A/P-A/R accounting > Open items > Cash forecast generation 

This process creates, from any Sage X3 document, the forecast of treasury movements that all these documents will generate in the future. For instance, a sales order does not involve directly a treasury movement, but you can estimate that, when it is delivered and invoiced, it will generate a treasury movement. This process makes the estimation of the future treasury movements.

The documents that are treated are the following:


Purchase requests, Purchase orders, Purchase contracts, Receipt notes


Quotes, Sales orders, Sales contracts, Delivery notes


CRM contracts, Leasing

The existent open items from invoices already created in Sage X3 are always treated.

The process is launched by company, until a determinate date, and selecting the documents to treat. The process calculates in each selected document the future open items that they will generate and it creates the corresponding cash forecast. The real open items are always treated and they also generate cash forecast. Below, you can see the calculations done for each document type.

Every time that the process is launched, the previous cash forecasts are deleted and they are calculated again. Therefore, you always have a current image of the forecast taking into account all the Sage X3 documents (the calculated amounts are always with taxes included).

At the end of the process, a log file details the treated documents and the summary with the totals of the generated Cash forecast by each type.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


On this screen, you enter the launching parameters to generate the cash forecast from Sage X3 documents. The checkboxes in the blocks Purchasing, Sales and Others are used to select the different kinds of Sage X3 documents to be treated in the process. It is possible to select the kinds of documents valid according to the setup of cash forecast types by company/site (in the Cash forecast types / company function). That is, if for a company/site a document type is not active, it is not possible to select it in the process. The process suggests, by default, all the possible Sage X3 documents selected.

SEEINFO The real open items from Sage X3 are always treated by the process. Therefore, there is no specific checkbox to select them.




The following fields are present on this tab :




  • End date (field DAT)



  • Purchase requests (field CFOPR)


  • POs (field CFOPO)


  • Purchasing open orders (field CFOPC)


  • Receipts (field CFORN)



  • Quotes (field CFOQU)


  • Sales orders (field CFOSO)


  • Sales open orders (field CFOSC)


  • Packing slips (field CFODN)



  • CRM contracts (field CFOCM)


  • Lease contracts (field CFOLEA)



  • Rate type (field TYPRAT)


  • Traceability detail (field DETTRC)


  • Delete forecast (field ERACFO)




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNTRTCFO is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Operation in progress on another workstation

Another user is executing the process for the same company.

XXXXX: Unauthorized module

The module is not active in the working folder.

The cash forecast type is not valid for this company/site XXX

During the execution of the process, a Sage X3 document has been treated and the cash forecast type of the document is not authorized on the financial site of the document (see the Cash forecast types / company function).

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Treatment by X3 document

In general, an X3 document must meet the following conditions in order to be taken into account by the process:

  • The document module must be active in the working folder.
  • The document date is between the first day of the analysis period (that is to say, the date process minus the indicated days in the setup of the forecast type) and the end date of the process.
  • The cash forecast type setup exists and it is active for the company / financial site of the document (see the Cash forecast types / company function).
  • The business partner is authorized for the cash forecast management.
  • The assigned bank is authorized for the cash forecast management.

The forecast date is always equal or upper than the day of the process. The cash forecast is assigned to the payer business partner.

Selection conditions
Foreseen invoicing date
Forecast amount
Payment term

Purchase request

- It is signed
- It is not ordered
- It is not closed
- It has a selected supplier


(Lessened if partial order)

According the supplier

Purchase orders

- It is not a open order
- It is signed
- It is not totally received
- it is not totally invoiced
- It is not closed



According the document

Purchase contract

- It is a open order
- It is signed
- It is not totally received
- it is not totally invoiced
- It is not closed



According the document

Receipts notes

- It is not invoiced



According the supplier

INICRE is the value of the Increment field in the definition of the cash forecast types by company.

Selection conditions
Foreseen invoicing date
Forecast amount
Payment term


- It is not ordered
- It is signed
- The probability >= valuer CFOPBYRAT parameter 

date$ + [F:SQH]DAYLTI + delay in payments


According the document

Sales orders

- It is not a open order
- It is not closed
- It is signed
- Credit status = OK
- It is not on hold

[F:SOQ]SHIDAT + delay in payments


According the document

Sales contracts

- It is a open order
- It is not closed
- It is signed
- Credit status = OK
- Validity date is OK

[F:SOQ]DEMDLVDAT + delay in payments


According the document

Delivery notes

- It is not for subcontract
- It is not returned
- It is not invoiced

[F:SDH]SHIDAT + delay in payments


According the document

The foreseen invoicing date is modified until the first invoicing day, according to the setup of the cash forecast type.

Selection conditions
Foreseen invoicing date
Forecast amount
Payment term

CRM contracts

- Next invoicing date < End date of the process



According the document


- Status: in process



According the supplier

Open items

- It is not closed
- The document type has "open item management"



Payment method: [F:DUD]PAM