This function is used to define left list groupings as data source for the portal.

This corresponds to the data sources of type multi-list (MLT) in the portal views. Concerning their presentation, they are associated with the standard multi-list visual component (ML1).


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Screen management



A code and a title are located in the header identifying the multi-list.




The following fields are present on this tab :

This code identifies the current record in a unique way.

  • Description (field AP2INTIT)

Use this field to assign a description to each record.



Tab General


The multi-list is defined in a grid with each line defining one of the selection lists forming it.

The number of the lists that can be displayed in a multi-list is limited to 10.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Number (field AP2NBOBJ)


The object code where the data will be listed is define here. It can be a normal object (the left list is selected), or an object list (created uniquely for adding left lists to an object that exists already). The object title is then displayed.

  • Selection options (field OBJSEL)

Used to filter the data presented in the list, to limit the results to part of the data managed by the object. Each filter is identified by a code (one character). The filters are defined in the Selection tab of the object. In the absence of the filter, all the lines in the table are available to be extracted.

  • Number of records (field NBREC)

The number of records is used to limit the number of lines presented in the list.

For performance reasons linked to the flow of data sent to the client workstation, it is recommended to limit to a reasonable number N of lines (between 10 and 30 for example). This is practical to use because a button used to read an additional N lines is displayed at the end of the list and it can be sued as many times as required. It is therefore possible to successively display N, 2N, 3N, 4N... lines.

It is nevertheless possible to go beyond the values shown above.

  • Sort (field ORDTRI)

Define in the sort order (ascending/descending) in which the list is displayed. This order refers to the key used in the standard selection of the object.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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