Manufacturing > Weighing > Weighing 

This function is used to access the functionality involved with weigh stations (weighing component requirements, weigh station calibration) as well as the reconciliation of weights.

You can weigh component requirements using three different modes:

  • Weighing by work order (WO)
  • Weighing by product
  • Using the production (manufacturing) weight

You move to the weighing stages (in the strictest sense) after the component requirement selection stage.

The weighing of a component can be carried out in a single operation if a stock line has sufficient quantity available and if the weigh station has a sufficient range. It is common to perform multiple weighings according to the available stock and the range of the weigh station.

The Weighing by WO or by Weighing by product modes differ only in the selection of the component requirement. Both modes weigh the components using incremental phase codes (codes to serve), for example:

  • 2 – component weighed at weigh station
  • 4 – end of phase outputs weighed at weigh station
  • 6 – production end outputs weighed at weigh station
  • 8 - material correction at weigh station
  • 10 – QSP* at end of production

The selection of materials using the production weight mode is the same as for the mode Weighing by WO. However, using this mode only the components weighed in production, end phase outputs weighed in production, production end outputs weighed in production, rework of materials in production and QSP* at production end can be weighed. The codes to serve are therefore 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10.

 *Quantum Satis Product. Quantum satis (abbreviation qs or QS) is a Latin term meaning the amount which is needed.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


Weight type determinants

Component requirement weighing can occur using several modes of operation:

  • Cumulated weighing or by variance:
    • If the weighing is cumulated, the selected weigh station and the receiving container can contain all the component requirement. The user totals the stock line weights in the same receiving container.
    • If the weighing is carried out by variance, the user changes the receiving container for each stock line weighing for the same component requirement. Another tare weight operation will then be necessary between each partial weighing of the component requirement.
    The weighing is cumulated if and only if the weighing mode at the level of the component ICM record is cumulated, the packing at the level of the ICM record of the component is internal and the weigh station has a sufficient range to weigh the component requirement.
  • Weighing with or without instructions: The weighing is with instructions if, and only if the weigh station setup specifies this and the weighing scale is connected. This document describes the weighing procedures without instructions.
    For weighing with instructions the tare weight terms are identical, however the material weighing differs on the display of the weight obtained.
    The gauge and the 'Weight obtained' display are initialized with (- weight to be weighed) and evolves toward zero. The zero corresponds to an exact weight. Note - when the weight is carried out using supplier packaging, the initialization is made with (- weight to be weighed - theoretical tare weight).
  • Tare weight method: At the time of the first partial weighing of a cumulated weighing or for all partial weightings for weighing by variance, the receiving container must have its tare weight established. If the packaging chosen for the weighing is a supplier packaging the tare weight is automatic. A tare instruction is sent to the weigh station and the user can pass directly to weighing the material. If not the user must carry out a tare weight operation.
  • Connection to the weigh station: the operation mode is different for the user according to whether the weigh station is connected or not. If it is connected the program directly acquires the results of the weighing from the weigh station. If not the user must enter the values.
Weighing function options

The initial screen is used to choose the mode to be used with the weigh station. The fields in this screen cannot be accessed. They provide information to the weighing scale workstation to which the user is connected (user name, date). The weigh station information gives the number of weigh stations connected to the weighing workstation and to be calibrated with respect to the total number of declared weigh stations (to a maximum of 8).

Access to the functions

The buttons are used to access the following modes:

../FCT/FUNSCA1.gif Weighing by WO 

../FCT/FUNSCA2.gif Weighing by product 

../FCT/FUNSCA3.gif Weighing by production (in manufacturing)

../FCT/FUNSCA4.gif Calibration

../FCT/FUNSCA5.gif Reconciliation

../FCT/FUNSCA6.gif Data update

../FCT/FUNSCA7.gif Help

../FCT/FUNSCA8.gif Exit current screen

The last two buttons are always present on the weighing screens. The exit screen is used to return to the previous screen without confirming the current data.

Mode: Weighing by WO

The Weighing by WO mode is used to weigh components belonging to the current user's weighing plan and where the code to be used defines that it must be weighed on the weigh station. The component selection passes from the selected work order, the operation then the component in the first screen. When the component is selected a second screen is used to weigh the component.

