Human Resources administration > Employee field dictionary 

This function is used to view the list of fields available in the employee records and to assign to them additional characteristics used in other functions.

Used in the following functions:


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Screen management

Assigning new characteristics to the fields of the employee records is important and valuable when using other functions.

  • Active: The field will be available in the "Employee screens" function.
  • Selection : The field will be available in the employee field selection function on entry of free criteria.
  • Sequence: Sorts in ascending order the list of employee fields proposed in the "Employee screens" function.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Field (field FLD)

No help linked to this field.

  • Description (field WDES)

No help linked to this field.

Block number 2



  • Sequence (field ROW)

Sequence number used to sort in ascending order the list of employee fields in the "Employee screens" function and on selection of employee fields to create a free criterion in given functions, such as calculation exceptions, adjustments, etc.



  • field DESTYP


  • Dimension (field FLDDIM)


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Check box activating or deactivating the field.

If the field is activated, it is available in the 'Employee screens' function. Otherwise, it is not displayed in this function.

  • Selection (field ENASEL)

Check box activating or deactivating the field in the selection panel of the fields to be displayed in the employee records. This selection is frequent on entry of free criteria, for example for calculation exceptions, adjustments, etc.

  • Total payroll (field MSFLG)

This witness is used to select the fields that can be specified in the Arrival hypothesis transactions, Departure hypothesis transactions and Modify hypothesis transactions functions.

  • Universal pre-loading (field POTFLG)

Check box used to pre-load the fields selected in the "Administrative" tab of the "Position", "Standard job" or "Profile" records.

  • Backpay (field FLGRET)

Check this box to specify whether the field is tracked in back-pay.


  • field NBRPAR

No help linked to this field.

  • Parameter (field PARCOD)


  • Value (field PARVAL)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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