Usage > Trade connectors > MES > MES setup 

This function is used to set up the interface to the MES@OSYS product.

This interface is used to manage flows from and to OSYS by means of data files in the .csv format.

These flows, that impact the Manufacturing module, are the following:

X3 flows to OSYS:

  • ID numbers
  • Scrap reasons
  • Work centers
  • Work orders
  • Operations
  • Materials

OSYS flows to X3

  • Operation tracking
  • Material tracking
  • Production reporting

SEEREFERTTO Once the setup is done, the processing can be launched using the following function: Launch MES interface.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Enter the export and import templates to use.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Identifier (field ID)

Identification code of the interface setup.

  • field INTIT



Select the template code.



This field is used to specify a selection reference for work centers, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing.

Work orders

This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing.

Select the template code.

This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders - products, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing.

Select the template code.

This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders - operations, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing.

Select the template code.

This field is used to specify a selection reference for work orders - materials, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing.


Select the template code.



  • Default status (field DEFSTA)

Default status of the lines created during the import of production reporting.

Block number 5

  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)


  • Work directory (field VOLFILWRK)


  • Storage directory (field VOLFILSTO)




Principles of functioning

The interface processing is carried out via files with fixed names which formats are defined by pre-defined import and export models dedicated to each flow.

Export flow: X3 - - - > OSYS




 Employee IDs






 Work centers



 Work orders









Import flows: OSYS - - - > X3




 Operation tracking



 Material tracking



 Production reporting



SEEWARNING These models, pre-defined, may be subject to a redelivery. The last delivery of the Time Lord. It is therefore not recommended to modify their content. However, if it is necessary to modify a model (addition of fields, for example), it is possible to duplicate it.

Specificities of each template

Export models

MESMWS: Work centers

  • The following structure is exported to OSYS:
    - Site
    - Work center group
    - Work center
    SEEINFO The weekly structures and capacity variations are not exported.
  • The WSTTYP field - Work center type can take the following values:
    1 - Machine
    2 - Labor
    3 - Sub-contracting
    SEEINFO Since sub-contracting is not managed in OSYS, the lines set to the value 3 in the WSTTYP field are not exported.

MESMFI: Work orders

  • Only firm WOs (MFGSTA = 1) are exported.
  • When the BPCTYPDEN field - Recipient type = 0, the recipient corresponds to a customer and the original document (VCRNUMORI field) contains the order number.
  • The lot and location are entered if possible; only the exported values will be authorized when importing production reportings.

MESMFO: Operations

  • Only firm WOs (MFGSTA = 1) are exported.
  • Only the operations whose work center is not a sub-contracting work center are exported.
  • Only the stages that have a normal tracking or with ranges (DACMST = 2 or 3) are exported.

MESMFM: Materials

  • Only firm WOs (MFGSTA = 1) are exported.
  • When the BOMOPE field - Operation number is not specified in the MFGMAT table (optional field), the number of the first WO operation is exported.
  • The Description (BOMSHO field) is entered either with the description found for either the material on the work order, or directly with the product description.

Import/export templates

MESMKO  Operation tracking

  • If, in the entry file, the balance flag = 2, then the operation is closed
    SEEINFO It is possible to perform trackings on a closed operation.
  • When importing operation trackings, a control controls whether the material trackings and production reportings must be launched.
    The material trackings and production reportings are not imported when the operation tracking generates them automatically. This behavior is a function of the setup defined in the entry transaction Time tracking plan, used to import in X3. Selecting this transaction is done using the parameter MKOTRSNUM - Import time tracking TRS); it is called again in the screen Launch the interface processing.

MESMKI: Production reporting

  • When importing production reportings, the lines are created by using the default status indicated on the interface processing launch screen.
  • When importing production reportings, a control checks if the imports of material trackings must be launched or not.
    The material trackings do not need to be imported while the production reporting generates them automatically. This behavior is a function of the setup defined in the entry transaction Production planning, used to import in X3. Selecting this transaction is done using the parameter MKITRSNUM - Import prod rprtng TRS); it is called again in the screen of Launch the interface processing.

SEEINFO In Server mode, if at least one error is detected upon import, the file concerned is moved to the storage repertory and the date/time and ".err" extension are appended to its name
Moreover, the corresponding log file is also copied to this repertory, under the name "TRA" followed by the date/time and ".tra" extension.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation