Fixed assets > Processes > Utilities > Expense creation 

Use this function to automatically create a linked expense for a fixed asset not already linked to one. By default, the process is in simulation mode and selection criteria defaults to assets owned by the company and acquired during a previous fiscal year or those with accumulated depreciation, legacy assets, and that have been imported.

This bulk process allows you to select standalone assets based on your specific criteria. For each asset, an expense is created and linked to the asset using the relevant fields. In the Expenses function, the link is made as the principal expense and the entry origin is Automatic creation. In the Fixed assets function, the Capitalize button is active and you can add new expenses to the asset to manage improvements or modernizations of the asset as allowed by some regulations.

As with any utility, no extensive controls have been implemented. It should be limited to authorized users. When you run the process in actual mode, the results cannot be reversed.

For Polish companies, when a compatible depreciation method is used and the asset is linked to an expense, you can select the Improvement check box to manage modernization or improvements to the asset.

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field CPYALL)

Select the All companies check box to include all companies or leave this check box unselected and enter a specific company in the Company field.


  • All sites (field FCYALL)

Select the All sites check box to include all sites or leave this check box unselected and enter a specific site in the Site field.


  • All assets (field AASREFALL)

Select this check box to include all assets for the selected companies and sites. Or, you can clear this check box and enter a range.

If the All assets check box is not selected, enter a range of assets to filter for those assets only.


  • Legacy asset (field FLGPRV)

This check box is selected by default and includes assets acquired during a previous fiscal year or those with accumulated depreciation.

  • Entry origin (field CREORI)

The default option for this field is Interface, or you can select one of the following:

  • Transactional entry
  • Split
  • Return
  • Others
  • Intra-group sale
  • Automatic creation
  • Holding type (field OWNTYP)

The default holding type is Owned. Other options include:

  • Rented
  • Leased
  • Concession



Tab Options


The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Simulation (field FLGSIM)

This check box is selected by default and runs the utility in simulation mode.

Clear this check box to run in actual mode.

There are no comprehensive controls on the process and you cannot reverse an actual expense creation. Be sure that the criteria selected are correct.

  • Detailed log file (field FLGTRC)

This check box is selected by default and generates a detailed log file after the expense creation in simulation or actual mode.

In simulation mode, the log file displays the selection criteria and a list of eligible assets.

In actual mode, the log file displays created expenses for each asset.



Tab Extended selection


Use the Extended selection screen to refine selection criteria by using any field from the FXDASSETS - Fixed assets table. After a selecting a field, you can select an operation, such equal to, and enter a value.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


  • Fields (field FLD)

Use the look-up icon to select a field from the Fixed assets table.

  • Memo (field PAR)

Select this checkbox to save this search option.

Block number 2

  • Expression (field EXP1)

Use this field to enter an expression for the selection criteria.

This criterion is added to the previous criteria by the link AND.

The expression cannot contain fields from a table other than the Fixed assets table. These can be indexed.

  • Memo (field PAREXP)

Select this checkbox to save this search option.


Specific actions

Click this action to save the current settings to a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

The STD memo code is associated with the screen and is loaded immediately when you open the function.

For more information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation