Field help (GADTYPACC) 

This field defines the accounting code type used. This local menu defines all the tables in which an accounting code that may be used in the entry generation can be found.

There are numerous accounting code types. These include the following types: Product, Customer, Supplier, Commercial, Buyer, Document, Company, Site, Currency, Tax, Footer, Discount, Bank, Payment, Fixed asset, etc.

For a given type, a group of definition lines characterized by a title is attached. For example, Purchase modifier, Sales modifier, Fixed asset modifier… in the case of a Product code type. Each of these lines is used to define either a general account, or a general account section (the non-defined characters being represented by x) and an analytical nature. The setup that is used to define the lines associated with an accounting code is defined in a dedicated function.

During the automatic generation of the journal entries, the determination of the general account is made by successive searches of the accounting codes in the order declared, by looking to assign only the portions of the account not yet determined. The analytical nature is successively searched for by checking the accounting codes and stopping when a nature is defined.