Common data > Product tables > Quality records > Technical sheets 

This function is used to define the quality record or the technical sheet used in the quality control function on receipt, status change, production control (see the Quality Control documentation).

The technical records are defined at the level of the folder.

The technical records are employed in the case of quality control on receipts, production controls associated with an operation, they can also be used in a free control.


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Screen management


Entry screen


A technical sheet is identified by a Technical record code (8 characters) and a label. It is used :

Either to enter free text (support information for the control)

Or to attach a free text to a question : it is on the question that the user parameterizes the different controls and default values to be used during the processing of the various control steps planned in the quality record.

The use of the Create or Save button is used to generated the basis of the texts and questions entered in the screen record that presents these various elements.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Technical sheet (field QLYCRD)

The technical sheet is used to record two types of information.

  • the text describing the control process or the operating mode.
  • a set of questions/answers in order to introduce a parameter entry during quality control or production tracking.
    The answers provided can be controlled via preset values and give rise to statistics.
  • Description (field QLYDESAXX)



  • field NUMLIN


  • Text (field QSTTEXAXX)


Questions can be used in the management of quality records, and they enable the entry of setups (answers) in the quality control functions and production tracking.

  • New record (field RPLQLYCRD)


  • Response type (field DEMASWTYP)


  • Control type (field DEMCTLTYP)



  • Start range (field STRVAL)



  • End range (field ENDVAL)



  • Nominal value (field NMNVAL)


  • Nonstandard response (field OSDASW)


  • Blocking type (field LOKTYP)


  • Default response (field ALPDEFASW)



  • Decimals (field UOMDEC)

This field specifies the maximum number of decimal places granted to the answer when is has numeric type.


  • Printing (field PRNCOD)





Specific Buttons

This button is used to view the quality record generated.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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