Refer to documentation Implementation
Two sections are used to set the archiving context: the General section describes the general conditions and the Parameters section defines the data exchanged with the EDM system during the archiving process.
The key identifies the setup as a unique setup. The key is not determining: the triggering criteria are the determining elements upon execution.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Code identifying the current record. |
| In translatable fields such as this one, you can enter a description in a language other than the connection language: Click On line translations from the Actions menu. |
| Select this check box to activate the current record. Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used by recalling their code:
The authorizations for a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature workflow. |
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Select a module for the setup. Use this field to specify if the screen has to be created in the folder database. This is the case when the module linked to the screen is active on the folder. |
| The activity code is used to avoid copying parameters that are not used during a folder creation and to protect the changes to the standard setup of an expected patch. |
| The volume identifier can be used for the archiving software. It identifies a physical container separated (for example if the user wants an archiving on different volumes, according to the company). It must have been defined at the level of the EDM software but can remain empty if there is a single container or if the EDM is able to direct a default container. |
| When checked, this box enables the opening of a window used to inquire and modify the parameters transmitted to the EDM software before the archiving. This is only possible if the processing is not a batch processing. |
| This flag enables an adjustment help to be activated. When running this setup while this option is active, the archiving engine displays in a log file the possible valuation error messages for the conditions, the log and the message. |
Triggering event
| This heading can be used to define the triggering event of the archiving. This can be:
| This code is used to:
| When the archiving is started by a print on an Archiving type destination, this field is used to limit the triggering when editing a given report. If the report is not entered, this setup applies to all the reports. |
| When the export is triggered from a data export, this heading is used to limit the triggering to an export carried out via a specific export template. The setup becomes generic and applies to all the templates if this field is not entered. |
| This heading is used to limit the setup start of a given function. This applies to the Excel exports. |
| This field is used to specify a setup for a company, for example entering a volume ID in which the files are archived. When the triggering event corresponds to the setup record, the heading Company fieldis valued. If the result of the valuation corresponds to the value existing in the heading, the triggering event is considered as complete and the archiving can be started. If this field is empty, the triggering event will be considered as complete however the valuation result of the heading Field companyis empty or does not correspond to any other record setup (what makes it possible to get a default setup for all the companies not explicitly defined by any record). |
| This formula specifies the current company in order to make it possible to determine whether a setup defined for a company code applies or not. |
| When the company cannot be easily determinable, in a context, by a calculation formula, the user can use the formula, that will determine the current site, to deduce the current company. It will then be possible to know whether a setup defined for a company code applies or not. |
| Type of document used to create the attachment in the object. This mandatory field, defined in the miscellaneous table 902 is, along with the identifier of the volume, one of the two differential criteria that are used to define the additional parameters of the archiving (entered on the second page of the archiving definition). |
| This logical criteria is valued when the triggering event of the archiving is detected. If the valuation result is wrong, the archiving cannot be started. |
| On completion of the archiving, it is possible to create an attachment focusing on the archived document. This optional field is used to define the object code concerned by the attachment. |
| When creating an attachment (i.e. when entering an object code in the previous heading), the value of the primary key of the object must be defined, in this case, in the form of a formula (several formulae separated by ";" if the key is a multiple key). |
| This type of field is used to load the key-word headings in the attachment, when an attachment is created on archiving the document. This is a calculation formula using all the variables likely to exist in the context (this depends on the triggering event) and especially the G_XXXX variables where XXXX is the code of a setup passed in an argument in the Variable tab. |
| This field is used to load the heading that identifies the document in the attachment, when an attachment is created on archiving the document. This reference is the identifier of the container where the document will be placed in the EDM. The container can be a directory, a machine or an URL. This is a calculation formula using all the variables likely to exist in the context (this depends on the triggering event) and especially the G_XXXX variables where XXXX is the code of a setup passed in an argument in the Variable tab. |
| This field is used to load the heading that identifies the document in the attachment, when an attachment is created on archiving the document. This document number is the unique identifier of a document in a container of the EDM (knowing that there can be a version number as additional identifier if a single document is submitted several times). This is a calculation formula using all the variables likely to exist in the context (this depends on the triggering event) and especially the G_XXXX variables where XXXX is the code of a setup passed in an argument in the Variable tab. |
| This field is used to load the number heading in the attachment, when an attachment is created on archiving the document. This version number is used to differentiate the different submissions of a single document. This is a calculation formula using all the variables likely to exist in the context (this depends on the triggering event) and especially the G_XXXX variables where XXXX is the code of a setup passed in an argument in the Variable tab. |
| This field contains an evaluated formula where the result is used to load the 'category' heading in the attachment, when an attachment is created on archiving the document. This is a numeric value defined by the local menu 96. This is a calculation formula using all the variables likely to exist in the context (this depends on the triggering event) and especially the G_XXXX variables where XXXX is the code of a setup passed in an argument in the Variable tab. |
| Name of the attachment displayed in the management of the X3 attachments instead of the entire file name. |
Block number 6
| This heading is used to enter a formula that enables the creation of a temporary file name used when archiving the document. This path can either be absolute or relative. The path is relative if it begins with any of the following ways:
It the path is not absolute, the directory, from which the path is calculated is defined by the general parameter ARCMAC; if not, the DIRPCE parameter value can be used and otherwise, the tmp directory of the current folder can be used. If the EDM connector is used without that no archiving engine could be installed, the directory naming is used to carry out very easily a mini management of the document by setting the files in the directories with names defined depending on the context. |
In this tab, enter the additional parameters sent to the EDM (or returned by the EDM after archiving). The list of parameters is defined in the Archiving setup (GESARE) function and only depends on the volume ID and documentation type.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| This setup code identifies one of the parameters converted to the EDM software when it was submitted. It is then sent, along with its value, to the EDM software every time the document is submitted. Moreover, in the call context, the software creates a variable whose name corresponds to the code prefixed by G_. Thus, for example, if the parameter identifying the submitted document is called DOC_ID, a variable G_DOC_ID will be available in the calling context, so it will be possible to use this variable in a formula defining a reference for the document to be archived in the software after it submission. |
| Use this field to assign a description to each record. |
| Defines the internal type of the G_XXXX variable linked to the XXXX setup. This field can take the following values Char, Integr., Date, Decimal, Description. |
| This field is used to know if the setup is only sent to the EDM (when it is equal to By value), or if it also may be returned by the EDM software to the calling program (when it is equal to By address). |
| This field is used to define, via a calculation formula, the value assigned to the variable transmitted to the EDM software when starting the archiving. The on line variables depend on the context and can include:
Click Post to create and validate the automatic processing called by the archiving function. |