Field help (INTITMOL) 

This column lists the fields that are available for display.

 The Operation field is mandatory. You cannot clear the Input value for this field however you can reposition it in the order of display.

 The Non-conformance - process field is mandatory if you have clicked the Non-conformance - process (field NCSPRO) check box in the Non-conformance block (Parameters section); the Non-conformance - resource field is mandatory if you have clicked the Non-conformance - resource (field NCSRES) check box.

 Displaying the Non-conformance description field and/or the Probable cause field in the Time tracking plan (FUNBENCHO) function is optional. Whatever the role of users that have access to this entry transaction, the Time tracking plan functionality only requires the user to provide a quick non-conformance incident with minimal details. If you choose not to display these fields the user does not need think about a possible or probable cause of the incident and they are not expected to describe the details of the 'problem'. The default Non-conformance description will identify that they are raising a non-conformance against the operation. It will include references to the origin of the request and any applicable line or operation numbers. For example, if whilst recording time against an operation for a work order they raise a non-conformance against a resource used for an operation, the default description will reflect this as 'Operation tracking – resource WOTFR0120066 15'. They can leave the default Non-conformance description and Probable cause or change them.