A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Acceptance return 

Some payments, like notes payable/receivable, require an additional phase before they can be settled: the acceptance return. This phase is defined during in the payment transaction setup.

The acceptance return can only be carried out from its dedicated function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The acceptance return process is sub-divided into two sucesssive phases: a general selection of the notes payable/receivableto be processed, the acceptance of the selected payments.

Selection screen of the payments to be processed

The payment selection is carried out based on a set of criteria defining the payment.


The payments pending acceptance for all companies can be submitted. It is also possible to limit the operation to the payments of one company only (uncheck the option All companies).


A selection can be performed on a site: Only the payments recorded on this site are submitted.

Payment transaction

Since all the payments are organized and sorted by payment transaction, it is possible to limit the selection of the payments to be processed to a single payment transaction.

Control account/BP

It is possible to limit the selection to a control account, even to a specific BP specified in the appropriate field. If no control account/BP is mentioned while the All collective accounts and All BPs selections are deactivated, the process will apply to general accounts.

Currency group/Currency

It is possible to perform a selection for a currency group or a particular transaction currency. Only the payments recorded in the selected currency(ies) are displayed.

Due date

The selection can be defined for a limit due date.


It is possible to limit the selection to payments whose amount does not exceed a specific value.

Screen of the payments to be processed

All the payments that meet the defined criteria are displayed in this screen.

It is recommended to check that only the requested payments are selected. Otherwise, it is possible to delete lines for the irrelevant payments, or to add lines.

The Save button at the bottom of the page is used to validate the acceptance return for the payments displayed in the table.


The Acceptance column cannot be entered: the value of the field is based on the payment method (miscellaneous table no. 3) and can take the following values defined in local menu 682: LOC not accepted, LOC accepted, Promissory note, LOC to be accepted.

To indicate that a payment is not accepted, the line needs to be deleted in the table.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Proposal

  • No. (field NUMLIG)


  • Payment (field NUM)

Mention a payment whose return has not been accepted, and with a transaction authorized to the user that is set up to the "Acceptance return" phase.


Mention the payment method of the payment specified on the line.

The code entered must be among those that are pre-defined in the transaction record corresponding to the payment.

  • Acceptance (field ACCEPT)


  • Due date (field DUDDAT)


  • Company name (field BPRNAM)



  • Amount (field AMTCUR)


  • Bank account number (field BID)




Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation