ADCs > Stock > Shipment preparation 

This function can be accessed from a portable terminal. It allows the person in charge of the shipment preparations in the warehouse:
- to enter or validate the main information,
- to automatically generate the shipment picking notes after the entry has been completed.

The shipment preparation can be carried out:

  • either from a picking list (grouping several picking notes),
  • or from a single picking note.

It can be generated in two different ways, according to the stock allocation type:

  • If the allocation is global, it belongs to the picker to enter the information concerning the products to pick: picked quantities, lot, series, location.
  • If the allocation is detailed, the information regarding the products to pick is given to the picker. The system, then, specifies the lot, the location ... The picker just needs to validate or modify the picked quantities.


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Screen management

This screen is composed of 2 tabs:

  • When starting the entry, the screen opens on the 1st tab Picking: The user has to enter either the code of a picking list or the code of a picking note.
  • The 2nd tabInventory is displayed automatically either to validate (in detailed allocation) or to enter (in global allocation) the information regarding the picking.

Tab Preparation

This tab contains the information to start the picking. It is used to enter or select either the code of a picking, or the code of a picking note.

It also contains the 2 following fields:

  • Trs : It is the entry transaction code used. It is loaded by default with the first transaction available in the list.
  • Emp des (receiving location): used, according to the entry transaction used, to specify the location to which the whole stock will be moved after picking.

Tab Inventory

This tab contains the information concerning the stock to pick:

the management of this information (display or entry) depends on the allocation type of the list or the picking note:

Detailed allocation

The information used to identify the products and the quantity to pick is specified and, except for the cases explained below, cannot be entered. Only the quantity picked has to be entered.

Lines sort: It is possible to sort the lines to pick by freely defining an order, for example, the location. Three prerequisites are necessary in order for the sort to work:
1/ One single location must be allocated for a same product.
2/ The picking notes cannot be disassociated: the picking note number must always be the main sorting criteria.
3/ It is necessary to use theentry point: SORT_PREP (see the details below).

  • In most cases, the quantity to pick actually exists in the inventory; the picker picks the products and validates the line with the button. .
    The following line is automatically displayed.
  • The quantity picked might be below the required quantity (insufficient or missing stock): The picker enters the quantity actually picked and validates the line with the button .
    The fieldQty prepared is then updated with the picked quantity and the quantity remaining to be picked is displayed without identification information (lot, location, etc, ...), the corresponding fields can then be entered.
    - If these products are found and picked on another location (or other lot,...), the picker enters the quantity picked and also all the identification information, then, the picker validates with the button , and so on until the whole quantity to prepare has been picked. Once the line has been processed, the next line is displayed automatically.
    - If missing stock does not exist, the picker enters the quantity 0 and validates via the button . The message "Create a shortage?" is displayed. The answer "Yes" is used to go to the next line. The answer "No" is used to go to the next line but suggests the incomplete line at the end of the picking note entry.
    - If the picker decides to look for the missing products later (after having picked the other products of the picking note), he/she goes to the next product via the button . The incomplete line will be suggested again at the end of the picking note entry.
  • It can also happen that the quantity in stock is null, the picker, then, enters a quantity equal to 0, validates via the button and validates by clicking on Yes and the message suggests to generate a shortage.
  • To exit the function being picked (after having finished the line being picked) or at the end of the picking, use the button .

When all the lines of the note are validated, a message suggests to display the status 'Deliverable' to the picking note.

SEEINFO If the shortage allocations are generated on picking notes, the status will not be changed to Deliverable(except if the picking notes have an authorized negative stock). A manual intervention on the picking notes is necessary to decrease the quantity or delete a line (the lines to modify are identified by the display type Display typeAWARNLOW).


  • It is not possible to enter a greater quantity than the initial one.
  • Once started, a preparation line must always be completed.
  • Preparation a picking note can be interrupted (button ). The lines already processed are not suggested again.


Global allocations

Only the product and the quantity to pick are entered. It belongs to the picker to enter the information used to identify the products (lot, location, etc, ...).
Sort of the lines: the product suggestion order is the same as the order on the picking note.

  • If the total quantity is picked, the picker enters this quantity and all the information, and then, validates the line via the button .
    The following line is automatically displayed.
  • If the quantity to pick is distributed on several lots or locations, the picker enters and progressively validates the quantity picked and the identification information, until the total quantity is running out. If one part of the products is missing, the picker enters 0 and validates the message suggesting to generate a shortage.

Entry point


Only used in case of detailed allocation, it makes it possible to sort the grid of lines to pick.

Processing used: VXABP

Example of code to enter in order to sort the picking by location.
Copy the following code in a specific processing, save and compile:

[M:PREP] PRHNUM(indice),[M:PREP]LOC(indice)

Specific Buttons

This button can be used when the picked quantity is below the quantity to pick and when the picker wants to look for the missing stock later and go to the next line. The incomplete line is suggested again at the end of the picking note.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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