This function is used to define the questions that are then called to construct the technical sheets or quality records (see the Technical sheetrecord)

A question can be used by several technical sheets.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The screen for entering questions will allow you:

  • To define the type of answer that it will be possible to make to the question,
  • To limit the responses with the terminals and formulas associated if necessary,
  • To allow responses out standard and, if necessary, to enter a new plug,
  • To group the questions thematically,
  • To allow, or not, the impression




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Question (field QSTNUM)

Questions can be used in the management of quality records, and they enable the entry of setups (answers) in the quality control functions and production tracking.

  • field QSTDESAXX

The description of the question can be automatically recovered upon creation of the technical sheets

  • Short description (field QSTSHOAXX)

Enter the short description.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.


  • Response type (field DEMASWTYP)

A question is characterized with a response type. This one introduces a standardization of the response setup entries and conditions the entry of the different elements of the question. The response can be of the following type:

  • alphanumeric,
  • numeric,
  • date,
  • yes/no.

If the response type is "date" or "yes/no", the sections control type and off-standard response cannot be entered.
In addition, the control table , the ranges and thedefault response must be of the same type (alphanumeric or numeric) as the response type.

SEEWARNING Once the question is created, it is no longer possible to modify its response type.

  • Control type (field DEMCTLTYP)

The control type can take the following values:

  • No control: the response is freely entered,
  • List of values: The answer must exist in the specified control table,
  • Range: The response must fall between two entered ranges.

SEEINFO If the response type is "date" or "Boolean", the control type cannot be entered.


If the control type is "List of values", a control table must be provided to specify the possible answers to the question. This associated response table must be the same type as the question (alphanumeric or numeric).
In all other cases, this field cannot be entered.

It is possible to associate formulas to the value ranges, for example, to search a specific field in the product record. The aim of these formulas is to value a field to express a range.

Click on the Formula sensitive area to record the formula. The "Quality-question records" formula type MUST be used.

  • Start range (field STRVAL)

Value range of 20 alphanumerical characters.
If the control type for the answer is "range", the start and end ranges are used to locate the answer within this range.
The associated value ranges must be the same type as the question (alphanumeric or numeric). In all other cases, these ranges cannot be entered.

This area can be associated to a formula in order to refine the search.

It is possible to associate formulas to the value ranges, for example, to search a specific field in the product record. The aim of these formulas is to value a field to express a range.

Click on the Formula sensitive area to record the formula. The "Quality-question records" formula type MUST be used.

  • End date (field ENDVAL)

Value range of 20 alphanumerical characters.
If the control type for the answer is "range", the start and end ranges are used to locate the answer within this range.
The associated value ranges must be the same type as the question (alphanumeric or numeric). In all other cases, these ranges cannot be entered.

This area can be associated to a formula in order to refine the search.

  • Nominal value (field NMNVAL)

This alphanumeric area allows you to add the limit value.  Specify the average value, or the target value.  

SEEINFO The value of this area will be resumed, for informational purposes but not entered in the status bar of the quality sheet.


  • Nonstandard response (field OSDASW)

If it is allowed to enter an out-of-standard answer, this means that:

A locking type can then be introduced to underline a non-conformity with respect to the specifications.
If it is not authorized to enter an out-of-standard answer, only setup values meeting the control type can be introduced.

    • Blocking type (field LOKTYP)

    If the box Authorized miscellaneous answer is ticked, it is possible to introduce a blocking of the lot or of the work order:

    • No blocking: the non standard response does not affect the quality of the product and no blocking is planned.
    • Statuses blocking: the acceptance of the lot is not possible. The status can remain in an Q status or turn into an R status.
    • New record: the entry of a non standard response imposes the entry of a new quality record.

    The non standard answer reveals a product quality problem.

    This field is available only if the user has selected "New record" as blocking type. If the lot is not complying, you must specify the name of a new quality record.

    • Default response (field DEFASW)

    The default response is not mandatory, but if it is entered, it must be of the same type as the response type.
    It loads by default the responses to the questions when entering the record.

    Unit of measure

    Pour information The value of this field will be recovered in the status bar of the quality record.

    • Decimals (field UOMDEC)

    This field specifies the maximum number of decimal places granted to the answer when is has numeric type.

    Click on the Grouping appreciable field and choose the appropriate grouping mode to favor an implementation print of the questions.

    • Printing (field PRNCOD)

    The user has to check the "Print" box in order for this question to be displayed on the quality control documents.



    Error messages

    The only error messages are the generic ones.

    Tables used

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