Financials > Utilities > Miscellaneous > Account merge 

This utility is used to modify a source account code with the destination account code in the accounting lines. This process corresponds to an update of the balance.
It is simply a movement merge. There is no change occurring at setup level.

SEEINFO The account merge is carried out without taking the "propagation of accounts" setup into account.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

It is necessary to specify if the merge takes into account all the companies or only one of them ; then if all the sites are involved or only one (if a previous selection has been made on the company, the site selected belongs to it). Only the postings entered in an account for the company/companies concerned or the site(s) concerned will be selected.

Only the postings for this company will be taken into account for the transfer.
It is the default company of the user.


  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

All sites are concerned by the merge.

A site must be specified when the All sites flag is not checked. Only the postings for this site will be taken into account for the transfer. It is the default site of the user.
This site must belong to the company that may have been entered previously.


Code of the chart of accounts to which the source and destination accounts belong.

Account to merge.
If the source account is a matchable account with the matching codes A, B, and the destination account is also a matchable account with the matching codes A, B and C, the merge also merges the matching codes. That is, the As are grouped and the Bs are grouped.
If the source account is a matchable account with existing matches and the destination account is a non matchable account, the merge saves the matching codes Note: A matchable account with existing matches can be set to non matchable by clearing the check box.

When the Partner or Flow management is different in the Source and Target accounts, you receive a blocking message for the following conditions:

Source account setting

Target account result

Flowmanagement is Mandatory or Optional.

Flowmanagement is Not entered.

Flowmanagement is Not entered or Optional.

Flow management is Manditory.

Partnermanagement is Mandatory or Optional.

Partner management Not entered.

Partnermanagement is Not entered or Optional.

Partner management is Mandatory.

SEEINFOThis control is in effect only if the Chart of Accounts is associated with at least one consolidated ledger for the company.

SEEWARNINGRead the documentation for Partner initialization and Flow initialization.




Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACCGACMER is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation