Time management > DON'T USE > Reference week 

Use this function to define week templates to be used for the employees' planning.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


Enter the time ranges of the days that make up a week. The total number of hours of the day is calculated.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • First day of the week (field FIRDAY)

The first day of the week is automatically set to the day used on the first row of the Weekstable.

Enter the code identifying a week (maximum of 10 characters).

  • Title (field DES)

Description used by default in reports and screens (if there is enough space).
If you have limited space, you can use the short title if there is one.

  • Short title (field SHO)

Short description.
Description on 10 alphanumeric characters.

In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.

  • If a legislation has been set in the LEGFIL (Legislation selection filter) parameter (SUP chapter, INT group), it is used as the default but can be changed if needed.
  • If LEGFIL has no legislation set, there will not be a default, so the Legislation field will have to be entered appropriately.

If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group.


If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation.

In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed.

Grid Weeks

  • Day (field DAY1)


  • Day type (field TYPDAY)

Define the day type (work, working, non-working).

  • Start time (field STRTIM0)


  • End time (field ENDTIM0)


  • Rest break (field BRKTIM0)



  • Start time (field STRTIM1)


  • End time (field ENDTIM1)


  • Rest break (field BRKTIM1)



  • Start time (field STRTIM2)


  • End time (field ENDTIM2)


  • Rest break (field BRKTIM2)



  • Hours (field NBRHRS1)

Number of working hours in a day. This number will be used to give values to the absences and presences in hours.

  • Days (field NBRDAY1)

Number of days used to give values to absences and presences in number of days, specified as follows:

  • 1 = 1 day worked,
  • 0,5 = half a day worked,
  • 0 = day off.




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The number of days must not exceed 1
  • 0.25 for 1/4 day worked,
  • 0.5 for 1/2 day worked,
  •  0.75 for 3/4 day worked,
  • 1 for 1 day worked.
Number of hours incorrect

The number of hours entered does not correspond to the time ranges.

A number of days has been entered

The number of hours must be have a value if a number of days has been entered.

Information already entered for this date in bracket X

The time ranges are overlapping on the same day.

Break duration incorrect

The rest break duration is longer than the time range.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation