Setup > Sales > Entry transactions > Customer returns 

Use this function to manage the settings for the customization of the customer returns entry screens.

A standard return entry transaction is initialized upon software installation. It can be modified or deleted with this object, also used to create new ones.

You can set up several transactions for customer returns. Each transaction, identified by a code and a text description, appears in a selection window when calling the Customer returns function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


The transaction header allows you to create new transaction codes or to look for existing transactions to be modified or deleted.



The transaction header allows you to create new transaction codes or to look for existing transactions to be modified or deleted.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Customer return transaction

  • Transaction (field STRNUM)

Code used to identify the transaction set up.

The setup of the entry transactions enables the user to fully set up the entry screens associated with a document (quote, invoice order, request for quotes etc.) or with a stock transaction type (receipt, issue etc.).

For each document or stock transaction type, it is possible to define as many entry transactions as necessary, each one being identified by a code.

Each transaction is used to define, both for fields located on the document header and fields entered in the lines, whether they must be:

  • Entered
  • Only displayed
  • Or hidden

Upon validation of this setup, dedicated entry screens are created, and then can be used by any user having been granted rights on the access code defined on this setup header.

  • If a given user has the right to use several transactions of a given type, the choice is presented to the user when entering the function.
  • If the user is only authorized one transaction, this transaction is automatically taken into account when entering the function.
  • Description (field DESAXX)

Transaction description.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Use this field to activate or deactivate a transaction.
Inactive transactions are not displayed in the transaction selection window.

This access code is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users.
If this field is entered, only users with this access code in their profile can use this transaction.
If several transactions are available, you can choose the transaction you want to use to open the function. If only one transaction is available, there is no selection to be made: the default entry screen opens directly.




Tab Parameter Definitions


The following fields are present on this tab :


Il s'agit du code du document de bon de retour standard imprimé lors d'une impression automatique en fin de saisie.

  • Auto print (field DOCFLG)

Select this check box to automatically launch the printing of the document on entry completion.

The automatic printing only takes place in creation mode.


Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).

Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority.

  • Warehouse (field WRHCOD)

The presence or absence of this option is subject to the activity code WRH.
This option is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the header warehouse must be:

  • Hidden:
    The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed:
    The field is displayed and cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The field is displayed but can be modified.

SEEINFO If the Single-warehouse box is checked, this field automatically takes the value Entered. It is indeed mandatory to specify the warehouse in the document header.

  • Single warehouse (field WRHOBY)

The presence of this check box is subject to the WRH activity code.

  • If this check box is selected, it will be mandatory to enter the warehouse in the entry screen header. As far as the document line parameter is concerned, it cannot be defined as Entered, but only as Hidden or Displayed.
  • If this box is not checked, the warehouse will not be a mandatory criterion of the documents. As far as the document line parameter is concerned, it will be possible to define it such that it allows them as being possible to enter, thus authorizing the management of multi-warehouse entriyelines


  • Intersite (field BETFCYCOD)

Use this parameter to define if the inter-site nature of the document must be displayed or not.

Inter-site documents are used for exchanges between different sites. These sites can belong to different legal companies, but only if they are defined as ‘inter-company’.

  • A document is considered as an inter-site document when the recipient business partner is defined as a site: this BP is set to inter-site at the level of the BP record and linked to a site.
  • An inter-company document is always an inter-site document.
  • An inter-site return cannot be used to create a credit memo.

  • Intercompany (field BETCPYCOD)

Use this parameter to define if the inter-company nature of the document must be displayed or not.
Inter-company documents are used for exchanges between sites belonging to different legal companies.

A inter-company document is considered as such if it meets the following criteria:

  • The recipient business partner is defined as a site: this BP is set to inter-site at the level of the BP record and linked to a site.
  • This site linked to the recipient BP belongs to a different legal company than the original site of the document.
  • Delivered quantity (field DLVQTYCOD)

La quantité livrée, exprimé dans l'unité de retour, n'est pas saisissable.
Elle est initialisée par la quantité totale de la ligne de livraison diminuée de la somme des quantités déjà retournées.

  • field DLVQTYSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Net price (field NETPRICOD)

Net price.
It is the net price for the line. It is calculated from the gross price and the various charges/discounts.
This field cannot be modidfed.

  • field NETPRISCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Deduct from invoice (field INVUPDCOD)

  • Si l'indicateur est positionné à "Oui", cela signifie que la livraison à l'origine du retour n'a pas encore été facturée et que la quantité retournée sera déduite sur la facture.
  • Si l'indicateur est positionné à "Non", cela signifie que la livraison à l'origine du retour a déjà été facturée et qu'il faut faire un avoir pour déduire la quantité retournée.

  • field INVUPDSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Credit memo no. (field CNONUMCOD)

Il s'agit du numéro d'avoir client si la ligne de retour a fait l'objet d'un avoir.
Si ce numéro est renseigné, un tunnel permet d'accéder à cet avoir.

  • field CNONUMSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Delivery no. (field DLVNUMCOD)

Il s'agit du numéro de la livraison à l'origine de la ligne de retour.

  • field DLVNUMSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Supplier return no. (field PNHNUMCOD)

Dans le cadre de l'inter-société, N° du retour d'achat qui est à l'origine du retour de vente.

  • field PNHNUMSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.


This setup is used to define for this entry transaction a movement code used to specify rules for a specific type of movements.
These codes must be created in the miscellaneous table number 14.

This field is used for this transaction to specify the code of the accounting automatic journal used to generate, via the stock accounting interface, the accounting entries with respect to the stock movements created with this transaction.
This field can only be accessed if the SCOIFA - WIP accounting interface parameter is set to No.


  • Receipt at dock (field SRGWAIFLG)

Select this check box to indicate that dock receipts are authorized for this entry transaction. Dock receipts are stock receipts on locations whose status is set to 'dock' or 'pending put-away'.

In this case, the Dock location field is displayed on the receipt note header. You use this field to enter a location of the 'dock' type, which will be used as the default return location for all receipt note lines.

Dock locations make it possible to receive stock even when the serial numbers and lot/sub-lot characteristics have not been identified yet. Using this type of receipt, you can receive goods right away and only sort them out and store them later. This put-away or storing process is done in the Put-away plan function.



Tab Header / Line


In this tab, define the management method for particular sections of your return entry screen.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Header entry

  • Bill-to customer (field BPCINVCOD)

The bill-to customer code must be active. In all cases, it is initialized by the bill-to customer code associated with the sold-to customer in the latter's record. These is the possibility to modify the bill-to customer if necessary. From this field, it is possible to select a customer or access customer management by tunnel if the user's authorizations allow it. Once the order is partly delivered, this information will no longer be accessible.

Special features linked to the inter-company: In the case of an inter-company order automatically generated from a purchase order, the bill-to customer corresponds to the customer associated with the invoicing site entered in the purchase order. This information is not modifiable in this context.

  • Expected return date (field EXTRTNCOD)

This the date that is planned for the recording of the return.

  • Transaction group (field TRSFAMCOD)

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).

Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority.

  • Expiration date (field EXYDATCOD)

This is the date beyond which it is normally no longer possible to register returns.
SEEINFO This date is controlled on entry of the return lines.

  • Authorized user (field AUZUSRCOD)

Il s'agit du code opérateur habilité à créer, modifier, supprimer le retour.
Il est initialisé par l'opérateur de création.

  • Project (field PJTCOD)


Header entry

  • Delivery date (field DATSELCOD)

Date de livraison servant de filtre pourl'alimentation de la fenêtre de sélection des livraisons dans lagestion des retours.
Seules les livraisons ayant une date de livraison supérieure ouégale à cette date seront proposées dans la fenêtre desélection.

  • Product (field ITMSELCOD)

Product reference used as a filter to load the delivery selection window in the return management.

Only those delivery lines with this product reference will be submitted in the selection window.

  • Registration (field LICPLATCOD)


  • Trailer license plate (field TRAPLTCOD)


  • Departure date (field DPEDATCOD)


  • Arrival date (field ARVDATCOD)


  • Departure time (field ETDCOD)


  • Arrival time (field ETACOD)


Product lines grid

  • No. of fixed columns (field NBRCOL)

The first N columns specified in this field remain visible on the screen when scrolling.

Line entry

  • Translated description (field ITMDESCOD)

This is the product description translated into the customer language. This description is the one that will be printed on the document. If the translation does not exist in the customer language, the un-translated product description is used. This description is also transferred to the next document.

SEEINFOThe product record can be accessed from this field using a tunnel.

  • field ITMDESSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Standard description (field ITMDES1COD)

This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line.

  • field ITMDES1SCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Expected quantity (field EXTQTYCOD)

Il s'agit de la quantité prévue de retour par le client. Elle est exprimée en unité de vente.
Lorsque le retour est associé à une livraison, la quantité maximum pouvant être retournée est la quantité de la livraison.
SEEINFO Il est possible de saisir une quantité comprise entre 0 et la quantité restant à retourner.

  • field EXTQTYSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Return reason (field RTNRENCOD)

This field is used to indicate the return reason. It is controlled in the return reason miscellaneous table.

  • field RTNRENSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Return date (field RTNDATCODD)

Il s'agit de la date à laquelle on crée la ligne de retour.
Elle est initialisée avec la date de l'entête du retour ou avec la date du jour si la date de l'entête du retour est inférieure à la date du jour.

  • field RTNDATSCRD

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Reactivate order (field ORDUPDCOD)

This is the order update indicator.
When positioned to "Yes", it is used to re-activate the order line by decreasing the delivered quantity with the return quantity.
It is initialized by default to "No" and can be modified if the invoice has not been issued.

  • field ORDUPDSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Credit memo subject (field CNOFLGCOD)

Cet indicateur d'avoir permet de savoir si on désire générer une ligne d'avoir pour cette ligne de retour.
Il est saisissable uniquement si le flag déduit facture est à non (si ce flag est à oui cela signifie que la ligne de retour sera automatiquement déduite sur la facture).

  • S'il est positionné à "Oui", cela signifie que l'on désire faire un avoir.
  • S'il est positionné à "Non", cela signifie que l'on ne désire pas faire d'avoir.

  • field CNOFLGSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Project (field PJTCODD)


  • field PJTSCRD



Tab Stock


In this tab, the setup is carried out on the stock information that will be accessible on the return line and in the detail screen when various information exist for a single return line (e.g. several lot numbers on a single return line). Set up the management method of these sections in your return entry screen.

See the Stock receipt setup documentation.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Enter packing unit (field UOMSAIFLG)

This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the entry in packing units is authorized or not in the receipt movement.

  • If the entry of PAC unit is allowed the entry screen is generated with the fields packing unit, Quantity in PAC, PAC/STK conversion factor, Quantity in STK (this quantity is calculated and cannot be entered).
  • If the entry of PAC unit is not allowed the entry screen generated only displays the quantity in STK.

The specific case of Customer returns:

If the entry of PAC unit is allowed, then it is possible to modify the sales unit in the return by selecting a different sales unit among the following units:

  • stock unit,
  • packing unit,
  • customer packing unit.

Otherwise, the sales unit cannot be modified and the PAC/STK coefficient and the STK quantity fields are not displayed.

Special case ofLoan returns:

The entry in PAC is not possible in a load return line. The sales unit cannot be modified for this type of return.
However, for this type of document, the conversion coefficient between the document unit and the stock unit will always be displayed as well as the corresponding quantity in stock unit.

  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOTCOD)

Use this parameter to define, for this entry transaction, if the product Supplier lot number must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed: The value is displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The value can be modified.
  • field BPSLOTSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Lot (field LOTCOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the product Lot number must be:

  • Hidden,
  • Displayed,
  • (Entered).
  • field LOTSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Sublot (field SLOCOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the product Sub-lot number must be:

  • Hidden: The field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed but it cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.
  • field SLOSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Number of sublots (field NBSLOFLG)

Use this parameter to define, for this entry transaction, if the Number of sub-lots must be displayed.

  • Status (field STACOD)

This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the entry status must be:

  • Hidden: The field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed but it cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified and in this case, the value entered is controlled with the rule for the product management.
  • field STASCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Location (field LOCCOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the location for the product receipt must be:

  • Hidden,
  • Displayed,
  • Entered.
  • field LOCSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Order price (field MVTPRICOD)

Use this parameter to define, for this entry transaction, if the Order unitary price must be:

  • Hidden,
  • Displayed,
  • Entered.

This information is used to intervene in the valuation of the stock receipt:

  • In the case of a receipt, the default value is calculated from the net price of the receipt line.
  • In the case of a loan or subcontract material return, this information is not available.
  • field MVTPRISCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Starting serial number (field SERCOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the first product serial number for receipt to stock must be:

  • Hidden: The field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.
  • field SERSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Ending serial number (field SERECOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the last product serial number, when these numbers are consecutive, must be:

  • Hidden: The field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
  • field SERESCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Identifier 1 (field IDECOD01)

The identifiers correspond to pieces of free information each used to identify a stock line. This parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden
    The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed: 
    The value is displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The value can be modified.
  • field IDESCR01

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Identifier 2 (field IDECOD02)


  • field IDESCR02


  • Movement description (field MVTDESCOD)

Setup used to define, for this entry transaction, if the movement description that will be written in the stock journal must be:

  • Hidden,
  • Displayed,
  • Entered.
  • field MVTDESSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Warehouse (field WRHCOD1)

The presence or absence of this option is subject to the activity code WRH.
It is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the warehouse on the document line must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed. This will be single-warehouse managed.
  • Displayed: The field is loaded with the warehouse entered in the header, and cannot be modified. This will be single-warehouse managed.
  • Entered: The field is displayed and it can be modified. This setup allows a multi-warehouse management.
    This value cannot be selected if single-warehouse management has been activated in the transaction header.
  • field WRHSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Container (field LPNCOD)

This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code.

For this entry transaction, specify if the container and license plate number on the document line must be:

  • Hidden
    The fields are not displayed on the entry screen.
    If the conditions are met for creating license plate numbers 'on the fly', the default container is used (even if hidden), and one or several license plate numbers are assigned automatically .
  • Displayed
    If the conditions are met for creating license plate numbers 'on the fly', the default container is used and one or several license plate numbers are assigned automatically. These values are displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered
    The default container value is loaded in the field. It is displayed and available for modification. The license plate number can be entered or modified if determined automatically.
Please refer to the License plate number field help linked to the Miscellaneous receipts function for more information on creating license plate numbers 'on the fly'.

  • field LPNSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.


  • Enter packing unit (field UOMSAIFLG1)

This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the entry in packing units is authorized or not in the receipt movement.

If the the entry of the PAC is possible, it is then possible to modify the PAC/STK conversion factor (on the condition that the product unit authorizes this modification).

  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOTCOD1)

Use this parameter to define, for this entry transaction, if the product Supplier lot number must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed: The value is displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The value can be modified.
  • field BPSLOTSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Major version (field ECCCOD)

This parameter is used for this entry transaction to define whether the Major version number should be:

  • Hidden: the field is not displayed in the entry screen
  • Displayed: The value is displayed but cannot be modified

The management of the version numbers is only carried out at the Lot complement window level.

  • field ECCSCR

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Minor version (field ECCCODMIN)

This parameter is used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the Minor version number must be:

  • Hidden: the field is not displayed in the entry screen.
  • Displayed: The value is displayed but cannot be modified

The management of the version numbers is only carried out at the Lot complement window level.

  • field ECCSCRMIN

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Identifier 1 (field IDECOD1)

The identifiers correspond to pieces of free information each used to identify a stock line. This parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, whether the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden
    The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed: 
    The value is displayed but cannot be modified.
  • Entered:
    The value can be modified.
  • field IDESCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Identifier 2 (field IDECOD2)


  • field IDESCR2


  • Printing (field PRNCOD1)

Specify if label printing is authorized for this entry transaction. You can authorize the printing of:

  • Stock labels,
  • License plate number labels created 'on the fly',
  • Stock labels and license plate number labels created 'on the fly'.

When printing is authorized, it is launched automatically when the stock receipt entry is completed.

The automatic printing of stock labels applies when using an ADC terminal: all the setup rules required for the launch are specified in the Miscellaneous receipts function implementation documentation (ADCs).

  • field PRNSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Number of copies (field PRNNBFLG1)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the number of documents to be printed can be entered or not.

  • field PRNNBSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Order price (field MVTPRICOD1)

Use this parameter to define, for this entry transaction, if the transaction price in the Stock receipt entryscreen must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen.
  • Displayed: The value is displayed but cannot be modified.

SEEINFOIn the case of a loan or subcontract material return, this information is not available.

  • Ending serial number (field SERECOD1)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the last product serial number, when these numbers are consecutive, must be:

  • Hidden: The field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is assigned to it.
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It cannot be modified.
  • field SERESCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.
  • Movement description (field MVTDESCOD1)

Setup used to define, for this entry transaction, if the movement description that will be written in the stock journal must be:

  • Hidden,
  • Displayed,
  • Entered.
  • Available stock (field AVSTOCOD1)

Use this parameter to define if, for this entry transaction, the available to promise stock in the stock entry screen must be:

  • Hidden
  • Displayed
  • field AVSTOSCR1

Specify, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Form and table mode
  • Form mode
  • Table mode.


  • Expiration (field SPERFLG)

Select this check box to indicate that the lot expiry date must be entered.

  • Potency (field SPOTFLG)

Select this check box to indicate that the lot title must be entered.

To use this transaction in VT mode (ADC), do not select this check box: the lot title is not editable in this mode.

  • field SRUB1FLG

This setup is used to specify for each of the user free fields 1-2-3-4 of the Lot addition entry window whether these fields must be entered.

These fields are used to associate additional information to a lot.

To use this transaction in VT mode (ADC), do not select this check box: the user headings 1-2-3-4 are not editable in this mode.



Tab Analytical


In this function, the Distribution line field is hidden.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Header dimensions (field HEACCECOD)

Parameter used to define if, for this transaction, the analytical dimensions fields of the document header must be:

  • Hidden: The options/analytical dimensions menu of the main window will be hidden.
  • Displayed: It will be possible to access the options/analytical dimensions menu of the main window, the fields will appear but it will not be possible to access them.
  • Entered: It will be possible to access the options/analytical dimensions menu of the main window, the fields will appear and it will be possible to access them.
  • Distribution line (field DSPCOD)

This setup is used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical distribution key at line and invoicing element level must be:

  • Hidden: the field does not appear on the entry screen but the default value is attributed to it,
  • Displayed: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed but it cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified.
  • field DSPSCR

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the field must be present in:

  • Record +Table modes,
  • Form mode,
  • Table mode.
  • Stock movement dimensions (field STOCCECOD)

Specify for this transaction if the analytical dimension fields related to stock movements must be:

  • Hidden
  • Displayed: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed but cannot be accessed.
  • Entered: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed and can be accessed.
This screen is common to the entry transactions for the orders and open orders. In the open orders entry transaction, this field is not available.


  • field CCESCR


Grid Dimension line

You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

  • Method (field CCECOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
  • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
    The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.



Action icon

Pre-loading the dimension types

Click the Preload dimensions action to load the default dimensions defined for a selected group of sites or companies.




Specific Buttons

At the end of the entry, this button is used to save the setup performed and trigger the generation of the corresponding screens.


This button is used to copy the setup from or to another folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

You do not have access to this code.

This message appears when the access code entered does not exist in your user profile. To solve this problem, choose an access code from the list displayed or (provided you have the authorization) add the requested access code to your user profile.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation