Use this field to identify, for this entry transaction, if a non-conformance can be raised against an operational process in a routing. An operational process in this context is defined as a specific numbered operation in a routing, or an operation in a routing specifically related to a previous operation, that is the operation has a successor. This check box is only displayed if the NCS-Non-conformance activity code is active.
Before setting the value of this check box you are advised to consider the role of users that have access to this entry transaction. Essentially this check box identifies if the user of this entry transaction can raise a non-conformance incident requesting an investigation into a potential 'problem', where the source of the problem is an operation in a route. Typical routing operations within a manufacturing environment that could cause a problem (a non-conformity) might be that the setup and run time are not adapted to the machine, the order of an operation must be changed, additional operations are necessary or a more stable machine must be used. Employees with the experience to raise a non-conformity against a perceived fault in an operational process are typically, therefore, the more senior or skilled workers such as a foreman, shop floor manager and design engineer. In many organizations, an employee might not have the skills to determine a non-conformity for a process but they might have the skills to determine a non-conformity on a resource such as reporting a broken machine or a defective tool. If this entry transaction applies to that group or those types of employees you should consider setting the Non-conformance - resource flag (field NCSRES) instead.