Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Setup > Movement rules and natures 

Use this function to link a Statistical rule and a Transaction nature to each movement type.

You can customize this setup by legislation, country and company group for physical and adjustment flows. You can also specify whether the stock value has to be included when the commercial value of the movement is equal to 0.

This setup is used to contextually load the relevant information in the documents associated with the distribution flows. This information can still be modified. It is also used when generating the Intrastat file for Free delivery, Back-to-back order delivery or Subcontract receipt movement lines: The setup information will overwrite the existing values from each entry header.

This function is preloaded with a set of parameters specific to a legislation and a given movement type. This set of parameters is described below.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

In creation mode, the legislation code is initialized by default via the user parameter LEGFIL - Legislation (selection filter) (SUP chapter, INT group). You can also use this parameter to filter the selection panel and only display the codes defined for this legislation and those defined for All legislations.
When a legislation code is applied, the setup can only be used by companies under thislegislation.

General principles for legislation:

  • When a record exists for a legislation, for example French legislation (FRA), it can only be used in other files (setups, movement entry, etc.) containing the same legislation (FRA) or no legislation at all. It cannot be used in a record containing a different legislation.
  • When a record exists without legislation, or all the legislations, it can be used in other records regardless of their legislation.

SEEINFOThis behavior is modifiedwhen a record has several legislations:

If a record (same code) exists for a legislation, for example FRA, and also without legislation, the behavior is as follows:

  • For a record with a legislation different from the legislation defined in the data (FRA in the example):
    Only the data set up without legislation can be used.
  • For a record containing an identical legislation (FRA in the example):
    Only the date set up with this legislation can be used, as long as it is active.
    The data set up without legislation cannot be used even if it is active, and the data set up with legislation is inactive.
  • For a record for which there is no legislation entered:
    Only the data set up without legislation can be used.
    The data with a legislation is not available for selection and cannot be used.
    However, if the data without legislation does not exist, all data containing a legislation is available for selection and can be used.

    SEEINFOWhen using data available for several legislations that is set up with a group of companies, an additional control is carried out to maintain consistency within the  group of companies. It is a control between the legislation of the element (setup, flows, etc.) in which the data is used and the legislation of  group of companies entered on the  data and the reverse.
    Example: The Tax rate  setup element uses the Tax rule data.
If the Tax rate is linked to a legislation, the control ensures that the group of the Tax rule contains at least one company with the same legislation as the legislation of the Tax rate.
If the Tax rate is defined for a group has no legislation, the control ensures that the legislation of the Tax rule corresponds to at least one of the companies of the group entered on the Tax rate.

SEEWARNINGThe list of selection of data does not take into account this control because it is only carried out when the data is selected. 


Entering a country code is used to limit the use of this setup to the companies attached to this country.

The code of a group of companies is used to limit the use of this setup to the companies attached to this country.

By entering a company group, you can limit the scope to companies in the selected group only. When this data is used for another record or with a setup element also defined in the group, a control checks that the groups have at least one company in common when the groups are different.  

In addition, a consistency check is performed for the legislations of the companies in the selected group.
At least one of these companies must have the same legislation as the one entered in the Legislation field. If  not, a warning message displays.

  • Movement (field MVT)
Use this field to select the movement type to which the setup applies. This field is mandatory on creation.
You can select a Legislation, Country, and/or Company group specific to this setup and a given movement type. The key identifying the setup will be created based on this set of information.
  • Active (field ENAFLG)

By default, this check box is selected to indicate that the setup is active for this legislation.

Clear this box to disable the setup and no longer use it for this legislation. This is the case when a country withdraws from the European union, for example.

Physical flow

Statistical rule linked to the movement for the selected legislation, country and company group.
The legislation and group of the rule you enter have to be consistent with those from the header.

General principles for legislation:

  • When a record exists for a legislation, for example French legislation (FRA), it can only be used in other files (setups, movement entry, etc.) containing the same legislation (FRA) or no legislation at all. It cannot be used in a record containing a different legislation.
  • When a record exists without legislation, or all the legislations, it can be used in other records regardless of their legislation.

SEEINFOThis behavior is modifiedwhen a record has several legislations:

If a record (same code) exists for a legislation, for example FRA, and also without legislation, the behavior is as follows:

  • For a record with a legislation different from the legislation defined in the data (FRA in the example):
    Only the data set up without legislation can be used.
  • For a record containing an identical legislation (FRA in the example):
    Only the date set up with this legislation can be used, as long as it is active.
    The data set up without legislation cannot be used even if it is active, and the data set up with legislation is inactive.
  • For a record for which there is no legislation entered:
    Only the data set up without legislation can be used.
    The data with a legislation is not available for selection and cannot be used.
    However, if the data without legislation does not exist, all data containing a legislation is available for selection and can be used.

    SEEINFOWhen using data available for several legislations that is set up with a group of companies, an additional control is carried out to maintain consistency within the  group of companies. It is a control between the legislation of the element (setup, flows, etc.) in which the data is used and the legislation of  group of companies entered on the  data and the reverse.
    Example: The Tax rate  setup element uses the Tax rule data.
If the Tax rate is linked to a legislation, the control ensures that the group of the Tax rule contains at least one company with the same legislation as the legislation of the Tax rate.
If the Tax rate is defined for a group has no legislation, the control ensures that the legislation of the Tax rule corresponds to at least one of the companies of the group entered on the Tax rate.

SEEWARNINGThe list of selection of data does not take into account this control because it is only carried out when the data is selected. 

  • Physical flow (field FLUX)

This field displays the direction of the physical flow: Shipment or Receipt, which are automatically loaded based on the statistical rule. This field is available as long as no statistical rule is entered.

The transaction nature linked to the movement for the selected legislation, country and company group.
The legislation and group of the nature you enter have to be consistent with those from the header and statistical rule.

General principles for legislation:

  • When a record exists for a legislation, for example French legislation (FRA), it can only be used in other files (setups, movement entry, etc.) containing the same legislation (FRA) or no legislation at all. It cannot be used in a record containing a different legislation.
  • When a record exists without legislation, or all the legislations, it can be used in other records regardless of their legislation.

SEEINFOThis behavior is modifiedwhen a record has several legislations:

If a record (same code) exists for a legislation, for example FRA, and also without legislation, the behavior is as follows:

  • For a record with a legislation different from the legislation defined in the data (FRA in the example):
    Only the data set up without legislation can be used.
  • For a record containing an identical legislation (FRA in the example):
    Only the date set up with this legislation can be used, as long as it is active.
    The data set up without legislation cannot be used even if it is active, and the data set up with legislation is inactive.
  • For a record for which there is no legislation entered:
    Only the data set up without legislation can be used.
    The data with a legislation is not available for selection and cannot be used.
    However, if the data without legislation does not exist, all data containing a legislation is available for selection and can be used.

    SEEINFOWhen using data available for several legislations that is set up with a group of companies, an additional control is carried out to maintain consistency within the  group of companies. It is a control between the legislation of the element (setup, flows, etc.) in which the data is used and the legislation of  group of companies entered on the  data and the reverse.
    Example: The Tax rate  setup element uses the Tax rule data.
If the Tax rate is linked to a legislation, the control ensures that the group of the Tax rule contains at least one company with the same legislation as the legislation of the Tax rate.
If the Tax rate is defined for a group has no legislation, the control ensures that the legislation of the Tax rule corresponds to at least one of the companies of the group entered on the Tax rate.

SEEWARNINGThe list of selection of data does not take into account this control because it is only carried out when the data is selected. 

  • Value stock (field VALSTO)

This option indicates if the stock value is included or not when the commercial value of the movement is equal to 0.

Adjustment flow

The adjustment statistical rule linked to the movement for the selected legislation, country and company group.

  • Adjustment flow (field FLUXREGUL)

This field displays the direction of the adjustment flow: Shipment or Receipt, which are automatically loaded based on the adjustment statistical rule. This field is available as long as no statistical rule is entered.

The nature of the adjustment transaction linked to the movement for the selected legislation, country and company group.



Standard setup delivered for each movement type

Depending on the legislation of the company to which the site is attached, the rule and nature are initialized as described in the tables below for each transaction.

For nonbillable delivery returns, a specific Intrastat rule is triggered and loads the data from the rule, excluding the return header values since nonbillable delivery returns are not linked to any specific category.

