Development > Data and parameters > Classes > Representations 

A representation is an entity of the dictionary which describes the properties used in the user interface.

A representation is always associated with a class. It contains specific elements, such as properties, as well as scripts and methods. These specific elements, in addition to the existing elements in the class, condition the behavior of the user interface.

Use this function to create and update the representations: If you want to use a representation that is already defined in the dictionary, you need to validate it first.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The header contains information identifying the class.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Description (field AZINTREP)



Tab General


This section displays the main information on the representation.

Facets grid

It defines the list of facets that are supported for the representation. Detail, Edit, Query, Lookup, and Summary.

Managed behaviors grid

It describes the behaviors managed for the representation.

Collections grid

It describes collections defined at representation level. The collections that have been defined in the class should be declared if:

    • The characteristics of the collections have been modified.
    • A field has been added to the collection.

Scripts grid

It lists:

  • The scripts and codes of the methods defined by the developer.
  • The scripts in which $PROPERTIES and $METHODS labels are available for development partners who wish to add their own code associated with supervisor events (especially for CRUD - Create, Read, Update and Delete - management).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Instance (field ABRCLA)
  • Used for search results (field DEFREP)



  • Module (field MODULE)

Technical module to which the representation is associated.


  • field TYPMSKREP
  • System (field FLGSYSTEM)

Grid Facets

  • Code (field CODFAC)
  • Active (field ENAFAC)

Grid Managed behaviors

  • Code (field CODCOM)
  • Active (field ENACOM)

Grid Collections

  • Code (field CODCOL)
  • Alias (field ALIASCOL)
  • Description (field INTITCOL)

Collection description.

  • Min no. (field MINCOL)

This field defines how the property array is allocated in memory instances. Can be 0, 1, or Maximum.

Activity code If entered, this activity code must be a sizing code. It is used to define the maximum size of the collection, on the basis of the activity code value. The memory allocation process is now dynamic: it is no longer necessary to increase the memory used to store the documents during the processing.

  • Max no. (field MAXCOL)

Maximum size of the collection. The maximum size is mandatory only when the collection is used by properties and not by an instance.

SEEINFOIf you define a maximum number, the number of created elements is limited.

  • Sequence number (field PROCOL)
  • Insertion (field FLGINSCOL)
  • Deletion (field FLGSUPCOL)
  • Sort (field FLGTRICOL)
  • Addition (field FLGAPDCOL)

Grid Scripts

  • Type (field TYPTRT)


Code supplied by the software vendor.


Code supplied by the software vendor or a partner, dedicated to the coverage of needs for a given activity sector.


Code supplied by a partner for a customer or written by a customer's development team to cover dedicated specific needs.

  • File (field CODTRT)
  • Order (field RANTRT)

Order in which the $METHODS and $PROPERTIES labels are called in the event.

Code used to protect the script during the standard patching process if the code starts with X, Y, or Z, or to activate/deactivate the call to the script.



Action icon

Processing editor




Tab Properties


This section describes proprieties defined at the representation level. The proprieties defined at the class level must not be listed.

Properties grid

It lists the properties and relative information.

Keys grid

It lists the key segments corresponding to the line selected in the Properties grid (if the property type is linked to a table [version 6 technology] or a persistent class).

Parameters grid

It contains the list of the parameters of a property, according to the current line in the Properties grid, if the type of the property has rules requiring additional parameters. You then need to enter a value to call the appropriate rule and parameters, based on the context.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Properties

  • Property (field CODFLD)
  • Order (field NUMFLD)
  • Description (field AZINTFLD)
  • Short description (field AZINTSHTFL)
  • Menu (field NOLIB)

Number of the local menu if the internal type of the data type in the previous field is "Local menu" ("M").

The numbers define all the available values of the property (for example, 1 is the local menu No / Yes).

  • Length (field LONG)
  • Collection (field FLDGRP)

Collection code. If there is only one property, this code does not need to be entered. Otherwise, it refers to one of the collections defined in this function. It might then be either an array of children references (header / lines structure) or a denormalized array stored in several columns of a database.

When the data type is a CLOB or BLOB, the Table of the lob and Lob field fields are managed by the supervisor. These fields describe in which table and column the rich media element is stored.

Based on the table used, the Key grid will be filled so that the join can be performed by giving the value of the key.

If the data type is not managed by the supervisor, a program will manage the join and no information can be entered in these two fields.

  • Lob field (field LOBFLD)


  • Content type (field LOBCNT)

Displays the content type associated to the data type.

  • Mandat (field OBLIG)
  • Dependency (field TABCONT)

Defines a property used when the control table depends on another table.

  • GET accessor (field FLGACCGET)

Grid Keys

  • Code (field CODCLE)

Column name of each segment key. It is impossible to modify it.

  • Description (field INTCLE)

Description of each key segment. This is not modifiable.

  • Type (field TYPCLE)

Data type of the key segment. This is not modifiable.

  • Value (field VALCLE)

Grid Parameters

  • Code (field CODPAR)

Code for each parameter, displayed automatically. It is impossible to modify it.

  • Description (field INTITPAR)

Description for each parameter, displayed automatically. This is not modifiable.

  • Method (field ADRVAL)

The mode defines how the parameter is transmitted in the call. It is impossible to modify it.

By address

A reference is sent to the call, and any modification made in the call on the variable will directly change the value of the parameter.

By value 

A parameter is copied and the value sent can be modified during the call with no impact on the parameter value.


A reference is sent to the call, but the parameter is read only. Any attempt to modify it during call execution will generate an error.

  • Type (field TYPINTPAR)

Data type of each key segment, displayed automatically. This is not modifiable.

  • Value (field VALEUR)



Tab Methods


This section defines the methods for the representation. As the representation is linked to a user interface process, only stateful methods are available. Therefore, stateless operations can only be defined for classes.

Methods grid

It lists the methods and corresponding information.

Parameters grid

It lists the parameters associated with the current method or operation in Methods grid with their corresponding information.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Methods

  • Code (field CODMET)
  • Description (field INTITMET)
  • Return (field DONMET)

Data type of the value returned by the method or operation. This is the type of the ARET_VALUE variable available in the event associated with the method.

Grid Parameters

  • Code (field CODPARMET)

Name of the variable that contains the parameter value, as it can be seen in the code called by the "$METHODS" event.

  • Type (field TYPPARMET)

Data type of the parameter sent to the method. It refers to the keyword used for the variable declaration.

  • Description (field INTITPARME)

Variable description.

  • Method (field MODPARMET)

Defines how the parameter is transmitted in the call.

By address

A reference is sent to the call, and any modification made in the call on the variable will directly change the value of the parameter.

By value

A parameter is copied and the value sent can be modified during the call with no impact on the parameter value.


A reference is sent to the call, but the parameter is read only. Any attempt to modify it during call execution will generate an error.

  • Dim. (field DIMPARMET)

Defines if the parameter sent is an array and what is its first index value. It can be:


No array.

From 1

Array with index starting at 1.

From 0

Array with index starting at 0.

Defines the class of the parameter when the Type field has the 'Instance' value.


Tab Organization


This section specifies the default hierarchical organization set up for the representation, as well as additional information used for the query page. A representation defines:

  • A page, divided into sections.
  • Sections, divided into blocks.
  • Blocks, containing properties that can be single or organized in collection. The collection is then usually represented by a grid in the user interface.

The sections, blocks and properties are placed by default in a page according to a predefined algorithm. You can use the customization function to change the layout without losing the hierarchical organization of the representation.

Section grid

It lists the properties of the page.

Blocks grid

It lists the blocks of the page.

Filters grid

It lists those filters that can be used for the current representation. The filters contained in this list are used in the Query facet. A filter that is set as mandatory will always be applied on the query.

All the other filters are displayed as links on the right side of the page. If you click this link, the query is refreshed and the filter is applied, in addition to the mandatory filter, if any. If you click several links, filters will not be combined but your new set of filters will replace the previous one.

If there is at least a filter which is not the mandatory filter in the grid, an additional link called No filter is also present, to allow users to query a list with no other filter than the default one When entering the query, the filter with the Default field set as Yes is the default filter, but it can be replaced by any other filter.

Sort order grid

It is used to set the default order used to display the query lines. If it is not specified, the default index for the main grid associated with the class will be used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Sections

  • Code (field CODSEC)
  • Description (field AZINTSEC)
  • Display order (field NIVSEC)
  • Stacked (field STACKED)


Grid Blocks

  • Code (field CODBLC)
  • Description (field AZINTBLC)
  • Section (field SECBLC)
  • Display order (field NIVBLC)
  • Stacked (field BLOCSTACKE)


  • Column no. (field BLOCCOLNUM)


Grid Filters

  • Code (field OPTCOD)

Unique code for the filter. A selection action is available on this field to select a filter defined for the class.

  • Class (field OPTFLGCLA)
  • Description (field AZOPTLIB)
  • Mandat (field OPTOBY)
  • Default (field OPTDEF)
  • Option condition (field OPTCND)
  • Error message (field AZOPTERR)

Sort order

  • Index (field CODIND)
  • field ADESIND


  • Index descriptor (field DESCRIPT)



Tab Displayed properties


A representation displays on the device (mobile, tablet, computer) a list of properties, which can be:

  • The properties defined in the representation.
  • The properties presented in the main class or its child classes.

Properties grid

It lists all available properties. The selection action provides access to the list of classes, child classes and properties to include. It is also possible to enter a property on a line.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Properties

  • Alias (field ALIAS)
  • Property (field CODPRO)
  • Collection (field FLDGRPPRO)
  • Block (field BLCPRO)
  • Order (field ORDPRO)
  • Description (field AZINTPRO)
  • Short description (field AZINTSHTPR)
  • Column no. (field COLNUM)


  • Unit (field UOMPRO)
  • Filter P (field PARFILPRO)
  • Entry P (field PARENTPRO)
  • Query (field QRYPRO)
  • Initial status (field STAQRYPRO)


  • Detail (field DETPRO)


  • Initial status (field STADETPRO)


  • Edit (field EDIPRO)


  • Initial status (field STAEDIPRO)


  • Enterable (field TYPAFFPRO)


  • Hidable (field ISMASKABLE)


  • Break after (field BREAKAFTER)


  • Lookup (field LOKPRO)
  • Initial status (field STALOKPRO)


  • Summary (field SUMPRO)


  • Initial status (field STASUMPRO)




Tab Links


This section defines the links that are available in various locations of the user interface. The links trigger operations or methods depending on the context. Because there can be many links in a representation, this section presents a restricted list of available links according to the following filters: the Anchor type field and the Generated links or Only the invalid links check boxes.

Links grid

It lists the links filtered according to the specified anchor type.

Keys grid

When a link requires a key to operate, this grid is loaded with the corresponding elements. It is necessary to specify the formula in the Value column.

Parameters grid

When a link requires additional parameters to operate, this grid is loaded with a list of these parameters. It is necessary to specify the formula in the Value column.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Anchor type (field TYPANCLNK)
  • Display of generated links (field OPTSTDLNK)
  • Only invalid links (field OPTINVLNK)


  • Anchor (field CODANCLNK)

Grid Links

  • Anchor (field WANCLNK)


  • Code (field WCODLNK)
  • Generated (field WFLGSTDLNK)
  • Active link (field WENALNK)
  • Invalid (field WINVLNK)
  • Description (field WINTITLNK)
  • Type (field WTYPLNK)
  • Action (field WCMPLNK)
  • Target (field WTARLNK)


  • Instance path (field WCLAPTRLNK)


  • Method / Operation (field WMETLNK)
  • Asynchronous (field WFLGASYLNK)


  • URL (field WFREELNK)


  • Menu (field WMENLNK)
  • Order (field WORDLNK)
  • Attribute (field WATTLNK)
  • Replacement (field WREMSTDLNK)
  • Detail (field WDETLNK)
  • Query (field WQRYLNK)


  • Edit (field WEDILNK)


  • Lookup (field WLOKLNK)


  • Summary (field WSUMLNK)


Grid Keys

  • Code (field CODCLELNK)


  • Description (field INTCLELNK)


  • Type (field TYPCLELNK)


  • Method (field MODCLELNK)


  • Value (field VALCLELNK)

Grid Parameters

  • Code (field CODPARLNK)


  • Description (field DESPARLNK)


  • Type (field TYPPARLNK)


  • Filter P (field PARFILLNK)


  • Entry P (field PARENTLNK)


  • Method (field MODPARLNK)


  • Input (field AFFPARLNK)


  • Number (field MNLPARLNK)


  • Length (field LNGPARLNK)


  • Value (field VALPARLNK)
  • First value (field VALPARDEBL)


  • Final value (field VALPARFINL)




Action icon

Invalid/valid link




Tab Menus


In this section, the menus that organize the links can be defined.

Menu grid

It provides the menu definition for each line.

Default configuration grid

It defines, for each facet, the default link which appears in first position in the link panel, along with its associated style. The only information to be specified is the menu or the code of the link in the Link/Menu column, and an activity code in the Activity code column (the other columns are automatically loaded).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Menu

  • Code (field CODMENU)
  • Description (field ZLIBMENU)
  • Parent (field PARMENU)
  • Order (field ORDMENU)

Grid Default configuration

  • Facet (field FACCETTE)


  • Default (field DEFLNKFAC)


  • Link/Menu (field LNKMENFAC)
  • Anchor type (field LIBAFFLNK)


  • Description (field LIBLNKMEN)




Specific buttons

Only the actions of links other than the usual CRUD operations and other than the automatic link actions (PDF, Office integration, etc.) are described.

This operation also exists in the class dictionary. Click this action to display a window with the following elements:

Graphical view of the class or representation

You will find below the list of icons used in the graphical view:




Representation (node followed by the elements of the representation)


Class containing child elements (scripts, tables, collections or child classes)


Managed table (node followed by the list of tables)


Collection of instances of classes, or containing several collections of properties (node followed by the list of classes or tables)


List of scripts (node followed by the corresponding scripts)


Elements with no sub-elements


Property: description - table_code [abbreviation] Class class_name[cardinality]


[Dimensions] property_name property_description


Standard order (standard, vertical, specific) Script name


Class with no sub-elements


Recursive class (reference to a class already described in the tree structure)


1) In the graphical view, reference collections or tables can be mentioned in the following formats:

[0 - n], where n is a constant: the collection has a varying size, but the maximum size is defined by a constant.

[0 - ACT], where ACT is an activity code: the collection has a varying size, but the maximum size is defined by an activity code.

[Maximum - n], where n is a constant: the collection has a constant size defined by a constant.

[Maximum - ACT], where ACT is an activity code: the collection has a constant size defined by the value of the activity code.

2) The cardinality of a relationship is defined by one of the following choices:

[0 1]

[0 n]

[1 1]

[1 n]

Number of classesfield

Total number of child classes in the class or the representation.

Tree structure depthfield

Maximum tree structure depth.

Classes grid

Click this action to validate the representation. This action:

  • Checks the consistency of the description for the representation.
  • Generates the code of the representation (properties, methods and operations ) in a script, where repr is the code of the representation.
  • Generates the code of the additional Sage X3 scripts. In it, the logic of the user interface, associated with the CRUD operations, as well as the event calls, are coded.

SEEWARNING The generated program must not be modified. It is automatically re-created upon each validation.

Menu bar

Options / Global validation

Click this action to perform a general validation of the representation.

  • It validates the associated class and all its child classes.
  • It validates the representation.

Options / Validation with log

Options / Validation with log

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Property or collection does not exist

A property or a collection that has been used in a link is no longer available in the representation.

The replacement link $1$ must be ungenerated

A generated link has itself a generated replacement link.

The replacement link $1$ must match the type and action of link $2$

A replacement link must be compatible with the link which it replaces (have the same anchor and the same anchor type).

The replacement link $1$ must be activated

A replacement link must be activated.

Link "$1$" not authorized on facet $2$

This message appears in several cases:

  • In a Lookup or Summary facet: neither the links of the method nor the links of the classical pages are allowed.
  • In an Edit facet: the links on the representations with a Lookup or Summary action, along with the URL links, are the only ones to be allowed.
This method is not an operation

The type is not correct.

The method called does not exist.

The code entered does not correspond to a method of the class.

Additional information

Modifications made on the representation may have an impact on ​other representations which have a link on a facet of this representation. Entering a representation in the dictionary can trigger the automatic update of the links. In that case, a message is displayed prompting the user to save the updated representation. The link on the representations is then automatically performed when a patch is installed or the folder is revalidated.

Representations that became obsolete

In Purchase and Sales modules some representations are no longer used nor maintained. New representations to replace them are available.

Their list is available in the documentation: Representations that became obsolete.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation