Common data > BOMs > BOM codes 

BOM codes are used to define several BOMs for the same product, the reference of a BOM being composed of the product reference and the BOM code number.

The code type is used to draw the distinction between the BOMs intended for sales use, those used for manufacturing and those used for sub-contracting. It is impossible to modify a type.

The BOM codes of production or sub-contract type can be specialized by site. Their use must be specified:

  • production (production BOM only),
  • Cost calculation,
  • requirement calculation,
  • Mass Production Schedule (MPS)

It is possible to limit the BOM use by operator thanks to the access code.


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Screen management

The BOM code management function is contained in a single screen that is used to create, consult and update the alternatives.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • BOM type (field FIL1)


  • BOM type (field BOMALTTYP)

The code type is used to draw the distinction between the BOMs intended for sales use, those used for manufacturing and those used for sub-contracting.
The specialization of alternative BOM by site as well validation in "MRP", "MPS", "Costing" and "Manufacturing" is only possible for the alternative BOM type "production".

  • BOM code (field BOMALT)

Several BOMs can be defined for a single product reference.
They can be distinguished via the code, entered on two numbers.

The various BOM codes can be used to manage different product structures according to their use context such as:

  • MRP calculation,
  • sales order entry,
  • manufacturing/production.

This field can be left empty (value = 0) to enable manual entry of the components. In this case, only the component is loaded.

  • field TBODESAXX


  • Short description (field TBOSHOAXX)


Block number 2

It features the access code used to limit the access of some users to data.
If the field is entered, only the users having this access code in their profile can use this option.

If the site is not entered, the alternative is available for all the sites.
On the contrary, the alternative is dedicated to the specified site.


  • field FIL31


  • Manufacturing (field MFGUSE)

When it is activated, this checkbox is used to specify that the alternative can be used in the management of Work Orders (production)

  • field FIL32


  • Cost calculation (field CSTUSE)

When it is activated, this checkbox is used to specify that the alternative can be used in the calculations of the standard costs (production)

  • field FIL33


  • MRP processing (field MRPUSE)

When activated, this checkbox is used to specify that the alternative can be used in the Material Requirements Planning (MRP).

  • field FIL34


  • MPS processing (field MPSUSE)

When activated, this checkbox is used to specify that the alternative can be used in the calculation of the Master Production Schedule (MPS).



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Code already exists on line N".

The alternative number is already existing in the tab (see line specified in the error message).

File : Key Deletion impossible

It is impossible to delete this alternative number because it is already existing in the BOM management.

"Modification impossible"

It is impossible to change the type of a BOM code.

Tables used

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