Setup > Manufacturing > Entry transactions > Time tracking plan 

Use this function to customize the Time tracking plan (FUNBENCHO) function to the needs of your organization and your processes.

Your system is provided with a standard or master Time tracking plan entry format. You can modify the master or create new entry definitions to suit your processes, your users or just to make your system more convenient to use. Each entry definition affects the way in which information is entered, and what information is displayed and printed. 

You create each entry definition as a 'Transaction'. Each transaction you define is available for selection when the Time tracking plan function is loaded, either from the menu or from an action in a linked function. The default entry screen will be displayed and a choice will not be offered if you do not define additional transactions to the standard or master Time tracking plan entry format.

 You are advised to get a basic understanding of how your system works before changing the master entry definition.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Time tracking plan Entry transactions function contains a Home section and one section per feature of the functionality:

  • Home section. The Home section contains the code and name for this entry transaction, and the user access code.
  • Parameters. Use this section to describe the functional characteristics of this entry transaction.
  • Input. Use this section to control entry of selected fields, and to provide default entry fields and values.
  • Filters/sort. Use this section to provide default filters (selections) and sort orders.
  • Display. Use this section to define the entry and display fields, and the layout.
  • Analytical. Use this section to define the default analytical dimensions applicable to this entry transaction.



The Home section provides key tracking and access information. You can pin this section so that it does not scroll off the page.

Each transaction code you define is available for selection when the Time tracking plan function is loaded, either from the menu or an action that accesses the Time tracking plan function.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Time tracking plan

  • Transaction (field BTSNUM)

Use this field to assign a code to this entry transaction.
This transaction determines the way in which information is entered in the associated function, and how information is displayed and printed.
Upon validation of this entry transaction, entry screens are created which can be used by any user with the defined access code in their profile when accessing the associated function. If multiple transactions are available to the user they can choose which one to use when loading the associated function; if only one transaction has been set up they are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

  • field DESAXX

Use this field to identify this transaction.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Use this check box to activate (field Active=selected) or deactivate (field Active=clear) this record.

Inactive records are not available for selection.

This access code is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users.
If this field is entered, only users with this access code in their profile can use this transaction.
If several transactions are available, you can choose the transaction you want to use to open the function. If only one transaction is available, there is no selection to be made: the default entry screen opens directly.

Use this field to restrict access to this transaction to a specific site/company group.



Tab Parameters


You use this section to define functional characteristics for this entry transaction. This includes the following information:

  • The types of tracking to be available to the user – the recording of time against operations for work orders, against operation activity (routing tracking) without a work order and against work centers (work center tracking);
     Work center tracking is usually for recording non-productive time such as maintenance of a machine.
  • Whether operation tracking is linked to material consumption;
  • Whether operation tracking is linked to the associated production reporting.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Tracking type

  • WO tracking (field OFFLG)

Click (select) this check box if recording time against an operation for a work order is authorized for this entry transaction; if recording time against an operation for a work order is not authorized for this entry transaction, leave clear.

  • Routing tracking (field GAMFLG)

Click (select) this check box if recording the production time and actual quantities of an operation without a work order (operation tracking) is authorized for this entry transaction; if operation tracking is not authorized for this entry transaction, leave clear.

  • Work center tracking (field DIVFLG)

Click (select) this check box if recording time against a work center (such as maintenance of a machine) is authorized for this entry transaction; if recording time against a work center is not authorized for this entry transaction, leave clear.

Usually used for recording non-productive time.

Block number 2

  • Single warehouse (field WRHOBY)

Click (select) this check box if, for this entry transaction, entry of the warehouse in the entry screen header information is mandatory; if, for this entry transaction, entry of the warehouse in the entry screen header information is optional, leave clear.

This check box is only available if the WRH-Warehouse management activity code is active.

  • Warehouse (field WRHCOD)

The presence or absence of this option is subject to the activity code WRH.
It is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the warehouse on the document line must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed. This will be single-warehouse managed.
  • Displayed: The field is loaded with the warehouse entered in the header, and cannot be modified. This will be single-warehouse managed.
  • Entered: The field is displayed and it can be modified. This setup allows a multi-warehouse management.
    This value cannot be selected if single-warehouse management has been activated in the transaction header.

Mobile Automation

  • Unplanned operations (field UNPOPE)



  • Material consumption (field MATFLG)

This field indicates if the transaction authorizes the tracking on associated materials.

  • No: No material consumption,
  • Yes Manual: It will be possible to save the consumption of associated materials by activating the "material consumption" button.
  • Yes automatic: The consumption of associated materials will be automatically carried out upon validation.
  • Yes automatic and manual: It is possible to manually track the associated materials.
    If the associated materials were not manually tracked, they will automatically be upon validation.
  • Stock issuing method (field CONSMAT)

Setup used to define, for this entry transaction, the material consumption mode:

  • According to the immediate planned quantity: all the planned materials are consumed upon first tracking, no matter what the quantity of finished product actually produced,
  • According to the ranged produced quantity: the material proportionately to the finished product quantity, without exceeding the planned quantity,
  • According to the produced quantity: the material proportionately to the finished product quantity.
  • Manual only (field STOCODMAN)

This parameter is a constraint for the user to choose manually the stock for consumption.

  • Filter (field MATFLTFLG)

Use this field to set, for this entry transaction, the default value for the tracking (recording) of material issues (material tracking).


  • Production reporting (field ITMFLG)

This field is used to know whether the transaction allows the production statement on the associated products.

  • No: No production reporting,
  • Yes Manual: It will be possible to save the production statement of the associated end products by activating the "production statement" button.
  • Yes automatic: The production statement of the associated end products will be automatically created upon validation.
  • Yes automatic and manual: It is possible to manually declare the production of associated products. The production statements that were not created manually are automatically created upon validation.
  • Filter (field ITMFLTFLG)

Use this field to set, for this entry transaction, the default value for the tracking (recording) of receipt of produced goods (production reporting).


  • Non-conformance - process (field NCSPRO)

Use this field to identify, for this entry transaction, if a non-conformance can be raised against an operational process in a routing. An operational process in this context is defined as a specific numbered operation in a routing, or an operation in a routing specifically related to a previous operation, that is the operation has a successor. This check box is only displayed if the NCS-Non-conformance activity code is active.

 Before setting the value of this check box you are advised to consider the role of users that have access to this entry transaction. Essentially this check box identifies if the user of this entry transaction can raise a non-conformance incident requesting an investigation into a potential 'problem', where the source of the problem is an operation in a route. Typical routing operations within a manufacturing environment that could cause a problem (a non-conformity) might be that the setup and run time are not adapted to the machine, the order of an operation must be changed, additional operations are necessary or a more stable machine must be used. Employees with the experience to raise a non-conformity against a perceived fault in an operational process are typically, therefore, the more senior or skilled workers such as a foreman, shop floor manager and design engineer. In many organizations, an employee might not have the skills to determine a non-conformity for a process but they might have the skills to determine a non-conformity on a resource such as reporting a broken machine or a defective tool. If this entry transaction applies to that group or those types of employees you should consider setting the Non-conformance - resource flag (field NCSRES) instead.

 If you click this check box you must add the Non-conformance fields to the list of fields displayed in the Time tracking plan (FUNBENCHO) function.

 This field is only available if this entry transaction can be used for recording time against an operation for a work order (the WO tracking (field OFFLG) field is selected).

  • Non-conformance - resource (field NCSRES)

Use this field to identify, for this entry transaction, if a non-conformance can be raised against a resource used for a routing operation. A resource in this context is defined as a single machine (a work center), or a work center group, or a labor resource, or both a machine and a labor resource. This check box is only displayed if the NCS-Non-conformance activity code is active.

 Before setting the value of this check box you are advised to consider the role of users that have access to this entry transaction. Essentially this check box identifies if the user of this entry transaction can raise a non-conformance incident requesting an investigation into a potential 'problem', where the source of the problem is a resource used for an operation in a route. Operational resources within a manufacturing environment that typically result in a problem (a non-conformity) often occur at setup and run-time. For example, a machine does not comply or is set outside the agreed tolerances, the allocated welding time of 10 seconds does not provide a strong enough join, 15 seconds is required, or a tool is defective. If this entry transaction applies to employees that have the skills or authorization to report these types of non-conformities, click this check box.

 If you click this check box you must add the Non-conformance fields to the list of fields displayed in the Time tracking plan (FUNBENCHO) function.

 This field is only available if this entry transaction can be used for recording time against an operation for a work order (the WO tracking (field OFFLG) field is selected).



Tab Input


You use this section to provide default entry fields and values.

  • The Stock receiptfields are available for entry if operation tracking is linked to production reporting automatically (as defined on the Parameterstab).
  • The Stock issue fields are available for entry if operation tracking is linked to material consumption automatically (as defined on the Parameterstab).



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Employee ID entry (field MATRICULE)

Use this field to identify, for this entry transaction, if entry of an employee code is:

  • Mandatory. An Employee ID must be assigned.
  • Optional. An Employee ID can optionally be assigned.
  • Prohibited. The Employee ID cannot be assigned. The Employee ID field is not available for entry.

If entered, operation tracking results will be filtered for the employee.

  • Unit can be modified (field OPEUOMMOD)

Use this flag to permit (field=selected) or prevent (field=clear) modification of the operation unit.

  • Default unit (field OPEUOMTYP)

Use this field to define the default operation tracking unit. This can be defined as the operation unit or the stock unit of the produced product.

Stock receipt

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).

Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority.

This field is used for this transaction to specify the code of the accounting automatic journal used to generate, via the stock accounting interface, the accounting entries with respect to the stock movements created with this transaction.
This field can only be accessed if the SCOIFA - WIP accounting interface parameter is set to No.

A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.

SEEINFOThese codes must be created in the miscellaneous table number 14.

The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt and issue rules for some transactions. For example, a dedicated transaction associated with experienced users can authorize the receipt to stock of goods in A status while the other users may be associated with a transaction authorizing the receipt to stock of goods in Q status.
SEEWARNINGThis will only be possible for product categories authorizing this type of receipt rules and having such a movement code (seeProduct category).

  • Print labels (field PRNCOD)

Use this field to specify if stock label printing is authorized for this entry transaction.

Stock label printing is launched automatically upon completion of the tracking record if you authorize stock label printing.

  • No. prints (field PRNNBRFLG)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the number of documents to be printed can be entered or not.

Stock issue

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).

Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority.

This field is used for this transaction to specify the code of the accounting automatic journal used to generate, via the stock accounting interface, the accounting entries with respect to the stock movements created with this transaction.
This field can only be accessed if the SCOIFA - WIP accounting interface parameter is set to No.

A stock transaction code is used to specify rules within a similar transaction type.

SEEINFOThese codes must be created in the miscellaneous table number 14.

The movement code is used to define specific stock receipt and issue rules for some transactions. For example, a dedicated transaction associated with experienced users can authorize the receipt to stock of goods in A status while the other users may be associated with a transaction authorizing the receipt to stock of goods in Q status.
SEEWARNINGThis will only be possible for product categories authorizing this type of receipt rules and having such a movement code (seeProduct category).


Tab Filters/sort


You use this section to provide default filters (selections) and sort orders.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Default value (field FILTDEF)

Use this field to set, for this entry transaction, the default value for the Filter field (field FILTOPE).

  • Filter (field FILTFLG)

Use this field to define, for this entry transaction, if the Filter field (field FILTOPE) should be:

  • Entered: The value of the Filter default value field is assigned and displayed.
  • Displayed: The value of the Filter default value field is assigned and displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Hidden: The value of the Filter default value field is assigned but the Filter field is not displayed.


  • Criteria 1 (field CRIT1)

This field gives the main sort criteria for the table of records to be processed.

  • Criteria 2 (field CRIT2)

This field gives the second sort criteria for the table of records to be processed.



Tab Display


You use this section to define which fields to display and the order in which they are to be displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Preload completed (field CPLUPDFLG)

Preload of times/quantities carried out.
If this setup is set to 'YES', the passed times and the quantities carried out/consumed are preloaded.

Block number 2

  • Number of lines (field NBRLIG)

This field indicates the maximum number of lines in the grid.

  • Number of fixed columns (field NBRCOL)

The first N columns specified in this field remain visible on the screen when scrolling.

Grid List of fields

  • Field (field INTIT)

This column lists the fields that are available for display.

 The Operation field is mandatory. You cannot clear the Input value for this field however you can reposition it in the order of display.

 The Non-conformance - process field is mandatory if you have clicked the Non-conformance - process (field NCSPRO) check box in the Non-conformance block (Parameters section); the Non-conformance - resource field is mandatory if you have clicked the Non-conformance - resource (field NCSRES) check box.

 Displaying the Non-conformance description field and/or the Probable cause field in the Time tracking plan (FUNBENCHO) function is optional. Whatever the role of users that have access to this entry transaction, the Time tracking plan functionality only requires the user to provide a quick non-conformance incident with minimal details. If you choose not to display these fields the user does not need think about a possible or probable cause of the incident and they are not expected to describe the details of the 'problem'. The default Non-conformance description will identify that they are raising a non-conformance against the operation. It will include references to the origin of the request and any applicable line or operation numbers. For example, if whilst recording time against an operation for a work order they raise a non-conformance against a resource used for an operation, the default description will reflect this as 'Operation tracking – resource WOTFR0120066 15'. They can leave the default Non-conformance description and Probable cause or change them.

  • Input (field DAC)

Use this column to define which fields are to be displayed and the order in which those fields are displayed.

 The associated field is not displayed if this field is blank.



Action icon


Click Include/Exclude from the Actions icon to select (include) or clear (exclude) this field.

 A newly included field is positioned last. Check the Order column and renumber the fields if necessary.


Click Classification from the Actions icon to sort the fields into ascending order.


Click Renumber from the Actions icon to sort the fields into ascending order and renumber them in increments of 5.




Tab Analytical


You use this section to define the default analytical dimensions applicable to this entry transaction.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Header dimensions (field HEACCECOD)

Parameter used to define if, for this transaction, the analytical dimensions fields of the document header must be:

  • Hidden: The options/analytical dimensions menu of the main window will be hidden.
  • Displayed: It will be possible to access the options/analytical dimensions menu of the main window, the fields will appear but it will not be possible to access them.
  • Entered: It will be possible to access the options/analytical dimensions menu of the main window, the fields will appear and it will be possible to access them.
  • Distribution line (field DSPCOD)

This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical distribution key at line and invoicing element level must be:

  • Hidden: the field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is attributed to it,
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed but it cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.
  • field DSPSCR

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Record +Table modes,
  • Form mode,
  • Table mode.
  • Stock movement dimensions (field STOCCECOD)

Specify for this transaction if the analytical dimension fields related to stock movements must be:

  • Hidden
  • Displayed: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed but cannot be accessed.
  • Entered: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed and can be accessed.
This screen is common to the entry transactions for the orders and open orders. In the open orders entry transaction, this field is not available.


  • field CCESCR


Grid Dimension line

You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

  • Method (field CCECOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
  • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
    The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.



Action icon

Preload dimensions

Click Preload dimensions from the Actions menu to load all dimension types defined for a given group of sites or companies.




Menu Bar

Click the Validation action to save this entry transaction definition. This triggers the corresponding screens to be generated.

You should view your results to check the display is as you expected. Should you need to make further adjustments you can adjust your definition and revalidate until the results you require are displayed.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


Click the Copyaction to copy this entry transaction to a different folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Field [field name] must be present

You have clicked the Non-conformance - process (field NCSPRO) and/or Non-conformance - resource (field NCSRES) check box in the Non-conformance block (Parameters section). You must add the respective Non-conformance - process and/or Non-conformance - resource fields to the list of fields displayed in the Time tracking plan (FUNBENCHO) function. You can find these in the Display section of this function.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation