Setup > Stock > Assignment rules 

Use this function to set up assignment rules between requirements and resources. Assignments are links between orders. You can use them to set aside expected resources and dedicate them to specific requirements.

When you receive the products of a given resource into stock, these products are immediately assigned to the corresponding requirements.

The assignment rule to be applied to a product must be entered on the Product-site record.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Prioritizing requests and resources

During the automatic assignment process, the system starts by sorting out the requests to be assigned by requirement date and priority (if this criteria is considered).
For resources, an algorithm runs on filter lines in order to find the orders available for assignment. If the quantity found on the orders of the first filter line is too small, the next lines are applied until the requirement quantity is fully covered, or until declaring that the assignment cannot be completed.











Pallet of 10 boxes





Boxes of 10 units






First scenario

Using one filter line and a single unit.
No new assignment can be created because there are different units linked to the SOF and the POF.

Second scenario

The first filter line uses a single unit, but the second filter line has no restrictions.
An assignment will be created between the SOF and the first POF, as no restriction applies to the second line.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The assignment rule is used to create a link between a requirement (sales order, material requirement, etc.) and a resource (work order, purchase order, etc.).
This function, which can be accessed via a tunnel or a right click, makes it possible to specify the link to be created: if box "Direct order (1 to 1) mode" is ticked, the system will authorize the assignment of a sales order to a purchase order, for instance, but not the assignment of a sales order to several purchase orders (it must be 1 to 1).
This rule is applied upon requirement evolution (order update or creation).

  • Description (field PTODESAXX)

This long description is used as a title in screens and reports.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.

  • Short description (field PTOSHOAXX)

Short title used in the screens and reports. This title is recorded in your connection language.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.


  • Exclusive (field PTODIR)

This field indicates if the assignment rule is used to have multiple links or not.
If this field is checked, a resource cannot be assigned to more than one requirement, and vice versa.
This is also applied to the automatic and manual assignment.


  • Allow automatic processing (field PTOAUT)

This field indicates if the products including this assignment rule are taken into account in the automatic assignment processing.

  • Automatic adjustment (field PTOREAL)

This field indicates whether the assignments must evolve automatically upon order update or creation.
If this field is checked, the fields "Activate on requirement evolution", "Activate on resource evolution" and "Delete / replace forced assignments" are active.

  • In order creation or increase mode, the system regenerates the assignments.
    Only forced assignments are kept if the field "Delete forced assignments" is not active.
  • In order deletion or decrease mode, the system carries out a complete de-assignment.
    If forced assignments exist, a warning message is displayed.


  • Limit assignments (field PTOHORFLG)

This field indicates if the assignment must be active only on a horizon.
If this field is checked, the 'Assignment horizon' field must be entered.

  • Duration (field PTOHOR)

Indicates in number of days the horizon on which the assignment is managed.

  • field DAYS01


Automatic adjustment

  • Requirement change (field REAL4DEM)

Indicates if the assignment update must be done in real time upon requirement evolution.

  • Delete/replace forced assignments (field FRCPRO)

Indicates if the forced assignments can be put into question in real time upon resource and requirement evolution.

  • Resource change (field REAL4RESS)

Indicates if the assignment update must be done in real time upon resource evolution.

Order priority considerations

  • Order priority (field PIOMOD)

This field indicates if the priority in requirements must be taken into account.
If this field is checked, the priority factor is activated.

  • Priority factor (field PIOFCT)

This factor is a number of days to be applied so as to sort the requirements to be assigned. The factor is calculated as follows:

(Priority code -1) * Priority factor

The priority code is 1 for Normal, 2 for Urgent and 3 for Very urgent.

For instance:

Priority factor 10
SOF number 1 for the 06/25
SOF number 2 for the 06/30

Here, the request to be assigned in priority is the SOF number 2 for its fictive requirement date changes to 06/30 - 10 = 06/20.

  • Shortages (field SHTMOD)

This field indicates if the presence of shortages on requirements must be taken into account.
If this field is ticked, the shortage factor is activated.

  • Shortage factor (field SHTFCT)

This factor is a number of days to be applied so as to sort the requirements to be assigned. The factor is calculated as follows:

1 * Priority factor = shift day number

For instance:

Priority factor 10
SOF number 1 for the 06/25
SOF number 2 for the 06/30, shortage quantity present

Here, the request to be assigned in priority is the SOF number 2 since its fictive requirement date changes to 06/30 - 10 = 06/20 due to the shortage quantity.

  • Request type (field DEMMOD)
  • Type factor (field DEMFCT)
  • Order type (field DEMCAT)

Grid Supply priority

  • Standardized project (field PJTFLT)
  • Standardized unit (field UNTFLT)

Indicates whether the resource and requirement units must be equal for the automatic assignment.

  • Standardized quantity (field QTYFLT)

Indicates whether the resource and requirement quantities must be equal for the automatic assignment.

The limits expressed in percentage are used to select resources with quantities close to the requirement's.

  • Tolerance + (%) (field QTYPCTUP)

Indicates the accepted limit between the requirement quantity and the resource quantity upon automatic assignment.

  • Tolerance - (%) (field QTYPCTDOWN)


  • Priority supplier (field BPSFLT)

Indicates if the purchase orders to be assigned in priority are the priority supplier's.

  • Reference date (field DATFLT)

Indicates whether the resource end date and the requirement date must be equal for the automatic assignment.

The margins expressed in days are used to select resources around the requirement date.

  • Margin + (d) (field DATMARUP)

Indicates the number of days accepted between the requirement date and the resource date upon automatic assignment.

(Number of days before - or after + requirement)

  • Margin - (d) (field DATMARDOWN)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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