FRA legislation

MovementPhysical flowsAdjustment flows
Classic delivery2111

Intercompany delivery2111

Loan delivery2932

Subcontract delivery2941

Intersite delivery2131

Export delivery with fwd. agent2911

Direct order delivery3111

Classic receipt1111

Subcontract receipt1951

Intersite receipt1111

Intercompany receipt1111

Customer return1921

Loan return1921

Supplier return2921

Sales invoices211126
Sales credit memos192125
Loan invoices2132

Free delivery2911

Subcontract material return1951

Receipt for subcontract1941

Subcontract delivery2951

Supplier return of subcontract end product2922

Supplier return of subcontract materials2951

Customer return of subcontract end product1922

Nonbillable delivery2911

Nonbillable delivery return1921

BRI legislation

MovementPhysical flowsAdjustment flows
Classic delivery

Intercompany delivery

Loan delivery

Subcontract delivery

Intersite delivery

Export delivery with fwd. agent

Free delivery

Classic receipt

Subcontract receipt

Intersite receipt

Intercompany receipt

Customer return

Loan return

Supplier return

Sales invoices

Sales credit memos

Nonbillable delivery

Nonbillable delivery return

ITA legislation

MovementPhysical flowsAdjustment flows
Classic deliveryIT21IT11

Intercompany deliveryIT21IT11

Loan deliveryIT29IT12

Subcontract deliveryIT29IT41

Intersite deliveryIT21IT11

Export delivery with fwd. agentIT29IT11

Direct order deliveryIT31IT11

Classic receiptIT11IT11

Subcontract receiptIT19IT41

Intersite receiptIT11IT11

Intercompany receiptIT11IT11

Customer returnIT19IT21

Loan returnIT19IT61

Supplier returnIT29IT21IT26
Sales invoicesIT21IT11IT25
Sales credit memosIT19IT21

Loan invoicesIT21IT61

Nonbillable deliveryIT21IT90

Nonbillable returnIT19IT90

POR legislation

MovementPhysical flowsAdjustment flows
Classic deliveryPT21PT11

Intercompany deliveryPT21PT11

Loan deliveryPT29PT12

Subcontract deliveryPT23PT51

Intersite deliveryPT21PT11

Export delivery with fwd. agentPT29PT11

Direct order deliveryPT24PT11

Classic receiptPT11PT11

Subcontract receiptPT23PT11

Intersite receiptPT11PT11

Intercompany receiptPT11PT11

Customer returnPT19PT21

Loan returnPT19PT61

Supplier returnPT29PT21

Sales invoicesPT21PT11PT26
Sales credit memosPT19PT21PT25
Loan invoicesPT21PT61

Nonbillable deliveryPT29PT11

Nonbillable returnPT19PT21

GER legislation

MovementPhysical flowsAdjustment flows
Classic delivery

Intercompany delivery

Loan delivery

Subcontract delivery

Intersite delivery

Export delivery with fwd. agent

Direct order delivery

Classic receipt

Subcontract receipt

Intersite receipt

Intercompany receipt

Customer return

Loan return

Supplier return

Sales invoices

Sales credit memos

Loan invoices

Free delivery

Subcontract material return

Receipt for subcontract

Subcontract delivery

Supplier return of subcontract end product

Supplier return of subcontract materials

Customer return of subcontract end product

Nonbillable delivery

Nonbillable delivery return

SPA legislation

MovementPhysical flowsAdjustment flows
Classic deliverySP21SP11

Intercompany deliverySP21SP11

Loan deliverySP29SP12

Subcontract deliverySP29SP40

Intersite deliverySP21SP11

Export delivery with fwd. agentSP29SP11

Direct order deliverySP31SP11

Classic receiptSP11SP11

Subcontract receiptSP19SP40

Intersite receiptSP11SP11

Intercompany receiptSP11SP11

Customer returnSP19SP21

Loan returnSP19SP61

Supplier returnSP29SP21

Sales invoicesSP21SP11

Sales credit memosSP19SP21SP25
Loan invoicesSP21SP61

Nonbillable deliverySP21SP11

Nonbillable returnSP14SP21

Specific buttons

Select this action to copy the setup to another folder.

Local menus

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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