Component selection

Displayed information

The WO number is an accessible field. The program proposes a default value. The code, the product reference, the lot and the quantity released to production for this WO are displayed and cannot be modified.

The operation number is an accessible field. The program proposes a default value.

The component code is an accessible field. The program proposes a default value. The component description and the quantity to be weighed are displayed and cannot be modified.

For the components, the quantity to be weighed is expressed in an active unit.

For the end of operation outputs, the quantity is calculated to compensate the concentration variations due to the material variances for the operation (theoretical for the component and real for the lot(s) consumed).

For the end of production outputs, the quantity is calculated to compensate for the concentration variations used for the material and all operation variances (Note: the components belonging to an operation where an end of operation output that is not compensated for a second time exists).

For correction (or rework) materials, the BOM quantities are proposed without change.

For the QSP products, the quantity is calculated to attain the weight corresponding to the released quantity.

 QSP = Quantum Satis Product. Quantum satis (abbreviation qs or QS) is a Latin term meaning the amount which is needed.

Information entry facilities

The WO numbers, the workstation and the component can be entered via a keyboard, from a barcode reader, by a touch sensitive screen or selected from a grid.

../FCT/FUNSCA9.gif This button displays the touch sensitive screen. The value that is entered and confirmed here is checked and updated to the last field in which the cursor was positioned.

../FCT/FUNSCA10.gif This button displays a selection grid for the previous data this button proposed.
If the user chooses WO by grid the program passes directly to the selection by grid of the operation numbers then the components.
If the user chooses the operation number by grid, the program moves directly to the selection by grid of the components.

Grid buttons

../FCT/FUNSCA7.gif Help

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif Exit with selection

../FCT/FUNSCA8.gif Exit without selection

../FCT/FUNSCA12.gif  ../FCT/FUNSCA13.gif Navigation buttons

Entry controls

WO and operation controls: to authorize the entry of a new WO (or a new operation) the program checks whether the WO (or operation) the user would like to select has not been weighed in full.

Component controls: other than the same controls that are carried out on the WO the program checks the following points for the component that the user wants to weigh:

  • That this component is using one of the following codes to serve: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10.
  • If this component is an end of phase output weigh at weigh station (code to serve = 4), the components belonging to this operation must have already been weighed.
  • If this component is a production end output (code to serve = 6), the components belonging to this WO and the end of phase outputs for this WO must have been weighed.

Available buttons

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif The confirmation of the component choice screen takes the user to the weigh station screen.

For an output where the quantity to be weighed (calculated by the system) is zero, clicking this button leads to the automatic completion for this component. A warning message is displayed.

The different updates (end of component, end of phase, end of WO) are carried out if necessary.

../FCT/FUNSCA14.gif This button makes it possible for the user to carry out the box opening operation corresponding to the selected component. Upon the change of operation or WO when the weighing has been carried out, the empty box procedures at the end of the operation and the end of the WO are also available via this button.

../FCT/FUNSCA15.gif This button accesses the stock allocation table for the selected component.

Stock allocation

When the user has chosen a component to weigh the stock lines must be allocated to be able to cover the requirements for this component.

If the user confirms their choice of component the program manages the automatic allocation of stock lines.

If the user allocates in the grid they can modify the automatic allocations that have been proposed and print a list. This grid presents the following functionality.

Displayed information

The grid presents the stock lines that can be consumed by the component requirements.

The component code is displayed for information.

The balance to allocate field corresponds to the component requirement - (sum of allocated quantities). For the materials this quantity is expressed in a theoretic active unit (converted to the theoretical unit of the component).

For the materials, the allocated quantities in the table lines are expressed in a real physical unit (using the lot unit).

Available buttons

Allocation grid buttons:

../FCT/FUNSCA7.gif Help

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif Exit with validation of any modifications

../FCT/FUNSCA8.gif Exit with validation of any modifications

../FCT/FUNSCA12.gif  ../FCT/FUNSCA13.gif Navigation buttons

To allocate a stock line the quantity remaining to be allocated must be greater than zero.
../FCT/FUNSCA16.gif If a line is selected this button is available. The program allocates the stock line quantity if this maintains the balance to allocate greater than zero. If not the program allocates only the balance to allocate to the line.

