Costing > Performance analysis > Production cost history 

This function shows the history of the Production Cost Prices (PCP) for a given product and a given site.

Contextual functions are used to access the detail of each Production Cost Price calculation and the corresponding work order.

Only the updated PCPs can be viewed in the PCP history.


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Screen management

This function uses a selection criteria screen, then cost inquiry screens.

The browser is used to select the product and the site which PCP history should be consulted.




The sort can be carried out by:

  • actual quantity,
  • by date,
  • by work order,
  • by discrepancy percentage.

The discrepancy corresponds to the Actual qty/Planned qty ratio.
The sort can be performed in ascending or descending order.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Reference of the manufactured/sub-contracted product which cost price needs to be calculated.

Use this field to define the storage and/or production site.

The site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

 A storage site has the Stock check box in the Details section selected.

  • Start date (field DATSTR)

Production cost price calculation date

  • End date (field DATEND)




  • Product status (field ITMSTA)


  • Cost group (field BRDCOD)



  • Sort (field TRI)

The available sorting criteria for Production Cost Prices are
Date (by default)
WO number
Actual quantity

  • Sort order (field SENS)

The production costs can be displayed in ascending or descending order of the field used as a sort criterion.



Tab Total:


This tab shows all the calculated PCPs for the selected product and site, with for each PCP:

  • The total with Overheads,
  • the total without Overheads,
  • the Material part,
  • the machine part,
  • the labor part,
  • the sub-contract part,
  • the Overheads part.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Date (field MFCDAT)


  • Entry type (field VCRTYP)


  • Order no. (field VCRNUM)


  • Total completed qty. (field CPLQTY)


  • Expected quantity (field EXTQTY)


  • Total (field TOTWITOVE)


  • Total without overhead (field CSTTOT)


  • Material (field MATTOT)


  • Machine (field MACTOT)


  • Labor (field LABTOT)


  • Subcontracted (field SCOTOT)


  • Overhead (field OVETOT)


  • Cost type (field MFCTYP)


  • Entry line no. (field VCRLIN)




Action icon

Work Orders

This button is used to access the PCP detail.

Work Orders

This button is used to access the WO management.





Tab Graphic


This graphical representation displays the evolution of each production cost price.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Material (field MATFLG)


  • Machine (field MACFLG)


  • Labor (field LABFLG)


  • Subcontracted (field SCOFLG)


  • Overhead (field OVEFLG)



  • Entry (field VCRNUM)


  • field CST1


  • field CST2


  • field CST3


  • field CST4



Specific Buttons

This button is used to access additional criteria in order to filter the types of costs to be displayed (Theoretical forecast, release forecast, Production forecast or Actual Cost Price).

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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