It can either be entered manually or determined automatically by the system, depending on the value of the parameter SRENUMAUT - Automatic customer seq. number (HDK chapter, SRE group):
The contextual menu "Suggest a customer seq. number" is only available when the CHRSREBPC - Customer seq no. prefix length is strictly superior to zero. It is used to request the automatic generation of a sequence number with respect to the formatting rules of this parameter.
A contextual menu "Search by customer sequence number" triggers the opening of a window for the selection of the service requests on the basis of the customer and customer sequence number search criteria.
On opening, this window displays all the open customer requests containing a customer sequence number. It is also possible to exclude from the search the closed requests.
If only the customer code is entered, then all the requests containing a customer sequence number will be displayed. The Customer sequence numberis used to limit the list to only the requests where the sequence number starts with the entered value. For example, if the value M1 is entered, only the requests having a customer sequence number starting with M1 will be displayed.A contextual menu "Service responses by request" is used to inquire all the planned service responses for the service request.