../FCT/FUNSCA17.gif Use this button to deallocate a selected line. The total of the allocated quantity for the stock line is deallocated.

../FCT/FUNSCA18.gif Use this button to print the allocation list. The list of allocations is printed as they are presented in the grid and the allocations window is closed as if the user has confirmed their entry.

Weighing the component

Displayed information

The WO number, the operation and the component are displayed for information purposes.

The lot and the location are used to identify the stock line currently being weighed. These two fields can be modified if the parameter UPDSTO - Update stock line (chapter GPA, group WEI) is set.

The receiving container and the weigh station used for the weighing are displayed and can be modified during the initialization of the weighing operation.

../FCT/FUNSCA19.gif When the light is lit at the level of the weigh station it indicates that it is connected, that is to say that the program acquires, via its connection to the weigh station, the results of the weighing operation. When the connection is not established the user must enter the values that are displayed on the weigh station in the field Weight obtained.

The total to weigh is the weight to be weighed to cover the component requirement. If the material is standard, this requirement is expressed in the theoretical standard coming from the product record.

The 'weight to be weighed' is the weight to be weighed for the current stock line. It is the allocated quantity for the stock line expressed in the lot standard for the standard components.

The security and risk logos displayed on the gauge are displayed as a function of the indications in the ICM record. These logos function like the buttons. When the user clicks on them the corresponding text is displayed.

Weighing operation preparation

The program automatically proposes the first allocated stock line whilst respecting the lot consumption strategy. The stock line can be modified according to the parameter UPDSTO - Update stock line (chapter GPA, group WEI).

The program automatically proposes a receiving container if the component ICM record specifies that the receiving container is a supplier issue (in this case the proposition is not modifiable) or internal. The proposition is made in such a way that the receiving container has the smallest capacity possible but can contain the stock line weight to be weighed if the weighing is by variance, or can contain all the requirement if the weighing is cumulated. If the recipient is mixed or if the receiving container is of the type supplier and several receiving containers are possible, no proposition is made and the user must enter the receiving container. The user can modify the receiving container before the weighing operation starts. The receiving container entered is checked with respect to the weight to be weighed : the receiving container must be from a supplier or internal conforming to the ICM record and its capacity must be sufficient for the stock line weight to be weighed or the totality of the requirement depending on whether the weighing operation is by variance or cumulated.

The program automatically proposes a weigh station. The proposition is made in such a way that the weigh station is not awaiting calibration, that the total quantity to weigh added to the tare weight of the receiving container will be less than the maximum range of the weigh station, that the minimum range of the weigh station is less than the theoretical tare weight of the receiving container, and that the maximum tare weight for the weigh station is greater than the theoretical tare weight of the receiving container. The user can change the weigh station as long as the weighing operation has not started. The weigh station entered is checked with respect to the weight to be weighed and the tare weight of the receiving container. The checks respect the same rules as the proposition. Note that whereas if the user is on the nth (n<>1) partial weighing operation for the component the weigh station check does not prevent the reuse of a weigh station whose status has passed to waiting calibration. This weigh station will be taken out of use only at the end of the component weighing operation.

../FCT/FUNSCA10.gif This button is available next to the Lot, Container and Weigh station buttons. They are used to access the tables for the stock lines, the receiving containers or the available weigh stations. When the corresponding field is accessible these tables are used to select it. Otherwise they are for display only.

../FCT/FUNSCA9.gif The user can also enter this information via a touch screen.

When these three fields are entered, it is possible to start the weighing operation manipulations.

Weighing operation procedure

The weighing operation procedure is different according to whether the weigh station is connected or not, whether the weighing operation is by variance or cumulated and so on. The message banner indicates to the user the operations to be carried out.

The partial weighing operation cycle when the weigh station is connected, is comprised as follows:

../FCT/FUNSCA20.gif The user requests the reserving of the weigh station. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station.

../FCT/FUNSCA21.gif The user requests a tare weight for the receiving container. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station. The tare weight is controlled with respect the the tare weight tolerance found in the receiving container record. The tare weight is displayed.

../FCT/FUNSCA22.gif The user requests the weighing. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station. The weight obtained is displayed and the gauge has evolved.

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif The weight obtained is only confirmed if the user clicks this button. It then controls that the total weight obtained corresponds to the total weight expected at the tolerance appropriate for the product. Three cases can be obtained :

1 - the total quantity weighed is greater than the total quantity to be weighed: the system blocks it except for rework materials and the QSP.

2 - The total quantity to be weighed is attained (last weighing operation) : if the quantity weighed for this lot is less than the allocated quantity, according to whether the packing is of the type supplier or internal, the system will carryout a packing complete or a negative adjustment movement. See Annex 1.

3 - The total quantity is not attained (intermediate weighing operation): if the weight obtained is less that that available in the lot a negative adjustment of the system stock is carried out. See Annex 1.

In all weighing cases (last weighing operation or intermediate weighing operation), if the weight obtained is greater than that available in the lot a positive adjustment movement is carried out. See Annex 1.

The program checks after confirmation if the weighing operation finalizes the weighing of a lot, a component, an operation or a WO and launches the appropriate procedures (for example, stock updates, tracking, document printing, empty box procedures if mandatory). If the weighing of a component is not finished the program proposes the next quantity to be weighed, if not it returns to the component selection screen.

Updates following weight validation

Following each weight validation, the following operations are carried out : stock updates, tracking updates, printing of the label destined for the receiving container, update of the weigh station used (incrementing the number of weighing operations if the calibration depends on the number of weighing operations).

If the validation of the weight corresponds to the end of a component run (all requirements weighed) the program operates a deallocation of all the allocated lots for the requirement, setting the status of the requirement to 'weighed'.

If the confirmation of this weight corresponds to the end of an operation, the program carries out all the operations of a component end. In addition, it starts the end of operation document. If the empty box on operation end is mandatory, it starts this procedure.

If the confirmation of this weight corresponds to the end of an OF, the program carries out all the operations of a operation end. In addition it starts the printing of the end of WO document. If the empty box at end of WO is mandatory it starts the procedure. It sets the WO status to 'Final packing complete'.

Weighing operation procedure variant

If the weight is cumulated, the following weighing operations contain neither re-zeroing nor tare weight: only weighing and confirmation.

If the weigh station is not connected, the weighing operations do not contain re-zeroing and the weights obtained for the tare and the material must be entered in the weight obtained field.

If the receiving container is a supplier packaging, the tare weight is carried out automatically thanks to the theoretical tare weight.


The program proposes the re-control if the ITMCTL setup specifies it. It consists of the re-entry of the component, receiving container and the lot. The program checks that the values are the same as those on line. This procedure is proposed before the tare weight if there is one if not before the weighing of the material.

Physical stock shortages

If the remaining allocations are less than the remainder to weigh, the system authorizes the user to re-allocate the stock to complete their requirement. This manual allocation is available using the lot inquiry. The inquiry screen offers allocation and deallocation buttons in addition to selection buttons. In this way the user can complete the weighing operation without interruption.

Mode: Weighing by Product

The Weighing by Product mode differs from the Weighing by WO mode for the component selection. The component selection omits the selection of the work order, the component then the operation in the first screen. When the component is selected a second screen is used to weigh the component.

In the case of a weighing operation by product, the check concerning the phase changes are inhibited.

Mode: Weighing by Production

The Weighing by production mode is used to weigh the components belonging to the user's current weigh plan and where the code to be used defines if it must be weighed in production. The component selection omits the selection of the work order, the operation then the component in the first screen. When the component is selected a second screen is used to weigh the component.

Component selection

Displayed information

The WO number is an accessible field. The program proposes a default value. The code, the product reference, the lot and the quantity released to production for this WO are displayed and cannot be modified.

The operation number is an accessible field. The program proposes a default value.

The component code is an accessible field. The program proposes a default value. The component description and the quantity to be weighed are displayed and cannot be modified.

For the components, the quantity to be weighed is expressed in an active unit.

For the end of operation outputs, the quantity is calculated to compensate the concentration variations due to the material variances for the operation (theoretical for the component and real for the lot(s) consumed).

For the end of production outputs, the quantity is calculated to compensate for the concentration variations used for the material and all operation variances (Note: the components belonging to an operation where an end of operation output that is not compensated for a second time exists).

For correction (or rework) materials, the BOM quantities are proposed without change.

For the QSP products, the quantity is calculated to attain the weight corresponding to the released quantity.

 QSP = Quantum Satis Product. Quantum satis (abbreviation qs or QS) is a Latin term meaning the amount which is needed.

Information entry facilities

The WO numbers, the workstation and the component can be entered via a keyboard, from a barcode reader, by a touch sensitive screen or selected from a grid.

../FCT/FUNSCA9.gif This button displays the touch sensitive screen. The value that is entered and confirmed here is checked and updated to the last field in which the cursor was positioned.

 ../FCT/FUNSCA10.gif This button displays a selection grid for the previous data this button proposed.

If the user chooses WO by grid the program passes directly to the selection by grid of the operation numbers then the components.

If the user chooses the operation number by grid, the program moves directly to the selection by grid of the components.

Grid buttons

../FCT/FUNSCA7.gif Help

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif Exit with selection,

../FCT/FUNSCA8.gif Exit without selection,

../FCT/FUNSCA12.gif  ../FCT/FUNSCA13.gif Navigation buttons

Entry controls

WO and operation controls: to authorize the entry of a new WO (or a new operation) the program checks whether the WO (or operation) the user would like to select has not been weighed in full. In addition, an operation cannot be weighed whilst its components that must be weighed at the weigh station have not yet been weighed.

Component controls: other than the same controls that are carried out on the WO the program checks the following points for the component that the user wants to weigh:

  • That this component is using one of the following codes to serve: 3, 5, 7, 9 or 10.
  • If this component is an output of the final weigh in production operation (code to serve = 5), the components belonging to this operation must have already been weighed.
  • If this component is an output of the final weigh in production operation (code to serve = 7), the components belonging to this WO and the outputs of the end phase of this WO must have been weighed.

Available buttons

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif The confirmation of the component selection screen takes the user to the weigh station screen.

../FCT/FUNSCA14.gif This button makes it possible for the user to carry out the box opening operation corresponding to the selected component. Upon the change of operation or WO when the weighing has been carried out, the empty box procedures at the end of the operation and the end of the WO are also available via this button.

../FCT/FUNSCA15.gif This button accesses the stock allocation table for the selected component.

Stock allocation

When the user has chosen a component to weigh the stock lines must be allocated to be able to cover the requirements for this component.

If the user confirms their choice of component the program manages the automatic allocation of stock lines.

If the user allocates in the grid they can modify the automatic allocations that have been proposed and print a list. This grid presents the following functionality.

Displayed information

The grid presents the stock lines that can be consumed by the component requirements. The presentation of the information in this grid can have two different forms. If the component is stored in tanks the stock grid presents for all the stock lines the following information : Tank, Valve , Lot, Location, Allocated quantity, Available quantity. If not, the grid has the same presentation as when weighing by WO : Lot, Location, Allocated quantity, Available quantity, Expiry date, Status and Title.

The component code is displayed for information.

The balance to allocate field corresponds to the component requirement - (sum of allocated quantities). For the materials this quantity is expressed in a theoretic active unit (converted to the theoretical unit of the component).

For the materials, the allocated quantities in the table lines are expressed in a real physical unit (using the lot unit).

Available buttons

Buttons available in the allocation grid:

../FCT/FUNSCA7.gif Help

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif Exit with validation of carried out modifications

../FCT/FUNSCA8.gif Exit without validation of carried out modifications

../FCT/FUNSCA12.gif  ../FCT/FUNSCA13.gif Navigation buttons.

To allocate a stock line the quantity remaining to be allocated must be greater than zero.
../FCT/FUNSCA16.gif If a line is selected this button is available.
The program allocates all the stock line quantity if this maintains the balance to allocate greater than zero. If not the program allocates only the balance to allocate to the line.

../FCT/FUNSCA17.gif* Use this button to deallocate a selected line. The total of the allocated quantity for the stock line is deallocated.

../FCT/FUNSCA18.gif* Use this button to print the allocation list. The list of allocations is printed as they are presented in the grid and the allocations window is closed as if the user has confirmed their entry.

Weighing the component

Displayed information

The WO number, the operation and the component are displayed for information purposes.

The lot and the location are used to identify the stock line currently being weighed. If the component is stored in tanks, the Lot and Location fields are replaced by the Tank and Valve information. These fields are modifiable if the UPDSTO setup allows it.

The receiving container and the weigh station used for this weighing are displayed and can be modified during the initialization of the weigh operation.
../FCT/FUNSCA19.gif The light when lit at the level of the weigh station indicates that it is connected, that is to say that the program acquires via its connection to the weigh station the results of the weighing operation. When the connection is not established the user must in entered in the "Weight obtained " field the values that are displayed on the weigh station.

The total to weigh is the weight to be weighed to cover the component requirement. If the material is standard, this requirement is expressed in the theoretical standard coming from the product record.

The "weight to be weighed" is the weight to be weighed for the current stock line, its the allocated quantity for this stock line expressed in the lot standard for the standard components.

The security and risk logos displayed on the left of the gauge are displayed as a function of the indications in the ICM record. These logos function like the buttons. When the user clicks on them the corresponding text appears in a window.

Weighing operation preparation

The program automatically proposes the first allocated stock line whilst respecting the lot consumption strategy. The stock line can be modified according to the parameter UPDSTO - Update stock line (chapter GPA, group WEI).

The program automatically proposes a receiving container if the ICM record for a component specifies that the receiving container is supplier or internal. The proposition is made in such a way that the receiving container has the smallest capacity possible but can contain the stock line weight to be weighed if the weighing is by variance or can contain all the requirement if the weighing is cumulated. If the receiving container is mixed the user must enter the receiving container, no proposition is made. The user can modify the receiving container before the weighing operation starts. The receiving container entered is checked with respect to the weight to be weighed : the receiving container must be from a supplier or internal conforming to the ICM record and its capacity must be sufficient for the stock line weight to be weighed or the totality of the requirement depending on whether the weighing operation is by variance of cumulated.

The program automatically proposes a weigh station. The proposition is made in such a way that the weigh station is not awaiting calibration, that the total quantity to weigh added to the tare weight of the receiving container will be less than the maximum range of the weigh station, that the minimum range of the weigh station is less than the theoretical tare weight of the receiving container, and that the maximum tare weight for the weigh station is greater than the theoretical tare weight of the receiving container. The user can change the weigh station as long as the weighing operation has not started. The weigh station entered is checked with respect to the weight to be weighed and the tare weight of the receiving container. The checks respect the same rules as the proposition. Note that whereas if the user is on the nth (n<>1) partial weighing operation for the component the weigh station check does not prevent the reuse of a weigh station whose status has passed to waiting calibration. This weigh station will be taken out of use only at the end of the component weighing operation.

../FCT/FUNSCA10.gif The button is available next to the Lot, Container and Weigh station buttons. They are used to access the tables for the stock lines, the receiving containers or the available weigh stations. When the corresponding field is accessible these tables are used to select it. Otherwise they are for display only.

../FCT/FUNSCA9.gif The user can also enter this information via a touch screen.

When these three fields are entered, it is possible to start the weighing operation manipulations.

Weighing operation procedure

The weighing operation procedure is different according to whether the weigh station is connected or not, whether the weighing operation is by variance or cumulated, etc. The message banner indicates to the user the operations to be carried out.

The partial weighing operation cycle when the weigh station is connected, is comprised as follows:

../FCT/FUNSCA20.gif The user requests the reserving of the weigh station. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station.

../FCT/FUNSCA21.gif The user requests a tare weight for the receiving container. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station. The tare weight is controlled with respect the the tare weight tolerance found in the receiving container record. The tare weight is displayed.

../FCT/FUNSCA22.gif The user requests the weighing. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station. The weight obtained is displayed and the gauge has evolved.

