It is the site paying the fees. If a site has been entered in the selection window (previous window), this site is dipslayed. | |
It is the contractor who has received the fee line. It can be modified. If a contractor has been entered in the selection window (previous window), this contractor is displayed. | |
Date of payment of the entered fee line. If this date is modified, it must be included in the period chosen in the selection window. | |
It is the fee category to which the amount is attached. | |
For the fee lines of the categories below, another piece of information needs to be entered: - Incomes in kind: entry of the type of incomes in kind:
- 'F' for 'Food',
- 'A' for 'Accommodation',
- 'C' for 'Car',
- 'O' for 'Others'.
These four letters can be combined, for instance 'FA' for 'Food' and 'Accommodation'.
- Allowances and reimbursements: entry of the management terms.
- 'S' for 'Standard Allowance',
- 'R' for 'Reimbursement against vouchers',
- D for Direct management by the employer.
These three letters can be combined, for instance RP.
- Deduction at source: When a normal rate is not applied to the deduction at source, a particular deduction rate must be entered:
- 'R' for 'Reduced rate',
- 'E' for 'Exemption'.
These 2 letters can be combined if each particular case applies to a fraction of the global remuneration.
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According to the fee nature: - If the contractor has invoiced the VAT in addition to their fees and commission, the tax-incl amount must be declared.
- For remunerations paid to persons who do not reside in France, the net amount of the fees should be declared, after the deduction at source has been deducted.
- The declaration must clearly highlight for each contractor the amount of the allowances or expenses refunds along with the real value of the incomes in kind granted.
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It is the currency in which the fee amount is expressed. | - Company amount (field AMTLOC)
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  | - Invoice no. (field NUMINV)