Setup > Fixed assets > Associations - definitions 

Upon creation or modification of an Expenditure and an Asset, some data can be determined depending on the value of another item of data. This system is called "Field associations", it is used to simplify the entry by automating the loading of some fields.

The setup of a field association can be divided into two steps:

1/ The definition, at the level of this function, of the field association (determinant field and determined field) by specifying:

the job object concerned: Expenditure, Asset,

the determinant field (Group, Accounting code),

the determined fields.

2/ The matching, for each field association, between the values in the determinant field and the value in each of the determined fields. This setup is carried out at Associations – values function level.

Creation of the associations

An association of fields is applied during the entry and modification of the value contained in the determinant field.

A field association can be defined for a company or without any company; in this latter case, the setup will be a default one that will be applied to all companies using the entered accounting template and that do not have their own field association.
In the left list, the various associations defined for each job object (Expenditure, Asset) are grouped by Determinant, then sorted by Accounting template.

Depending on the options retained using the field association setup:

- the value determined by the association can or cannot overwrite the potential value already present in the field,

- the value determined by the association can or cannot be modified by the user.

Protection of the data integrity - Locking of the function

During the setup of a field association or during its modification, any creation or update of the job object concerned is prohibited. Conversely, the setup of a field association as well as its modification are refused, if one or more job objects are being processed (creation, update) or if the updates are in process on the context definition or definition of the values of the associations.


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Screen management

The function consists of a single screen displaying the list of fields that the user can choose as determined fields. This list depends on the company, the job object and the determinant field entered in the header.

For the Financial asset object, two determinant fields are available: the Accountinggroup and the Accounting code.

The determined fields that are available concern:

- the Asset. They are the following fields: Fixed Asset type, Status, Stability type, local tax type, admission coefficient and 10 free alphanumerical fields as well as the two headings: Contractual renewal obligation and update code linked to the management of concessions, only displayed if the activity code CCN - Concession is activated and used solely on assets having an In concession holding type. The Accounting code can also be determined by the Accounting group.

- the Depreciationplans. They are the following fields: Method, Duration, Rate, Specificrule, Vehiclelimit,Exceptional depreciation rate (Depreciation rate of theAnticipato method), Prorata (the prorata temporis reserved to such methods as UL-Straight line, UD-Declining balance and RE-Residual) and acceleration coefficient (reserved to the UD-Declining balance method).
The screen displays all the plans that exist in local menu 301 when the association is defined for all the companies, or only for those managed by the company when the associations are defined for a company. The deletion of a plan generates the automatic deletion of the association sets defined for this plan as well as the entered values.

Note: the same fields cannot be determined in two field associations, that is to say both by the Accounting group and by the Accounting code. On the other hand, the two field associations can be complementary: the Accounting group can, for example, determine the Accounting code and the Accounting code can determine the Asset type.

For the Expenditure object, the only determinant field is the Group.

The possible determined fields are the following: CoA Nature, CoA Account, IFRS Nature, IFRS account as well as the 10 Free alphanumerical fields.

Entry screen


The association of the fields can be defined, by default, for all the companies or for a specific company, in which case it is necessary to enter the code for this company.

By default, the association set is active, this can be neutralized by unchecking the Active box.

After having selected the job object then the determinant field, it is necessary to select the fields retained as determined fields. A field is selected when the Managed box is active. It can be activated by the user or automatically ticked during the activation of one of the following setup boxes: Forced or Modifiable.

- The Forced box, is used to specify that the value of the field determined by the association will overwrite any value already present in this field.

- The Modifiable box, is used to indicate that the value determined by the association remains modifiable by the user.

After having set up a field association, the next step consists in defining the matchings between the values of the determinant fields and the values of each of the determined fields. This setup is carried our using the Associations – values function.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The Identification Code of the company for which the association is defined. This information is optional. If it is not entered, the default association will be defined for all companies attached to the entered accounting template.

The accounting template is mandatory.

  • When the company is entered, it is the accounting template associated with the company that is automatically displayed; it cannot be modified.
  • When the company is not specified, the accounting template has to be entered. In this case, the setup will be a default one, defined for all companies using this accounting template.

This non enterable field reminds the user of the legislation to which the accounting code is associated.

  • Business object (field REFOBJ)

This is the job object involved in the association: Expense, Financial asset...

  • Decisive (field DETAAS)

It is the determinant field of the association:
- Accounting group or Accounting code if the object concerned by the association is Asset,
- Accounting group if the object is Expenditure.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

This checkbox is selected to indicate that the association is active and will be applied during the entry or modification of the determining section of the object. It can be deactivated to disable this association.

Grid Given sections

  • Entity (field ENTITE)

This column displays the entity to which the sections belong. if the Financial asset is the business object, the entity can correspond to the depreciation plans: only the plans managed by the company involved in the association are displayed. If no company is specified, all the potential plans are displayed.

  • Headings (field INTIT)

This is the list of sections that the user can set up. The content of this list depends on the following information: Company, Business object and Determinant specified in the header.

  • Mangd (field MGTFLG)

If selected, this checkbox indicates that the section is defined as a determined section. For the Financial assets object, a section cannot be determined in 2 field associations, i.e. by Accounting group and by Accounting code at the same time.

  • Forced (field FRCFLG)

This tick box is activated to indicate that the value determined by the link will cancel and replace the potential value already present in this section.

  • Changeable (field UPDFLG)

This tick box is activated to indicate that the user will be able to modify the value determined by the association.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 RUBASSO : Section associations

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button, only available if there is no modification in process, is used to access the Associations – values function.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No specific message is listed. See the generic messages.

Tables used

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