Miscellaneous Receipts > Receipt modification 

When a receipt document line is created, it is no longer possible to intervene directly on this line in the entry to carry out modifications.
In order to modify a line, open the detail window linked to the line by clicking Receipt modification from the Actions icon. This window is also used to view the line details of the receipt note if it exists (presence of a $ character on at least one of the stock characteristics for the document line).

This function is used to modify the stock movements that have been carried out at the time of the receipt posting. It is only available if the receipt note is in a stable status (the Save button must be disabled).

When modifications are saved:

  • the original movements are canceled by reversals in the stock journal,
  • new movements corresponding to the corrections are posted on the original movements' date.

The entry window for receipt modifications is similar to the Quantity Details Entry window. It is enabled during the receipt line creation and aimed at distributing a receipt note line on:

  • several lots,
  • several sub-lots for one lot,
  • several repositories,
  • several containers,
  • several locations,
  • several statuses,
  • non consecutive serial numbers.

The description of this window is set up at the time of the receipt note transaction setup (Tab Stock / Detail section).

Screen management

Entry screen


The window for receipt modifications consists of:

  • a header containing the main characteristics of the receipt note lines in which modifications have been carried out,
  • and a grid used to view and potentially to modify, the details of a receipt note line that has previously been created.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field enables the specification of the site on which receipt movements occurred.

This field is used to indicate the reference for the document entered in stock.

  • Quantity (field QTYTOENT)

This field is loaded with the quantity entered at the level of the receipt note line: this is the quantity to be distributed. It is expressed in the entry unit at the level of the document line.


  • field VCRNUM

This field indicates the document number of the count note.

  • field COEFUCUS


  • Total (field PECQTY)

This field specifies the total quantity of details lines.
When the screen is opened, this field is automatically completed with the quantity specified on the receipt note line.
As new quantities are entered onto the details lines in the stock receipt table, the field is updated based on the total of each detail line quantity. So the user quickly knows if quantities are still to be described or if there are too many of them compared with what was planned and specified on the note line.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

This field is not accessible for modification. The same movement description is carried across to all the stock movements arising from the same receipt into stock.

Grid Receipts

This field can be modified according to the receipt note transaction setup. Upon using the right button, the system proposes all the units of measure (stock units and packaging units) defined for the product. If this unit is modified, the STK/PAC coefficient is automatically modified, so that the quantity remains identical.

The product can have several packing units:

  • four packing units entered in the grid of the product record (Units of measure tab). They are proposed during stock transaction entry,
  • a packing unit linked to the supplier (product-supplier record). It is proposed as the default value in order entry,
  • two customer packing units (product-customer record). They can be used as sales units in order entry.

Only packing type units form the units of measure table can be chosen.

  • Quantity (field QTYPCU)

This field indicates the quantity, expressed in UOM unit. Modifying this field triggers the recalculation of the header Quantity field.

SEEWARNINGYou cannot modify the quantity when the product is managed with sequences of serial numbers. You need to delete the line and create a new one with the required quantity.

  • Coefficient (field PCUSTUCOE)

Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor.

This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

  • STK quantity (field QTYSTU)

This field is calculated, cannot be entered, present only if the unit can be modified.

This field is subject to the LPN - Internal container management activity code.
This field indicates the license plate number used or the list of licenses plate numbers used. You can select other numbers.

  • Status (field STA)

This area is editable. It is controlled compared with:

  • the list of the authorized statuses in the product category, for the movement type or the current movement code, 
  • the quality control management for the product (no quality control, modifiable quality control, non-modifiable quality control).

The stock status is used to define whether a product is:

  • A: Accepted
  • Q: Pending Quality Control
  • R: Rejected,
    A sub-status of two alphanumerical characters is used to further define the status.
    For instance:
    • RD: Rejected products to be destroyed
    • SR: Supplier return

The statuses and sub-statuses authorized in a stock transaction can depend on various factors:
- the "subject to control" code of the product,
- the "subject to control" code of the received order,
- a list of configurable values associated with the stock transaction.

The stock totals for the product are updated according to the status entered in the transactions:
- physical stock: total of stocks with status "A",
- stock under quality control: total of stocks with status "Q",
- rejected stock: total of stocks with status "R".

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
It is loaded with the warehouse displayed in the document header.

  • It can still be changed if this field is set up so as to be entered at entry transaction level.
    When it is entered, the warehouse is automatically loaded on the stock detail lines and cannot be modified.
  • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.

    To manage multiple warehouses and enter the same slip line on various warehouses, you must enable the entry of the warehouse-line at the entry transaction level. To split a line onto several warehouses, click, the Actions icon and select Enter detailed quantities.
    When a receipt line is distributed on various warehouses, this field is loaded on the slip line with character '$'.

SEEINFO The warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

  • Loc. type (field LOCTYP)

This field can be edited, it is displayed if the product is managed by location, a selection list is proposed.

The location types are used to codify the warehouse locations according to their storage characteristics: dimensions, authorized statuses, technical constraints, etc.
They are associated with the products by site, and are used in this way to geographically group the products with similar characteristics.

According to the management rule defined for the movement type or code at the product category level, a location type is suggested by default.

If the location type is "pending put-away", the Lot, Sub-lot, Series and Label fields are optional.

  • Location (field LOC)

This field can be entered, displayed if the product is managed in location, a selection list is proposed (list of locations available for the type entered). 
When a warehouse is entered, the location MUST belong to this warehouse.            

  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOTAFF)

The supplier lot number can be entered for information purposes in the receipt transactions, and displayed in the stock issue transactions.

It is recorded in the stock file and corresponds to the internal lot number. This ensures that the origin of goods can be tracked.

  • Lot (field LOTAFF)

This field indicates the lot concerned by the stock movement.

This field is only displayed if the detail concerns a product that is managed by lot. The population of the lot code depends on the lot management method assigned to the product and the product category.

It is possible to plan these values by default for the lot code. The supplier lot can be used as a default value. Entering a supplier lot automatically populates the internal lot code with the supplier lot in question or document number triggering stock receipt. In case of a stock receipt, the lot code is assigned to the record of the receipt line.

In case of a customer return, the supplier lot does not initialize an internal lot. It may be entered to identify a supplier lot not known by the system.

  • If the lot entry mode is set up in the product category with the value "no", the entry of the lot field is impossible and the default value is automatically populated. f no default value is set up, the lot sequence number counter numbers the lot.
  • If the entry of the lot is "new lot", it is mandatory to enter a new lot code that is not in the system yet, whether numbered via the sequence number counter, by a default value or by a manual entry.
  • If the lot entry is set to "free", it is possible to select an existing lot from the system.
  • If no sequence number counter is attached to the product, the system applies a general lot sequence number counter at the level of the allocation of sequence number counters in the Stocks chapter.

The grid shown below sums up the impact of the setup of the management of Miscellaneous Receipttype movements in the mandatory lot management during modification of a receipt into stock. In the case of optional lots, an additional function available by right clicking the lot field. This function can be used to leave the lot number blank.

Lot entry



New lot

Default lot


The lot is allocated at the creation of the document line by the sequence number counter.

It is not possible to modify this lot.



In modification mode, it is possible to freely enter a non-existing lot code or an existing lot for a product.

If the lot is not entered, a lot code is assigned based on the lot sequence number counter upon saving the line.

If a new lot number is entered, at the end of the line, the system automatically opens the Lot supplementary information window for this lot.

All the lots for the product are available to be selected.

It is possible to assign to the lot code of the next number in the sequence number counter using the right click "Next sequence number".

It is possible to copy the lot code from the previous line using the right click "Identical to preceding line".

In creation and modification modes, it is possible to enter a lot code on the condition that it does not already exist for the product.

If the lot is not entered, a lot code is assigned based on the lot sequence number counter upon saving the line.

It is possible to assign to the lot code of the next number in the sequence number counter using the right click "Next sequence number".  

Supplier lot

The supplier lot code is automatically assigned to the Lot field upon creating the document line.

All modification of the supplier lot code during the modification of receipts, impacts on the lot code in the detail line concerned, but the lot field remains non-enterable.

Automatic allocation of the supplier lot code in the lot field at the creation of the document line, but the field remains modifiable..

All modification of the supplier lot code during the modification of receipts, impacts on the lot code in the detail line concerned, but the lot field remains enterable.

If a new lot number is entered, at the end of the line, the system automatically opens the Lot supplementary information window for this lot.

All the lots for the product are available to be selected.

It is possible to assign to the lot code of the next number in the sequence number counter using the right click Next sequence number.

It is possible to copy the lot code from the previous line using the right button Identical to preceding line.

If the lot is not entered, a lot code is assigned based on the lot sequence number counter upon saving the line.

Automatic allocation of the supplier lot code in the lot field at the creation of the document line, but the field remains modifiable..

All modification of the supplier lot code during the modification of receipts, impacts on the lot code in the detail line concerned, but the lot field remains enterable.

It is possible to assign to the lot code of the next number in the sequence number counter using the right click Next sequence number.

It is possible to enter a lot code on the condition that it does not already exist for the product.

If the lot is not entered, a lot code is assigned based on the lot sequence number counter upon creating the line.

Document no.

No entry on the line or in the detail.

The lot code is automatically assigned based on the document number. It cannot be modified in receipt modification.


Automatic allocation of the supplier lot code in the lot field at the creation of the document line, but the field remains modifiable..

In modification of receipt movements, it is possible to replace the number in the document by any other lot code.

If a new lot number is entered, at the end of the line, the system automatically opens the Lot supplementary information window for this lot.

All the lots for the product are available to be selected.

It is possible to assign to the lot code of the next number in the sequence number counter using the right click "Next sequence number".

It is possible to copy the lot code from the previous line using the right click "Identical to preceding line".

If the lot is not entered, a lot code is assigned based on the lot sequence number counter upon saving the line.

Automatic allocation of the document code in the lot field at the creation of the document line, on the condition that this lot code does not exist already. If it exists already, it is necessary to enter a lot code that does not exist by taking the next number from the lot sequence number counter that is not yet assigned.

It is possible to enter a lot code on the condition that it does not already exist for the product.

It is possible to assign to the lot code of the next number in the sequence number counter using the right click "Next sequence number".

(*) The allocation of a lot by sequence number counter is made in the following manner: The system uses the lot sequence number counter associated with the product.

  • Sublot (field SLOAFF)

The Sub-lot field enables the specification of the sub-lot affected by the stock movement.

In the Receipt modification screen, this editable field is only designed for the products managed by sub-lot.

For sub-lot numbering: if the product is managed by sub-lot and the field is currently empty, the system will load the update in the following way:

    • If a sub-lot already exists for the lot in process, the system proposes the next sub-lot by incrementing the code of the last sub-lot existing for the lot.
    • If no sub-lot exists for the lot in process, the system proposes the default sub-lot 00001.
  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJA)

If version management is activated, enter here the major version.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMINA)

If version management is activated, enter here the minor version.

  • Serial number (field SERNUM)

This field can be completed by input or automatic calculation. It appears in the receipt modification screen if the product is managed with serial no. on receipt and issue. This is the starting serial number for a range. 

This field can also be accessed in the case of a customer return for the serial numbers managed on issue.

There are as many stock lines and movements generated as serial numbers.

The serial number is defined:

  • on document validation, if a serial number sequence counter for the product,
  • as the next serial number compared with the previous line, if there is no serial number sequence counter for the product.
  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

This field can be edited if the receipt transaction setup allows it.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Number of labels (field LBENBR)

This field is used to indicate the number of labels to be printed. This field can be edited if the receipt transaction setup allows it. 

This field enables the format definition for the stock labels which can be printed at the time of movement entry or with the production folder. This field can be edited if the receipt transaction setup allows it. A format is proposed by default from the format associated with the movement unit for the product. This format is modifiable.

  • Custom field 1 (field STOFLD1)


  • Custom field 2 (field STOFLD2)





Action icon


This action is available on the Unit, Status and Lot fields.

  • Unit
    Based on the context, you can select:
    • Packing units of the product
    • Purchase unit
    • Sales unit
    • Stock unit.

It is not possible to enter a unit other than one of those defined for the product. The purchase and sales units are the default units: they can only be received into stock when they have been defined as packing units for the product.
In the opposite situation, the system converts the quantity entered into stock units.

  • Status
    You can select a status from the list of statuses and sub-statuses authorized in the product category in use, for the current movement type and movement code.
  • Lot
    You can select an existing lot in the system, provided that the product is not set up as a New lot.
    In the case of a customer return, this selection suggests all the lots known by the system, whether in stock or not.
Identical to the preceding line

This action is available on the Quantity and Lot fields.

  • Quantity
    Use this action to copy the quantity from the preceding line in the grid to the current line.
  • Lot
    Use this action to transfer the lot of the preceding line to the current line.

Use this action available in the Quantityfield to calculate the balance of the quantity to be distributed on a detail line, if the quantity entered on this line is in the document line unit.

Initial quantity

After the modification of the line quantity, use this action to return to the quantity before modification.

Next sequence No.

Use this action available in the Lot field to pick up the next sequence number counter value during the receipt into stock.

Lot complement

This action is available on the Lot and Sub-lot fields.
You use it to open the additional information entry window for the current lot. According to the method used for management of the product and the setup of the receipt note transaction, it is possible to specify information such as:

  • Titles
  • Expiry dates
  • Lot user areas
Blank lot

If the product is managed by optional lot, the system still assigns a lot code from the sequence number counter.
Use this action to request a blank lot (i.e. intentionally left blank) when the product is managed by lot.

Stock by lot

Use this action available on the Lot field to access the Stocks by lot inquiry.


Use this action available on the Sub-lot field to recalculate the code of the next sub-lot.

Serial number sequence counter

If the serial number sequence counter exists for the product, use this action to assign the entry in process to the next serial number in the sequence number counter.
When the input is canceled, the serial number is lost for the counter: as a result, there is a "pause" in the serial numbering.




Specific actions

Use this action to save the entered stock information.
A control is carried out to verify that the sum of the line detail quantities correspond to the quantity entered for the original document line.
If this is not the case, a warning message is displayed enabling you to correct your choice. 
If you do not apply any correction, the total quantity to be entered for the document line is updated with the total of quantities on the corresponding detail lines.

Use this action to cancel all the modifications made on the entered lines. 

Use this action to exit the function. As a consequence, entered lines will not be taken into account.

Actions menu

Option / Analytical Dimension Movements

Use this action to access the dimensions that will update all the generated stock movements. All the movements arising from a single document line carry the same analytical dimensions. These can be:

  • completed with a default section code depending on the current movement type.
  • modified if the current transaction setup authorizes it. 

Inquiries / Stock by site

Use this action to access the Stock by site inquiry.

Inquiries / Management rules

Use this action to access the screen listing the main management rules applying to the product.


This function cannot be accessed in the case of a subcontract receipt (with or without WO): the stock information and the received quantity cannot be modified for a received released product or for the materials consumed for the subcontracted product.