Setup > General parameters > Invoice types > Supplier 

On supplier invoice entry, it is necessary to identify the invoice type in the header. The invoice type will determine the processing applied to the entered invoice.

In order to correctly process the operation, the following elements are required:

  • an automatic journal to process the operation in accounting,
  • an entry type to manage the propagation authorizations for the various ledger types and to define the sequence numbers.

An invoice type to define the various invoice categories.
Example: France invoice and export invoice.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


An invoice type is defined by an alphanumeric code of five characters. This code will be called in supplier invoice entry.

The invoice type setup is performed on a single screen where the following information needs to be entered:

Purchase invoice types

Enter the user invoice type:


This transaction type refers to orders and/or receipts. These received invoices can relate to previously recorded receipts, not yet received orders or orders without receipt (general purchases).

Additional invoice

This transaction type refers to invoices that can only be assigned to already invoiced products. These invoices can only come from:
    • The supplier of the goods (e.g.: for additional invoicing);
    • A business partner other than the supplier of the goods, in which case the invoices must be assigned to products (e.g.: for freight charges or customs expenses).
      This additional invoicing can also lead to price adjustment movements for products managed in stock.

Credit memo

This transaction type is used to fully or partly cancel an invoice in the event of a dispute on the price or quantity.

Credit memo on return

This transaction type is similar to the previous one, except that it needs to be reconciled with the return that generated it.
Automatic journals

If this field is empty, the automatic journal PIHI is used.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The invoice type is used to identify the invoice category and define different invoice categories.
For example: Invoice France and invoice export.

The invoice type is associated to a type of journal for which a counter (manual or automatic) is specified.

In creation mode, the legislation code can be initialized via the user parameter LEGFIL - Legislation (selection filter) (SUP chapter, INT group). You can also use this parameter to filter the selection panel and only display the codes defined for this legislation and those defined for ‘All legislations’.
The legislation code is not mandatory. When the code is entered, you can only use the invoice type for companies subject to this legislation.

Reminder of the main principles relating to the use of data or a setup element defined by legislation, when the company context is known (record, flow, etc.)

  • When a setup element is defined for a legislation, it can be used only when the legislation of the context is identical.
    It cannot be used in a record set up with another legislation.
  • When a setup element is defined without a legislation (‘All legislations’ level), it is considered as having a multilegislation nature. This element can be used in every record, irrespective of the legislation, unless there is a setup element with the same code, defined for the company legislation. In that case, the setup element defined for the company legislation is the only one submitted for selection and accepted on entry (provided it is ‘Active’).
        • If the setup element defined for the company is not ‘Active’ and the setup element defined at the "All legislations" level is, this setup element cannot be used.
        • To reduce the processing time and thus improve performances, we recommend not to create multilegislation records and instead create records for each legislation of the folder.
          For further information, refer to the documentation on Performance improvement: List of the multilegislation objects.
  • An additional filter is applied on the setup element depending on the company group defined. This setup element can only be used and is only suggested for selection if the company to which the record is associated, belongs to this company group.

Example 1:
Setup of invoice type as follows:

Invoice type



Blank = all legislations




Blank = all legislations





When entering an invoice for a company with a FRA legislation, only the following invoice types are suggested for selection:

Invoice type





Blank = all legislations



SEEINFOAn additional filter is applied depending on the company group entered.
If, in the example above, a company group is also specified at the level of the FAF invoice type setup with the FRA legislation, this invoice type is suggested for selection only if the company belongs to the company group entered.

Example 2:
Setup of invoice type as follows:

Invoice type


Group of companies


Blank = all legislations

Blank = all groups





Blank = all legislations

Blank = all groups



Blank = all groups



Blank = all groups

When entering an invoice for a FRA legislation company, belonging only to the NOR group, only the following invoice types are submitted for selection:

Invoice type


Group of companies


All legislations

All groups



All groups

SEEINFOThe FAF invoice type cannot be used because it is defined for the GRP company group for the FRA legislation.
  • Description (field DESAXX)

This long description is used as a title in screens and reports.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.

  • Short description (field SHOAXX)

Short title used in the screens and reports. This title is recorded in your connection language.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.

By entering a company group, you can limit the scope to companies in the selected group only. When this data is used for another record or with a setup element also defined in the group, a control checks that the groups have at least one company in common when the groups are different.  

In addition, a consistency check is performed for the legislations of the companies in the selected group.
At least one of these companies must have the same legislation as the one entered in the Legislation field. If  not, a warning message displays.

When using the document type, a consistency check is also performed between the legislation/group of the document type and the legislation/group of the document.

SEEREFERTTO For further information, click here.


  • Invoice category (field INVTYP)

This is used to carry out the process on a specific invoice category.

There are five invoice categories:

  • Invoice
  • Credit memo
  • Debit note.
  • Credit memo
  • Pro forma
  • Purchase invoice category (field PIHTYP)

Invoice type (4 possible values:
1- Invoice
2- Additional invoice (invoice linked to other invoices for, for instance, allocation of transport expenses)
3- Credit memo (credit memo linked to wrong invoices)
4- Credit memo on return (credit memo linked to the return of already invoiced goods)

    The code entered in this field will be compared by the system with those that have been recorded in the automatic journal groups:

    • in case of common codes, the system will apply the criteria determined in the automatic journal groups,
    • if there are no common codes, the system will take into account the code of the automatic journal entered in this field.

    The code entered in this field will be compared by the system with those that have been recorded in the automatic journal groups:

    • in case of common codes, the system will apply the criteria determined in the automatic journal groups,
    • if there are no common codes, the system will take into account the code of the automatic journal entered in this field.

    Journal code assigned upon invoice creation. It will be used upon invoice posting.
    This field is optional. It is only possible to enter a journal code whose legislation and group setup is coherent with the setup of the invoice type and journal type.
    SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.

    If it is not entered, the journal code will be determined by the setup of the automatic journal, otherwise via the journal type.

    Type of journal used upon invoice creation and posting.
    This field is optional. It is only possible to enter a journal type whose legislation and group setup is coherent with the setup of the invoice type and journal code.
    SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.

    If it is not entered, the journal type will be determined by the setup of the automatic journal.

    Electronic signature

    • Record type (field RECTYP)

    This field is displayed only when the KPO activity code is active.

    The type of document is necessary so that it can be possible to assign to it a dedicated sequence number.
    It can take the value :

    • Normal
    • Manual document recovery
      This means that the source document has been generated manually in paper form (as the system was unavailable).
    • Backup document recovery
      This means that already recorded documents have been lost due to the restoring of a backup. These are documents recorded between the time when the backup has been performed and the time when the backup has been restored.
      It will be necessary to create them again manually.
      For these two types of documents, it will be necessary to enter the original document number in the transaction (ORIDOCNUM field -Original document no. for invoices and MANDOC -Manual document, for the other types of documents).
    • External document
      This means that the document was originally created in another software, which has provided the electronic signature. No electronic signature will be generated by Sage X3 for this document type.

    SEEINFO The document number which is entered must be unique.

    • SAF-T document type (field SAFTINVTYP)

    Use this field to assign the correct document type to the SAFT xml file.
    The choice of the document type depends on the selected invoice category:

    • If the category is: Invoice, the value of the SAF-T document type can be: Invoice, Simplifiedinvoice or Debit note
    • If the category is: Credit memo, the value of the SAF-T document type must be: Credit memo
    • If the category is: Debit note, the value of the SAF-T document type must be: Debitnote
    • If the category is: Credit note, the value of the SAF-T document type must be: Credit memo
    • If the category is: Proforma, the value of the SAF-T document type can be: Proforma or Consignment invoice.

    This field is only displayed if your system is set up for Portuguese localization, that is the activity code KPO is active.

    • Automatic invoice (field AUTINV)

    This field is displayed only when the KPO activity code is active.

    This field is used to specify if the invoice type results from the self-invoicing process. The invoice is created by yourself instead of being created by the supplier. As the supplier does not create the invoice, two options are possible for SAF-T:

    • You send the file directly to the State, with these invoices.
    • You send the file to the supplier and he is responsible for sending it to the State.

    Fixed assets

    • Invoicing element distribution (field FASDSPLIN)

    This setup is used when validating purchase invoices leads to the automatic creation of expenses in the Fixed Assets module.
    Specify the distribution terms of the invoicing elements on invoice lines, which must be taken into account when creating expenses.

    • Distribution by invoicing element: setup applied at the level of invoicing elements taken into account.
      When a distribution is requested, the amount of each expense is increased of reduced in proportion to the distributed part of the invoicing element.
      When no distribution is requested, an expense is created for the entire amount of the invoicing element.
    • No distribution: no distribution is applied, regardless of the setup defined for invoicing elements. An expense related to the entire invoicing element amount is automatically created when validating the purchase invoice. This option is particularly useful when a breakdown is set up at the level of invoicing elements, and the automatic journal is set up for a posting by account.

    By default:

    • for journal PIHI and PIHI3, no breakdown is defined in the setup,
    • for other journals, the setup defines a breakdown by invoicing element.



    Specific buttons

    Error messages

    The only error messages are the generic ones.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation