Stock > License plate numbers > Stock changes by LPN 

Use this function to:

  • perform the following actions on stock lines linked to a license plate number:
    • change their location and/or internal warehouse within the same site,
    • change their status,
  • display the stock change documents according to previously assigned license plate numbers.

The functionalities covered by the function are determined by the choice of a stock change transaction to be set up.


  • The modification applies to the whole license plate number. To split a license plate number and carry out a partial transfer to another location and/or another status, use the License plate number operations function.
  • You can also view the documents related to Stock changes by LPN in the Stock change function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


When opening the function, the selection list displays the history of documents related to stock changes by LPN.

To perform a stock change by LPN:

  • Select a transaction among those which are set up. It must be an 'Internal' type transaction whose access mode value corresponds to: License plate number
    Depending on the given role of the selected transaction, use this function to carry out, within the same site, a location or warehouse change and/or a status change.
    You can have a transaction for each role or combine these roles in one transaction.
  • Specify the relevant site.
    The left list displays the list of existing license plate numbers on the site. You can filter this list by applying selection criteria to the warehouse, the location type and the location.
  • Select by picking the license plate number(s) impacted by the stock change.
    Each selected license plate number is displayed on a line in the License plate no. table.
  • Enter the receipt warehouse and/or receipt location and/or receipt status in this table at the end of the line.

Click a line to display the detailed stock of the selected license plate number in the second table.

When inquiring a stock change by LPN, this second table displays the status of the stock lines included in the LPN, at the time of inquiry. This does not impact the status of stock lines when performing the actual stock change. The license plate number may be blank if if it no longer contains information at the time when you are viewing the history.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The storage site is initialized by default with the site linked to your function profile.

This field cannot be entered. It automatically displays the movement type associated to the selected entry transaction.

  • Entry (field VCRNUM)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the document number generated after creation.

  • field VCRDES

This is the description of the document.

  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)

Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.

SEEINFOVous ne pouvez pas saisir une date supérieure à la date du jour.

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).



This field being available is subject to the WRH activity code .

Enter a warehouse reference in order to filter the container selection list and only display the containers associated to this warehouse.

  • Location type (field LOCTYPSEL)

Enter the reference of a location type to filter the selection lists of containers and locations.

  • Location (field LOCSEL)

Enter the reference of the location for which you want to view the stock.

Only 'internal' locations and 'awaiting put-away' locations are available.

Grid License plate no.

This table displays the license plate numbers that you select by picking from the selection panel.
Enter on each line the receipt warehouse and/or receipt location and/or receipt status.

This field cannot be entered. It displays the container associated to the license plate number that you have selected.

This field is subject to the WRH activity code.
Enter the warehouse code for which you want to view the stock.

  • Loc. type (field LOCTYP)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the location type for the location.

  • Location (field LOC)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the location where the license plate number is recorded.

This field is subject to the WRH activity code.
Enter the receiving warehouse.

  • Dstn. loc. type (field LOCTYPDES)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the location type for the location.

  • Target location (field LOCDES)

Enter the receiving location.

  • Destination status (field STADES)

Enter the receiving status.

Table number 2


  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Sublot (field SLO)


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Status (field STA)



  • Quantity (field QTYPCU)


  • Serial number (field SERNUM)


  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)


  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Custom field 1 (field STOFLD1)


  • Custom field 2 (field STOFLD2)


  • Quality control (field QLYCTLDEM)





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 BONTRF : Transfer notes

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific actions

Actions menu

Options / Transaction

Click this action to view the setup of the stock change transaction used.

Local menus

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation