the last reminder for all those suppliers whose processing code is set to Yes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


  • RFQ no. (field PQHNUM)

This is the number of the RFQ line for which the response is entered. It can be directly entered or chosen in the list of the RFQs presented to the supplier.

  • Internal reference (field PQHREF)


  • RFQ date (field PQHDAT)


  • Due date (field RSPDEA)




  • Reminder date (field DAT)

Date of the reminder issue day.

Grid Lines

  • No. (field NOLIG)


  • Processing (field PRO)

Choice of the processing.


  • No. of reminders (field FUPNBR)


  • Last reminder date (field FUPDAT)


  • No. of responses (field RSPNBR)




Action icon

View responses




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No record selected

This message appears when entering a call for tender number for which all suppliers asked to submit an answer have already done so.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation