Stock > Quality control > Recontrol status change 

This function is used to assign a re-control (status Q) to a stock so as to renew it or reject it (status R).


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Screen management

Entry screen


The function is used to select lots on a given reference date in field "Lot re-control on".

Once the lots to be processed have been selected, the system presents in a grid all the statuses and sub-statuses existing for the selected lots and displays opposite the available replacement statuses and sub-statuses. A "Q status" and an "R status" are applied to lots with an "A status".
Lots with status A1 change to status Q1 and R1, etc. The destination statuses of this grid can be manually modified in order to replace status "Q*" and/or "R*" by the desired sub-status(es).

At process end, the system generates a list summarizing:

  • the lots concerned by the status change,
  • the journal numbers for the notes concerned by the status change,
  • and the journal numbers of the demanded quality controls.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

Allocation date

  • Current date (field DATJOUR)

A Calendar can be accessed with a right click and is used to indicate the process reference date.
A posting date other than the current date can be entered.

  • field IPTDAT

Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.

SEEINFOVous ne pouvez pas saisir une date supérieure à la date du jour.

Block number 2

  • Recontrol batches on (field REFDAT)

Reference date used as a selection criterion in the lots status change.

If nothing is entered, the current date is used.

Block number 4

  • A single product by document (field DOCITMFLG)

When a lot has expired, a status change document line is generated.

This tick box is used to indicate whether it is necessary to create a single status change document by product (ticked) or several products can appear on this document (not ticked).

  • Simulation (field SIMFLG)

  • Simulation Mode ("Simulation" tick box checked): a fictitious adjustment of issue prices is performed. No modification is recorded. 
    A log file appears with the details of the performed update by clicking [Ok], at the end of the execution. The price adjustment should be used on a specific product, the simulation is limited to one BOM level.

  • Actual Mode ("Simulation" tick box not checked): an effective adjustment of issue prices is performed. A log file is available by selecting "detailed log file" in the STOTRACE- Log level stock update parameter (STO chapter, MIS group).


  • Status (field STASTO)


  • Description (field STAAXX)


  • Q status (field NEWSTAQQQ)

This column indicates the destination sub-status that corresponds to "status A + associated sub-status". If the original sub-status is not managed for "status Q" in the sub-status table, it is deleted.
It is possible to manually re-enter a "status Q + destination sub-status" by carrying out a selection in the status table.

If the product setup foresees it, the status change to "status Q" leads to the generation of a quality control for the lots of the product concerned.

  • Description (field SHOAXXQQQ)


  • R status (field NEWSTARRR)

This column displays the destination sub-status that corresponds to "status A + associated sub-status". If the original sub-status is not managed for status R in the sub-status table, it is deleted.
It is possible to manually re-enter a status R + destination sub-status by carrying out a selection in the status table.

  • Description (field SHOAXXRRR)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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