Time management > DON'T USE > Public holidays 

Use this function to define the public holidays for a calendar year.
They can be defined globally for all the folder or per site.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The list of public holidays for the calendar year must be entered in the header.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Site for which bank holidays are defined.

If the field is not entered, the bank holidays are valid for all sites.

  • Year (field YEA)

The entry format of the bank holidays must be DDMM or DD/MM.

DD represents the day with 2 characters, and MM represents the month with 2 characters.

In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.

  • If a legislation has been set in the LEGFIL (Legislation selection filter) parameter (SUP chapter, INT group), it is used as the default but can be changed if needed.
  • If LEGFIL has no legislation set, there will not be a default, so the Legislation field will have to be entered appropriately.

If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group.


If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation.

In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed.


Grid Dates

  • Date (field HLYDAY)

The entry format of the bank holidays must be DDMM or DD/MM.

DD represents the day with 2 characters, and MM represents the month with 2 characters.

  • Day (field DAY1)





Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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