Field help (NCSSITE) 

Use this field to indicate at which site (location) or sites this incidence of non-conformance occurred. Leave the default site displayed or type in, or select from the Sites table (table FACILITY) the required site code. This field is mandatory.

A non-conformance incident applies to a single site if any of the following conditions apply:

 Reported by section

You can change the site code whilst this non-conformance is at status 'New'. If you do change the site code, the QA manager and Planner fields revert to the default user codes.

You cannot change the site code once this non-conformance has started the corrective and preventive cycle, for example, when it has advanced to status 'In review'. If you do need to change it and the corrective and preventive cycle has started, reject this non-conformance then close it (it must display status 'Closed'). You can then raise a new non-conformance for the correct site.