The accounting destination is defined by default according to the sign of the statement line of table 1.If the sign is "Expenses", the accounting destination loaded by default is the one defined in the parameter value:
DENSPG-Accounting destination Expense.
If the sign is "Revenue", the accounting destination loaded by default is the one defined in the parameter value:
DENTAK-Accounting destination Revenue.Management in Import
- Regardless of the allocation type of the section defined in recording 21 the accounting destination is defined according to the movement sign.
- If the movement sign is credit, then the accounting destination is taken from the parameter value:
DENSPG-Accounting destination Expense - If the movement sign is debit, then the accounting destination is taken from the parameter value:
DENTAK-Accounting destination Revenue - Regardless of the allocation type of the CODA section, defined in recording 21, the account field of the detail line is always blank.
- If the import of Belgian bank statements is performed with the field "Import of detail lines" checked: Detail Mode.
- If recording 21 only contains a detail number with the same sequence number, then the accounting destination is defined in the exact same way as the "import in global mode" and the account field of the detail line is blank.
- If recording 21 contains several detail numbers with the same sequence number, then the accounting destination and the account are loaded as follows:
- If the CODA section defined in recording 21 is set up in the setup function of CODA sections, and the allocation type is "1- None", then the accounting destination is defined according to the payment sign (via the DENSPG / DENTAK parameter values) and the account field of the detail line is blank.
- If the CODA section defined in recording 21 is set up in the setup function of CODA sections, and the allocation type is "2- Account", then the accounting destination is defined according to the BELDENDEF - Accounting destination parameter value by default, and the account is taken from the one set up in the CODA section.
- If the section defined in recording 21 is not set up in X3, the default section defined in the BELRUBDEF - Default section parameter value is taken instead.