Field help (BTCTIME3) 

Enter the maximum number of records to be processed for each task. If you include Balance updates, the number of balances is included in the total number of records to be processed.

For example, with No. of records set to 100:

1) If there are 100 or fewer total records to process, including balance updates, the task only needs to run one iteration to completely process all records.

2) If there are 150 records to process not including balance updates, the task runs an initial iteration on the first 100 records. After the Frequency in minutes defined in Recurring tasks (GESABA), the task runs a second iteration on the remaining 50 records.

3) If you include balance updates, 100 for example, the total number of records that needs to be processed is now 250. The task runs an initial iteration on the first 100, a second iteration on the next 100, and a third iteration on the last 50 records. There is a (n) minute pause between each iteration based on the frequency setting.

This option is only available if the current accounting task is not active.