Stock > Utilities > Valuation > Stock valuation period resync 

Use this utility to recynchronize the Stock valuation by period tables, listed below, to match the Stock journal (STOJOU) table. If discrepancies exist between STOJOU and these tables, the stock valuation by period tables are recalculated. Select simulation to analyze the discrepancies prior to committing the changes to those tables. A log file is provided.

Tables updated through this utility:

Average Unit Cost - ITMMVTPIT (ITVP)

Lot Average Unit Cost - STOLOTFCYPIT (SLFP)



The resync only updates the Stock valuation by period tables. The Stock journal table, journal entries, or stock transactions are not changed by the resync.

Resync period

You can only perform a resync of the tables listed above for an open fiscal period. Closed fiscal periods are assumed to be reconciled and balances should not be recalculated. If you try to perform a resync on a closed fiscal period, you receive an error message and the resync is not carried out.

The fiscal year and period selected in the resync determine the start date for the STOJOU and stock valuation by period records. Because the balances in those tables are a running total from period to period, no end date is needed as the utility recalculates from the start date going forward.

Log file

The log file indicates the table, field, key of the record, original value and new value. A total number products and records out of sync are listed at the bottom of the log.

Valuation method change and Product-site history

When the valuation method has been changed in the resync period, the utility recalculates the correct stock valuation by period tables for each applicable method and time frame.

The correct tables are updated according to the method assigned and any balances for prior methods are not incorrectly flagged as variances.

For example, if a product is assigned to Standard cost (STD) at the beginning of the period and then reassigned to Average unit cost (AUC) on the 15th day of the period, the resync utility syncs the balances for the first 14 days of the period in the Standard Cost - ITMCOSTPIT table and day 15 thru the end of the period in Average Unit Cost - ITMMVTPIT (ITVP). The balances for the first 14 days of the period are note flagged as variances in the AUC table and day 15 thru the end of the period is not flagged as variances in the STD table.

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Selection criteria

Enter a company.

  • All sites (field TOUSITE)

Select this checkbox to run the utility on all sites for the company.

If this check box is selected, the Stock site field is disabled.

Enter a stock site to run the utility on a single site. If you use the Look up tool, only stock sites are listed.

If the All sites check box is selected, this field is not available.
If the All sites check box is not selected, this field is required.

Enter a product or a range of products in the From product and To product fields.

If the All sites check box is selected, entering a product or range of products is required.


  • Fiscal year (field FIYNUM)

Enter or select a fiscal year.

Note: You can only select an open fiscal year.

This date along with the Period start date determines the start date for the resynchronization going forward, so no end date is needed. Balances in the Stock valuation by period tables are a running total from period to period.

  • Fiscal year start (field FIYSTR)

This field displays the fiscal year start date based on the Fiscal year selected.

  • Period number (field PERNUM)

Enter or select a period within the fiscal year.

Note: You can only select an open period.

This date along with the Fiscal year determines the start date for the resynchronization going forward, so no end date is needed. Balances in the Stock valuation by period tables are a running total from period to period.

  • Period start (field PERSTR)

This field displays the period start date based on the Period number selected.

Block number 2

  • Simulation (field SIM)

Select this check box to run the recalculation in simulation mode. In this case, only a log file of discrepancies table is produce and the Stock valuation by period tables are not updated.

If this check box is not selected, the recalculation updates the stock valuation by period tables only, STOJOU is not affected, and a log file is generated that indicates the updates by stock valuation by period table.

  • Create beginning balance records (field CREBAL)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The period is not open : 

You cannot run the utility on a closed period. Enter a Period number that corresponds to an open period in an open fiscal year.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation