Once the setup is done, the processing can be launched using the following function: Launch MES interface.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Enter the export and import templates to use.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Identification code of the interface setup. |
|   |
| Select the template code. |
|   |
|   |
| This field is used to specify a selection reference for work centers, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
Work orders
| This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
| Select the template code. |
| This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders - products, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
| Select the template code. |
| This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders - operations, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
| Select the template code. |
| This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders - materials, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing. |
| Select the template code. |
|   |
|   |
| Default status of the lines created during the import of production reporting. |
Block number 5
|   |
|   |
|   |
The interface processing is carried out via files with fixed names which formats are defined by pre-defined import and export models dedicated to each flow.
Export flow: X3 - - - > OSYS
Flows | Template | File |
Employee IDs | MESTMA | TMA.txt |
Rejection | MESTSR | TSR.txt |
Work centers | MESMWS | MWS.txt |
Work orders | MESMFI | MFI.txt |
Operations | MESMFO | MFO.txt |
Materials | MESMFM | MFM.txt |
Import flows: OSYS - - - > X3
Flows | Template | File |
Operation tracking | MESMKO | MKO.txt |
Material tracking | MESMKM | MKM.txt |
Production reporting | MESMKI | MKI.txt |
These models, pre-defined, may be subject to a redelivery. The last delivery of the Time Lord. It is therefore not recommended to modify their content. However, if it is necessary to modify a model (addition of fields, for example), it is possible to duplicate it.
MESMWS: Work centers
MESMFI: Work orders
MESMFO: Operations
MESMFM: Materials
MESMKO Operation tracking
MESMKI: Production reporting
In Server mode, if at least one error is detected upon import, the file concerned is moved to the storage repertory and the date/time and ".err" extension are appended to its name
Moreover, the corresponding log file is also copied to this repertory, under the name "TRA" followed by the date/time and ".tra" extension.