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif The weight obtained is only confirmed if the user applies this button. It then controls that the total weight obtained corresponds to the total weight expected at the tolerance appropriate for the product. Three cases can be obtained :

1 - the total quantity weighed is greater than the total quantity to be weighed: the system blocks it except for rework materials and the QSP.

2 - The total quantity to be weighed is attained (last weighing operation) : if the quantity weighed for this lot is less than the allocated quantity, according to whether the packing is of the type supplier or internal, the system will carryout a packing complete or a negative adjustment movement. See Annex 1.

3 - The total quantity is not attained (intermediate weighing operation): if the weight obtained is less that that available in the lot, a negative adjustment of the system stock is carried out. See Annex 1.

In all weighing cases (last weighing operation or intermediate weighing operation), if the weight obtained is greater than that available in the lot, a positive adjustment movement is carried out. See Annex 1.

The program checks after confirmation, if this weighing operation finalizes the weighing of a lot, of a component, of an operation or a WO and launches the appropriate procedures (for example, stock updates, tracking, document printing, empty box procedures if mandatory). If the weighing of a component is not finished, the program proposes the next quantity to be weighed, if not it returns to the component selection screen.

Updates following weight validation

After each weighing operation confirmation the following operations are carried out : stock updates, tracking updates, printing the label destined for the receiving container, the update of the weigh station used (incrementation of the number of weighing operations if the calibration depends on the number or weighing operations).

If the validation of this weight corresponds to the end of a component run (all requirements weighed), the program operates a deallocation of all the allocated lots for this requirement, setting the status of the requirement to 'weighed'.

If the confirmation of this weight corresponds to the end of an operation, the program carries out all the operations of a component end. In addition, it starts the end of operation document, if the empty box on operation end is mandatory, it starts this procedure.

If the confirmation of this weight corresponds to the end of an OF, the program carries out all the operations of a operation end. In addition it starts the printing of the end of WO document, if the empty box at end of WO is mandatory it starts the procedure. It sets the WO status to 'end of weighing in production'.

Weighing operation procedure variant

If the weight is cumulated, the following weighing operations contain neither re-zeroing nor tare weight: only weighing and confirmation.

If the weigh station is not connected, the weighing operations do not contain re-zeroing and the weights obtained for the tare and the material must be entered in the weight obtained field.

If the receiving container is a supplier packaging, the tare weight is carried out automatically thanks to the theoretical tare weight.


The program proposes the re-control if the ITMCTL setup specifies it. It consists of the re-entry of the component, the receiving container and the lot or the tank and the receiving container if the component is stored in tanks. The program checks that the values are the same as those on line. This procedure is proposed before the tare weight if there is one if not before the weighing of the material.

Physical stock shortages

If the remaining allocations are less than the remainder to weigh, the system authorizes the user to re-allocate the stock to complete their requirement. This manual allocation is available using the lot inquiry. The inquiry screen allocation and deallocation buttons in addition to selection buttons. In this way the user can complete the weighing operation without interruption.


This function is used to calibrate the weigh stations individually.

Weigh station selection

In the first screen, only the weigh stations likely to be calibrated are displayed, that is all the weigh stations without a calibration code equal to 'No calibration'. The included weigh stations are outlined in red and are unavailable for the weighing operation. These require calibration to before being used again. According to their calibration codes the weigh stations can be rendered unavailable for weighing as a function of the number of days or the number or weighing operations since the last calibration.

Each weigh station design functions as a button and takes the user to the calibration screen.
../FCT/FUNSCA8.gif The only other button available in this screen is the function exit button which returns the user to the welcome screen.


The weigh station information is recalled and displayed on the calibration screen : weigh station name, calibration record for the weigh station and the number of lines of procedures to be carried out.

Calibration preparation

The program automatically proposes the first line of the calibration procedure. This information cannot be modified. The line information that is displayed is : weight of the standard, weighing operation type (position on the balance), acceptable tolerance percentage, number of identical weightings to be carried out for this line.

Calibration procedure

The weigh procedure is different according to whether the weigh station is connected or not. The message banner indicates to the user the operations to be carried out.

The calibration cycle when the weigh station is connected is as follows:

../FCT/FUNSCA20.gif The user requests the reserving of the weigh station. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station.

../FCT/FUNSCA22.gif The user requests the weighing of the standard. The user only takes control when the program has obtained a response from the weigh station. The weight obtained is displayed and the gauge has evolved.

../FCT/FUNSCA11.gif The weighing of the standard is only confirmed if the user clicks this button. It then checks that the weight obtained corresponds to the weight excepted at the given tolerance. The program displays a confirmation message if the tolerance is not respected.

Updates following calibration confirmation

After each confirmation of the weighing operation, the value obtained is recorded and the next weighing operation for this procedure is proposed. When all the weights for a calibration record are carried out the program returns the user to the weigh station selection screen and the update of the current weigh station is carried out as follows:

  • If all the weights for the standard respect the tolerances the calibrated weigh station is declared available : the date of the last calibration is updated with the current date and/or the number of weighing operations since the last calibration is reset to zero according to the calibration code.
  • If at least one of the weights obtained for the standard is invalid the weigh station is declared invalid : the date of the last calibration is set to 99999999 and/or the number or weighing operations since the last calibration is set to 99999999 according to the calibration code.
  • If a calibration procedure is interrupted the weigh station is declared invalid as above.

Weighing operation procedure variant

If the weigh station is not connected, the weighing operations do not include the re-zeroing and the weights obtained for the standard must be entered in the weight obtained field. The touch screen is then available to enter this quantity.

Data update

This function, available from the welcome screen, is used to perform a new extraction of the weighing operation plan in order to take into consideration any modifications carried out in the works orders.

Annex 1 : The adjustment movements on weight confirmation

Confirmation of a weight :

If the total weight to be weighed exceeded and out of tolerance (irrespective of the packaging)

error except for QSP and rework.

If not

On the last weighing operation (total weight obtained = total weight to be weighed +- the tolerance)

Internal packaging

If the remaining quantity in packaging is greater than the % of the MP balance, the quantity weighed will be consumed. No adjustment movement will be made.

If the remaining quantity in packaging is included the % of the MP balance, a message will appear on the screen 'Complete packaging ? Yes / No':

If the weigh station operative responds "Yes", the quantity weighed for the MP will be consumed, and final packaging movement will be carried out.

If the weigh station operative responds "No", if the remaining quantity is equal to 0, the system adjusts the stock line by 0.001 Kg(*) . The weighed quantity will then be consumed.

Supplier packaging

If the weight obtained is less than the weight to be weighed, there is a negative adjustment for the delta between the weight to be weighed and the weight obtained.

Intermediate weighing (total weight obtained < total weight to be weighed )

If the weight obtained is less than that available in the stock line, there will be a negative adjustment for the totality of the available (**).

If the weight obtained is greater than that available in the stock line, there will be a positive adjustment for the delta between the available and the weight obtained.

* If, on the system, the remaining quantity in the packaging is equal to zero but the weigh station operative refuses to complete or close the packing a positive adjustment is necessary to be able to reallocate the packaging for a different weighing operation. A final adjustment for the stock line will be made at the time of the next weighing operation.

** The negative adjustments for intermediate weighing operations are not carried out for materials in adjustment or rectification. On the other hand the rules are applied at the last weighing operation.

These is never a negative adjustment or packaging completion for the QSP.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations.

  • Weighing location (field STI)


  • field STXDES


  • Weighing booth (field BOX)

It is the workstation for weighing.

This entity is represented by a PC which is connected to one or more weighing stations and

possibly to a printer and bar code reader.

  • field DES


  • Start date (field DEBDATESTR)

Use this field to filter the orders to be loaded.

SEEWARNINGObserve loading times.

  • field DEBDATEEND


  • Work order (field MFGNUMSTR)

This field displays the work order number (unique ID).
This number is automatically or manually generated upon each creation.
Click the Selectionicon to open the list of work orders (which only includes 'Firm' or 'Closed' work orders) and select a work order.

  • field MFGNUMEND


Use this field to define the component product code.

 If this component currently exists in this BOM you must ensure the sequence number for this component is unique.

Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation