Setup > Financials > Accounting forms > Calculated journal entries 

Use this function to calculate a journal amount based on the total of movements, on the balance of a general account or on an account class. An accounting entry is then generated based on a template.


  • Provision of doubtful customers
  • After sales
  • Revaluation of the expenses or revenues

You can specify a discount date if necessary.

After setting up the calculated journal, use Calculated journal generation to generate journals in accounting.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Calculated journal (field COD)

Enter a unique code that is comprised of 1 to 10 alphanumeric characters.
This setup is used to define the characteristics of the journal to generate.

  • field DESTRA


  • Short description (field SHOTRA)



  • Generation type (field TYPGEN)

Select a generation type.


Select this option to include the debit or credit total, or the debit or credit balance at the account or control account level.


Select this option to include the debit or credit total, or the debit or credit balance at the account or control account plus BP level.

  • Carryforwards (field PERNEW)

Select this check box to include the carry-forward amounts in the calculation of the entry amount if the generation start date matches the first period of the account fiscal year.

  • Closing period (field PERCLO)

Select this check box to include the closing period for the calculation of the entry amount.

Entry type for the template.

  • Number (field REFNUM)

This template journal is used as a model when generating actual or simulated journals depending on how the calculated entries are processed.

The template journal must be created on journal entry (see the Journal entry documentation).

On this journal, you can define the:

  • Entry structure
  • Site
  • Account postings
  • Analytical postings

The Debit and Creditfields of this entry must be filled in as follows:
Enter a coefficient on the first line. This coefficient is used as the basis for allocating the open item global amount in proportion to the coefficients of the next lines.


A Miscellaneous operation is allocated on two expense accounts: 75% for the first account and 25% for the second. The lines of the template journal can be entered as follows:

Debit / Credit Account

Entered amount







If the calculated entry generates journals where only two accounts are balanced, a coefficient of 1 can be used.

  • Ledger type (field LEDTYP)

Select the ledger where to search for the debit or credit total or the debit or credit balance of the account(s) or account root. The account(s) is/are defined in the calculation base.

  • Calculation basis (field ACC)

Specify the accounts or account classes to be used for calculating the journal amount.
The syntax is the following:

  • 707: for all accounts starting with 707
  • 70-72: all the accounts between 70 and 72
  • 70(7): for all the accounts in the class 70 except those starting with 707
  • 707 709: for all accounts starting with 707 and with 709
  • Formula (field FORAMT)

Specify the calculation formula to be applied for calculating the journal amount.
The formula must contain at least one of the following four variables:

  • TD,TC: to calculate the amounts from the debit total (TD) or credit total (TC) of the accounts included in the calculation basis
  • SD, SC: to calculate the amounts from the sum of the debit balance (SD) or the sum of the credit balance (SC) of the accounts used in the calculation basis

The amount calculated from the calculation basis and the formula are posted to the account of the first line of the template journal.

Actual generation

Select the entry type and the journal that will be used for the generation of the accounting entries in actual mode.

The entry type and journal can differ according to the template entry.



  • Reference (field FORREF)

You can define a reference or title (or both) using a formula. They will be used by default when generating the entry (displayed in journal entry or inquiry). If these fields are not entered, the reference and title will be recopied from the template journal.

In formulas, you can use all the variables of the GACCENT0, GACCENT1and GACCENT2screens that make up the STD entry structure. They are open using the abbreviations HAE0, HAE1 and HAE2. The global variables and system variables (datesyst) are also used, as well as the NEWDAT variable, that determines the generation date of the current journal. As for the title, it represents the line number (0...N-1).

If the reference or title is made of text, you must enter the description between quotation marks. You can also resort to formulas and use information from other fields.  

  • Description (field FORDES)


Last documents

This field displays the entry type for the last journal generated in actual mode.

  • Entry (field LASNUMDEF)

This field displays the number of the last journal generated in actual mode.

  • Accounting date (field LASDATDEF)


This field displays the entry type for the last journal generated in simulation mode.

  • Entry (field LASNUMSIM)

This field displays the number of the last journal generated in simulation mode.

  • Accounting date (field LASDATSIM)




Specific Buttons

Use this button to view the last journal generated in actual mode.

Use this button to view the last journal generated in simulation mode.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Journal in manual numbering

The journal being used must have an automatic numbering sequence.

Journal prohibited in simulation or in actual mode

The journal type used for the generation must be compatible with the generation type.

The formula does not contain any variable code

The formula to be applied for the calculation of the journal amount must contain at least one of the six pre-defined variables (TD, TC, SD, SC, SD' ou SC').

Tables used

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