Declarations > Tax management > Others > Setup > VAT form 

Use this function to set up the VAT form for a specific legislation. You use this form to create VAT returns. You can reuse the same form for different years, different VAT entities, etc. The VAT box codes defined for the VAT form must be consistent with the VAT boxes setup.

You can also define an export script and template for a VAT return export file. This file is generated when you submit a validated VAT return. The standard presetting includes a script VFEEXPSTD (export file naming, export template execution, etc.) and an export template DCLVATSTD.

Additional information

You can only define an export for a form if the Offline mode check box is not selected.

The export file cannot be used for DCLVATBRI declarations.

For DCLVATBEL declarations, the script initialized at the upgrade is VFEEXPBEL and the template DCLVATBEL.

If you modify the VAT box setup, you must update the related VAT form to align with those modifications.

This function is part of the VAT framework.

Offline mode

If you select the Offline mode checkbox:

  • For British VAT, you can define a form and run the VAT extraction in VAT returns without authenticating with HMRC. An offline form or declaration cannot be switched to an "online" form or declaration. Online submission with HMRC is not possible.
  • Running an actual extraction in offline mode updates the declared VAT at the journal entry level.
  • The control on overlapping periods does not apply.
  • You can have an offline and online version of the same declaration + legislation combination.
  • If an offline form is linked to a VAT return, you cannot clear the Offline mode check box. You can only clear the check box if nothing is linked to the form.
  • The following fields in the Extraction criteria block are not required: VAT year and Period.


The predefined VAT forms for specific declarations are designed to match the predefined VAT box setup for those declarations. If you modify the standard VAT box setup, you cannot use the predefined VAT form.

DCLVATBEL: The form BELVAT is based on form 625 from the Belgian fiscal authorities. This form is delivered inactive with a validity period for the year 2020. You can modify these settings as needed.

DCLVATBRI: This form follows the required 9 VAT box setup.

DCLVATCAN: The form CANVAT is based on the GST-34 report structure.

DCLVATFRA: The FRAVAT form is based on the 3310-CA3 VAT declaration template.

DCLVATGEN: This is a generic form that you can customize based on the VAT boxes created for a specific legislation that is not part of the presettings.

DCLVATSWI: This form complies with Swiss legislation requirements.

DCLVATZAF1: The ZAFVAT form matches the VAT box structure for DCLVATZAF1.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • VAT form (field VATFRM)

Enter a unique alphanumeric code when creating a new VAT form.

Enter an existing code to modify a VAT form if there are no declarations linked to that form in progress.

If your legislation is part of the VAT framework, you can use a dedicated VAT form.

Select the declaration for the form:

  • DCLVATBEL: based on the required VAT format for Belgian legislation
  • DCLVATBRI: based on the required VAT format for British legislation
  • DCLVATCAN: based on the required VAT format for Canadian legislation
  • DCLVATFRA: based on the required VAT format for French legislation
  • DCLVATGEN: for a Generic VAT format that can be linked to a legislation
  • DCLVATSWI: based on the required VAT format for Swiss legislation.
  • DCLVATZAF1: based on the required VAT format for South African legislation

Note: This list is updated often based on declarations that have been included in the VAT framework.

Enter the legislation for the VAT declaration form.

  • Offline mode (field OFFLINFLG)

Select this checkbox to run the VAT calculations in offline mode.

An offline form or declaration cannot be switched to an online form or declaration if anything is linked to the form such as a VAT return. Running an actual extraction in offline mode updates the declared VAT at the journal entry level.

You can have an active, online version for the same declaration and legislation.

For UK declarations: Online submission to HMRC for British VAT is not possible with an offline form.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

You can only clear this checkbox, making the form inactive, if there are no declarations currently in progress for this form.

A VAT form cannot be Inactive if there is at least one declaration in progress linked to the form.

  • Modification (field ICOINFO)

This icon indicates whether or not at least one declaration is in progress for this form:

Green: No declaration in progress, you can modify the setup.

Red: At least one declaration in progress, you cannot modify the setup.

  • Description (field DESTRA)

Enter a description for the VAT form.

  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

Enter a short description for the VAT form.

Enter the currency for the VAT declaration form.

  • Decimals (field DEC)

Enter the number of decimals allowed in the VAT submission.

By default, this value matches the selected currency. You can modify it by selecting a value between 0 and 3.

  • Valid from (field VLYSTRDAT)

Enter Valid from and Valid to dates to create a unique time frame that does not overlap with another valid time frame for a matching VAT form + VAT declaration + legislation combination.

If the form is offline, you can have overlapping periods.

  • Valid to (field VLYENDDAT)




Tab Form


The VAT boxes grid displays the defined VAT box codes and must match the codes in the VAT boxes function. These codes are included in the Summary section of the VAT return reports.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid VAT boxes

  • VAT box (field VATBOX)

Enter a code for the VAT box. This code displays in the VAT return report.

The VAT box code defined here must be consistent with the VAT boxes setup (GESVTB).

  • Description (field DESLIN)

Enter a description for the VAT box.

The values in the VAT box column are included in the Summary section of the VAT return reports. Adding VAT box codes in the description is optional.

  • Type (field TYPBOX)

Select a VAT box type:

  • Detail
  • Total

  • Format (field FLDTYP)

This field defaults to Numeric and cannot be modified.

  • Formula (field CLCFOR)

Enter a formula for a TotalVAT box type.

There are specific formula syntax rules that must be followed:

You must enclose each VAT box within single quotes. For example, to include the total amount of two VAT boxes named B1 and B2, the formula would be: ‘B1’ + ‘B2’

The formula can only include VAT boxes previously defined, otherwise you receive an error. That is, a VAT box that is defined on a line above the line with the formula.

The formula can include complex operators such as:abs(-‘B1’ - ‘B2’)

A formula that includes a range of VAT boxes is not possible.

  • Formula condition (field CNDFOR)


Select a predefined presentation style for the Form grid if available.

This option is only available if your organization created custom Presentation styles for grids.



Tab VAT return export


The following fields are present on this tab :

File generation

  • Active (field EXPFLG)

Select this checkbox to generate a VAT return export file when you submit a validated return for this form. When selected, you can enter a Directory, Script, and Template.

You cannot set up a VAT return export for DCLVATBRI declarations.

  • Directory (field EXPDIR)

After selecting the Active check box, you can enter a file location for the VAT return export report. It is saved to this location when you submit a validated VAT return.

For DCLVATBEL declarations, the script initialized at the upgrade is VFEEXPBEL and the template DCLVATBEL.

  • Script (field EXPSCR)

After selecting the Active check box, enter an export script for the VAT return export file. You can use the VFEEXPSTD script delivered in the standard presettings that includes the export file naming, template execution, etc.

For DCLVATBEL declarations, the script initialized at the upgrade is VFEEXPBEL and the template DCLVATBEL.

After selecting the Active check box, you can enter an export template for the VAT return export file. You can use the DCLVATSTD template delivered with the standard presettings.

For DCLVATBEL declarations, the script initialized at the upgrade is VFEEXPBEL and the template DCLVATBEL.


Tab Other info


VAT posting

The 2 grids in this block are populated if there are VAT adjustments that need to be included when the related VAT return is posted. Otherwise, they can be empty.

If they are empty for a VAT form where VAT adjustments have been entered on a related VAT return, these adjustments are not included in the calculation to post the net VAT amount for the tax to disburse amount or tax credit amount. In that case, only the net VAT amount is calculated on the amounts in the detail VAT boxes.

When you enter VAT boxes in these grids for VAT form where VAT adjustments have been made on a related VAT return, these adjustments are included in the calculation to post the net VAT amount.

The sum of the submitted values for these boxes is calculated and represents the net VAT amount, adjustment included. It is then compared to the sum of the VAT amounts extracted on detail VAT boxes and the difference is posted to a VAT adjustment balance account.

Note: The adjustments are not posted in detail, but for the net balance amount.


You can link a print code to one or more reports. This is useful if your legislation requires multiple VAT return reports.

The reports are available in the VAT returns function from the Print icon, List option.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid VAT posting

  • VAT due box (field DUEBOXCOD)

This grid stores the list of VAT boxes to determine the total due VAT amount, including the entered adjustment amounts. This can be one total VAT box from the current VAT form, several detail VAT boxes from the current VAT form, or a combination.

You can only select a VAT box that is part of the return.

The value in this box is used to manage manual adjustments entered for the VAT return.

If you enter a VAT box in this field, you must also enter a box in the Deductible VAT box field.

If you leave this field empty and you make manual adjustments, they are not taken into account when you post the VAT return.

  • Description (field DUEBOXDES)

This field displays the description for the selected VAT box number and cannot be modified.

Table number 2

  • Deductible VAT box (field CRDBOXCOD)

This grid stores the list of VAT boxes to determine the total deductible VAT amount, including the entered adjustment amounts. This can be one total VAT box from the current VAT form, several detail VAT boxes from the current VAT form, or a combination.

You can only select a VAT box that is part of the return. If you entered a value in the VAT due box field, you must enter a value here and it must be different from the VAT due box.

If you leave this field empty and you make manual adjustments on a linked VAT return, they are not taken into account when you post the VAT return.

  • Description (field CRDBOXDES)

This field displays the description for the selected VAT box number and cannot be modified.


  • Print code (field PRTCOD)

Enter or select an existing print code to link one or more reports to a VAT form. The reports are available in the VAT returns function from the Print icon, List option.





Specific actions

Use this action to copy an existing VAT form from one endpoint to another.

This action should only be performed by an administrator or business partner. The Copy action must only be used to create a new VAT form setup in the destination endpoint or if the same existing VAT form in the destination endpoint is not linked to a declaration (Modification status is green).

Please be careful. The copy action overwrites the entire VAT form setup in the destination endpoint.

For Canadian declarations

You can select this function to generate a log file that displays the following data for online submission mapping:

  • TaxUIDs not used
  • Duplicates
  • Missing VAT boxes and related detailed information

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation