Human Resources administration > Payroll > Payslips > PDF archiving of payslips 

Use this function to edit payslips in PDF files. This electronic archiving is much more economical and convenient than paper archiving. It allows you to re-print payslips as many times as needed via the Adobe Acrobat Reader free software.

This function generates a PDF file per site, date and type of payslip. Those three items of information are used to generate the name of the PDF file.

For example:

A company has two sites (PARIS and MARSEILLE) and two different payslips (BULCADRE and BULEMPLOYE). When archiving the pay of 31 March 2011, the four following files are created:

    • MARSEILLE_20010331_BULCADRE.pdf
    • MARSEILLE_20010331_BULEMPLOYE.pdf
    • PARIS_20010331_BULCADRE.pdf
    • PARIS_20010331_BULEMPLOYE.pdf


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Screen management

Entry screen


Select the payslips to be printed according to the following criteria:

  • the company and the site of the employee at the time of the payroll calculation,
  • the payroll dates,
  • the payslips.

For each PDF file, specify how the payslips should be classified and whether you want the details of the headings.

Use the Destination block to schedule the execution of the printings. This prevents the processing from monopolizing the client workstation, as the printing process can take a long time. Specify the directory in which the PDF files must be created.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

No help linked to this field.


  • All sites (field ALLFCY)



  • field WFILLER



  • Payroll date start (field DATPAYSTR)

No help linked to this field.

  • Payroll date end (field DATPAYEND)


  • All prints (field ALLRPT)


The selected report must belong to the group of salary slip prints. Only the salary prints of the employees that have been set up with this report will be archived.


  • Sort (field SRT)

No help linked to this field.

  • Simplified slip (field SHOPYR)



  • Deferred (field BAT)

Similar to deferred prints, the activation of deferred archiving is used to launch the archiving of payslips via the batch task server at the chosen date and time.

  • Date (field BATDAT)


  • Time (field BATTIM)


  • Rearchive (field FIL2)

If re-archiving is not selected, then only the selected payslips which have not yet been archived will be archived.

This is used to select the printer which will print the payslips. The default output of the printer must be the PDF format. In the case of a Web client or a differed printing, the printer must, in addition, be associated with a print server.

  • Directory (field FDR)

Folder in which the PDF file containing the archived salary slips are created.

  • If the printer is a print server, the folder must exist in this server. If this print server is the same machine as the one on which the pay folder is installed, click the Selection icon and select the path. If you enter the path manually, make sure that there is no mistake.  If you make a mistake, there is no error message on the screen or in the log file to inform you that the path is incorrect, and the PDF files cannot be created.
  • If the printer is not a print server, the folder must be accessible from the Windows explorer and its path must be the same as the one indicated in the Windows explorer. Click the Selection icon and select a file.



Specific actions

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Undefined parameter GRURPTBUL (Group of salary slip prints)

This parameter is used to identify which reports are payslips. Its value must be an internal code created by the Print codes function.

The print is not a payslip

The selected report does not belong to the group of payslips. The name of this group is defined by the GRURPTBUL parameter. The elements of that group are entered in the Print codes function.

The print output is not in the form of a PDF file

The printer selected in the Destinations function must have 'File' as the output type and 'PDF' as the format export.

Print server must be entered

If you have selected the Deferred check box or if you are in Web client, the printer must have a printing server.

Function not possible in this context

The path of the folder cannot contain the #@ characters in the prefix of the shortcut.

The specified path must be absolute.

If the client workstation is a Web client, or if the printing is deferred, then the path of the directory must be an absolute path. This means that this path must start with the character / for a Unix server or the character \ for a Windows server.

Directory does not exist

The directory does not exist.

Directory incorrect

The directory exists, but the processing cannot create files in that directory.

Tables used

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