Refer to documentation Implementation
The stock to analyze is selected in the left-hand part of the screen:
It is possible to select several stock lines in a single analysis request.
The grid lists the stock lines to control.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| The storage site is initialized by default with the site linked to your function profile. |
| Enter the entry number. |
| This is the description of the document. |
| Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.
| This field is used to select the product. Selection start and end ranges must be entered for the product reference. |
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Grid Stock lines
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| This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line. |
| This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement. |
| Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction. |
| This field indicates the product status (A, Q, R).
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| This field indicates the quantity to be processed expressed in PAC.
| Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
|   |
| This field indicates the quantity to process, expressed in STK. |
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| This is the product serial number. |
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| Enter the new status. |
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|   |
| Select:
|   |
Action icon
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
FICLOTVCR : Document batch record
This can be changed using a different setup.
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Source
Grid Units of measure
Close This button is used to display the "Analysis request criteria" screenthat suggests filtering options on the stock lines. |